Hopping Saturday

samdrawHappy Saturday everyone! Being that Easter is tomorrow, we are going to hop like a bunny today. This first photo is for Athena’s Caturday blog and for the a-z blog challenge. I used Photofunia and chose Drawing by the Sea- D for Drawing. This is Sammy.

For #52 Snapshots of Life, I have Lucy dressed as an April Fool for “foolish”Caturday ArtLucyjester

52 Snapshots of Life

Pet Parade #bloghop for #petbloggers #cats #dogs #pets any #animals


Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. Β I require a lot __________
  2. ___ is ___
  3. Sometimes I _____
  4. One word to describe _____ is _____

My Answers:

1. I require a lotΒ  OF CATS



4.One word to describe A CAT is PURRFECT

6 Hops, I am tired. Phoebe will see you tomorrow.



  1. My goodness you packed a lot into one post. You are so ambitious. We love the Caturday Art and the April Fool’s photo. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I think you are the first person to ever call me ambitious πŸ™‚

    1. Hops are a great way to meet other bloggers- I love to hop- online, not in real life. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you- I wish I could really draw like that, I am glad there are editing programs.

  2. What a wonderful posting ~ and how purr-fectly you did each and every “hop”.
    Happy Easter to you and yours … thank you for visiting us. And thank you for reminding us we forgot to add “text or caption” with our post (oh my!) and have now gone back and done so … and yes, that is my daughter, though circa 1979 or 1980, and now all grown-up!
    Hugs and purrs, Ann and Zoolatry

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Your daughter was a cute little girl and I am sure she is a beautiful woman now.

  3. Boingy-boingy! Hippity-hop!

    Happy soon to be Easter!

    Great pics there, how did you manage to keep on that jester cap, MOL!?! (Esp with all the hopping, MOL!)

    Minko says:

    I require a lot of help to keep eating.
    Sunshine is such a good kitty warmer!
    Sometimes I wash my dog-guy’s ears. ( Its true, I do!)
    One word to describe my health issues is puzzling. (No vet here can diagnose my trouble so I just keep on keeping on with meowmy’s good assistance.)

    1. Nice answers.. I wish the vet could figure it out. You are lucky to have a sweet Mom that takes such good care of you.

  4. OMC 6 Hops? Dat’s a lot. Mommy sez we offen can’t member 1. MOL Kinda like today. We did actually member to link up and mention it, but as usual we didn’t member to add da foto. Course wiff da night and meownin’ we had mommy sez meez lucky she members ow names. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Ooooops, all dat and we furgot to say dat da fotos awe just adowable. We wecognized Sammy wight off. and weez glad hims gunna get to go to pPawis even ifin just fur da day. It’s gunna be lots of fun.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi

    2. The nice thing about the a-z is you don’t need to remember to link up every day. πŸ™‚

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