Selfie Sunday-Happy Easter

Happy Easter, happy Sunday  to everyone! I am so confused! It is now April so March Madness is over, but my Mom is happy about seeing some Mad Men on TV tonight?


The Easter Bunny was here, but Mom won’t let me show photos- phoooey! She wants to show them tomorrow for E on the a-z challenge. Grammie will be here soon for Easter dinner, I am excited I love her so very much.And not that many people will be here so we don’t even have to get locked in the bedroom. We did have to promise not to eat any appetizers though MOL! ( I had my paws crossed).


My sweet Purrince has been emailing back and forth with me. I am so very lucky to have such a handsome Purrince. You should visit him:   On Thursday I will tell you about the award he gave me.

The weather has been warmer so Mom has been opening the windows. There is a bird outside that keeps calling to me all day long. I don’t now how it knows my name, I don’t  go outside. I keep looking out the window, but I can’t see it. I just keep hearing Phoebe, Phoebe! Does anyone else have a bird that knows their name?

We did get a Temptations Snacky Mouse in our Easter basket and Mom bought an extra one too – check back tomorrow to enter the giveaway for one. Have a nice week. See you Thursday!




  1. You two look absolutely precious in your Easter finery. We are so pleased that you will be joining us for Sunday Selfies again this week. We wish you a happy and blessed Easter. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Happy Easter Sammy- I hope the Easter Bunny was good to you- Love all 15 of us and our Mom too 🙂

  2. Happy Easter you darling! Love your outfit~ the color suits you to a T. Ribbons look so pretty on us.

  3. What a wonderful week you’ve had Phoebe.

    That is a great Selfie!
    ~Annabelle, Boo, Ping & Mr Jinx
    May you have a blessed Easter.

  4. Happy Easter to all of you. The silly birds outside keep calling me too, but they don’t know my name so they shout “Teacher Teacher” to me. I don’t know what they expect me to teach them.

    1. You could teach them not to get close to you or you will eat them – MOL! 🙂 Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you 🙂 Sorry your kitties didn’t get to enjoy Easter at home with you, but they will be with you soon.

  5. Hoppy Easter Sammy an efurryone speshelly mee Purrincess Phoebe!
    LadyMum sayss shee finkss it iss a MockinnBird callin you mee Rainbow Gurl? Mee not knows. Do you need fur mee to come an ‘meow’ with the noisey bird?? Mee will if need bee 😉
    ***paw kissess*** an ***nose bumpss*** an <3 LUV <3
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum

    1. Thank you my sweet Purrince- sorrry my MOm missed this comment yesterday- she can be ditzy. SHe says the bird is called a Phoebe bird because it says fee- bee. I can’t believe there is a bird named after me. Thank you for offering to Meow at the noisy bird- you are a true Purrince 🙂 Love, Phoebes XOXOXOXOXO

      1. Hmmm mee wunderss bout thee Phoebe bird…maybee iss an angel sent to keep you company!!!
        Can you eemagine a bird chirpin ‘Siddhartha’?? Mew mew mew…..
        ***paw kissess*** yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

  6. Y’all awe lookin’ gawjus as usual today. Yous very lucky to have gotten an Easter basket. Dat’s weally cool. Hav a wunewful visit wiff yous gwammaw. Happy and Blest Easter to y’all.

    Luv ya”

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. Well aren’t you looking fine in your green ribbon. It compliments that beautiful orange fur. We both think you are very handsome and wish to express our admiration!!! Signed, Princesses Peaches and Paprika, calicos from Connectiut

    1. Thank you PPeaches and Paprika- you are both very sweet. My special friend at Cat Scouts is a calico too- I think calicos are all beauties. You live only 1 state away, I am in Mass.

  8. 😉 Mew mew mew LadyMum sayss mee name an it soundss like thiss: SEE-Dharth-AA…
    When mee iss notty (who mee??) shee sayss SEE-DHARTH-AA HEEENREEE!!! Then mee knowss mee should stop doin thee notty stuff!
    Mew mew mew….
    **paw kissess** Purincess <3
    Luv yur Purrince Siddhartha <3

    1. My sweet Purrince would never be naughty ( wink, wink). I can be naughty too and when I am my Mom calls me Phoebe Maria. I love my Purrince, Love, your Rainbow Purrincess.

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