Happy Halloween!

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

We usually have a theme for our costumes like movies, tv shows, etc., but this year it is anything goes. Happy Halloween everyone !

Trouble is a bee.
Joanie is Baby Yoda.
Baked potatoes.
Brody was supposed to be a gnome, but the beard and nose slipped off.
Auntie Emmy agreed to be the Cat in the Hat with Things 1 and Thing 2.
Penny is Marie Antoinette
Drake is King Louis XVI to go with Marie Antoinette.
Sammy is supposed to be Darth Vader
Rosie as Princess Leia.
This is the best Ethel could do and her 2 sisters chose to be the invisible man.
Someone wanted to see my fudge with eyeballs. I had already given most of it away, but here it is.


  1. Hey, you kitties sure know how to do that everything goes thing. You all look fab in your costumes! Happy Meowloween!

  2. Well you did a great job posing in your Halloween costumes although I’d say some of you were LESS THAN HAPPY that you had to wear one (tee hee). We hope all of you have a BEWITCHED Halloween and tons of fun (and snacks of course).

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Happy Halloween to all of you! You all look good in your costumes. Mr and Mrs Potato Head made me laugh.

  4. I voted for Penny in the contest because I loved her Marie Antoinette costume. Smoochies to you Penny.
    Drake…King Louie the XV1 is perfect for you. You are regal. Trouble is close to my favorite here! Ethel, good for you, posing. The Potato Heads made mom snort in her coffee with the costume they chose. Baked potatoes! Rosie, Sammy, Emmy, Joanie and Brodie…you all have done well! That bee that trouble dressed up in…I sure loved that!
    Katie Isabella

  5. This was very strange all the post didn’t load the first time soo….we didn’t mean to leave anyone out Happy Halloween Almost gnome, Cat in the Hat, Marie Antoinette, King Louis XVI, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, The Invisibles and Ethel (Ethel that is our idea of wearing a costume too and we love your sisters idea of being the Invisible Man). We liked all the costumes and are glad we finally got to see them all.

  6. **apawss apawss**
    You all look so furabuluss!
    Trouble you make a cute Bee. An Penny an Drake you shuud win a Halloweeny Costime contest! You both look speck-taculur!
    Youss’ all due!
    Happy Halloweeny to efurryone there…..
    ***purrss** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita

  7. MOL…you all look so cute. I like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, that’s so unique🎃Pawkisses for a Happy All Saint’s Day and Thank you for the shout out for the puzzle. It’s waiting for you 😉 🐾😽💞

  8. Fudge with eyeballs! Yay! Thank you for showing your creation. 🙂 And your babies look adorable as always. This is why I could never judge costumes because too many factors come to play in my mind. lol By the way, that last awesome puzzle took me 37 minutes and 13 seconds. Whew! lol Hugs, my dear.

    1. Thank you. Glad you liked the costumes. And thanks for doing the puzzle- I am almost always the slowest. XO

  9. You all look pawesome and your Mama is very brave putting all those costumes on ya’ll 😉 Happy Halloween (a little late)…

    Matilda & Matt

  10. Great photos! Oh the fudge! Heeheehee…I use to make Graveyard Pudding and witch Hats for Hannah. SHe still loves them but while they were visiting we made a cheesecake together. It was fun and delicious. Have abeautiful new week. Take care

  11. WE didn’t dress up, but TBT thing did “just in case any kids visited. He has a Wizard costume. And he had small packets of Skittles to give up. But none came. Which meant he spent more time with The New One. OK, she needs it.

  12. We hope you all had a frightfully festive Halloween! All of you kitties are too cute for words! I love that Ethel has become more social, even if she didn’t want to wear the hat. Now she just needs to convince her sisters to come out and join the party. Purrs!

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