It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

Sammy is posing with the book I am reading. When I Fell From The Sky by Juliane Koepcke was published in 2011. The author writes about the plane crash she survived in 1971. She was 17 at the time, ever one else perished including her mother. The author woke up in the rainforest still strapped into her seat. She followed the water to find civilization and was rescued on day 11. It is a fascinating story.

Penny may write a post for tomorrow if she can pull herself away from her heating pad.




  1. I think I have read snippets of tat book on some other sites…it would be a scary tale, but with a bittersweet ending I guess. That girl, now lady must have lots of questions about life and such these days.

    Penny we need you to do your post…then you can go back to getting heated up:)

  2. Sammy the sounds like a good one! Mom just finished a book and is trying to find another.

  3. Sounds like a great read. What an ordeal.

    Sammy is adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  4. I work for an airline and for some reason when I was younger, I used to read books about plane crashes when I was on long flights – I don’t do that anymore – MOL!

  5. Our human is reading a very interesting management book named “The No Asshole Rule” by Robert Sutton. Purrs

  6. The book sounds very good. I met a older gentleman once who survived two plane crashed because emergencies arose. He was a nice old fellow and he dedicated himself to Jesus after that second plane he should have been on went down. But to survive for 11 days in the rain forest. That is incredible. Thanks for sharing. We love our heating pads. A sign of our age I suppose. Plus cold and dreay weather. ALways in ime for Halloween. Take care. Enjoy the new week and blessings for a bountiful November.

  7. Sammy yu look pawtasticj with Aunty Ellen’ss book!!
    You know what Miss Ellen BellaSita reememburrs that plane crash…like it was yesterday! Bet THE book iss innterestin!
    Guess what BellaSita started last nite??? “THE Blackhouse” Bye Mistur Peter May!! Many thanx….
    BellaSita sayss she mite have to re-reed #2 an #3 bookss aftur…inn propurr see-=quence! Mew mew mew….
    ~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an {{{huggiess}} BellaSita

    1. I hope she enjoys the book and I bet rereading will make more sense after reading the first. XO

  8. I have heard about her survival story but ought to read about in her words. Thanks for sharing. And please tell Penny we will miss her post this week. 🙂

  9. shop vac…pleez ta tell yur mom we canna ax cezz twoz dayz post ???

    mite be thiz pea cee ??

    any way, hope everee one hada grate howl o ween N lotz oh peepulz stopped bye two
    give ewe all treetz :)♥♥

  10. Charlee: “Dada is reading something called ‘House of Rejoicing’ which I guess is about ancient Egypt!”
    Chaplin: “Hmm, ‘House of Rejoicing’, that sounds like a fun place.”
    Charlee: “Yeah you would think, but apparently not so much.”

  11. I’ve made a note to get this book. I love stories like this.
    I think I must take after your Penny – I never want to leave my heating pad either. haha 🙂

    1. I got mine from the library- I am cheap. 🙂 Penny says nothing wrong with staying on the heating pad. XO

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