Happy Easter!

Hi everyone! We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop and Rascal and Rocco’s Pet Parade.

And the A-Z Blogging Challenge starts today. Our first creation is a crocheted avocado, well, it is half of an avocado.


Poor Mrs. Potato Head, Gremmie got her with the potato peeler. *


Joanie is very worried about her boyfriend, Simon. He is not feeling well. Please say a prayer for him. You can visit him by clicking here.

We hope all who celebrate have a wonderful Easter.

* April Fool! Gremmie and Mrs. Potato Head are still friends. That was a real potato 🙂



  1. That avocado is BRILLIANT – looks just like you could make guacamole with it! Well done…….we’re also happy that the potato was a REAL one and not poor Mrs. Potato Head. We hope all of you have a beautiful and fabulous Easter Sunday.

    Love, Teddy and Mom Pam

  2. Happy Easter to all of you. Love the avocado. Glad the other potato head is real. You all have one wonderful day. We know the Easter bunny will come visit you.

    1. Oh, you’re always so kind commenting on my humble blog. In regards to my word count, I chose 1,667 daily because that reaches my 50,000 thirty day goal like clockwork.

  3. A very happy and blessed Easter to all of you! I absolutely adore the avocado you made. I cannot wait to see the rest of your creations. And, whew, you really had us worried about Mrs. Potato Head, Gremmie! We are sending all of our purrs and prayers to Simon, Joanie.

  4. Phew – we were really worried about Mrs. Potato Head for a minute there!! 🙂
    Happy Easter to all of you!

  5. That avocado is awesome… so cute!
    Happy Easter to you and yours Ellen! I hope you and your family have a beautiful Easter day with lots of love, laughter, and good food!

  6. Happy Easter/April Fools day!!!
    Will definitely add poor Simon to our prayer list.
    I would never have though of making an avocado, but that is very cute.

  7. I love the avocado. Very well done. Let’s make some avocado dip.

    Prayers for Simon.

    Have a purrfect day and a very happy Easter. My best to your peeps. ♥

  8. You almost had us with the Potato, MOL,MOL!

    That is a scrumptious looking avocado. Almost like the one we ate here at lunchtime. When Petcretary first saw it, she thought it was a chocolate filled egg, like those Cadbury ones, OMC! She cleaned her glasses….

    Happy Easter!

  9. I love your cute avocado!
    So sorry to hear about your friend Simon.

    We wish you have a lovely Easter weekend xo

  10. Hoppy Easter Joanie an efurryone!! An wee hop over an mee-yow to Simon fur sure.
    Wee thott that was a reel potatoe, mew mew mew…good April Fool’ss joke!
    **nose rubsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. LOL about Mrs. Potato Head! That avocado half is so neat! Joanie, we’re sorry about your boyfriend, Simon.

    Happy Easter!

  12. Ellen,

    I hope you, your hubs, and all your furbabies had a blessed Easter. Great toy idea, an Avacodo for the A2Z prompt. You’re so clever and talented! 🙂 Happy A2Zing, my friend!!

  13. We hope your Easter was wonderful! 🙂
    We were wondering how Mrs. Potato Head morphed into a real potato! ;p
    That is a great avocado! xx

    the critters in the cottage xo

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