Friendly Fill-Ins Week 59

Hi everyone! Before I start the fill-ins, I want to update my challenges. I have been trying to do all the suggested challenges. I did my own and wrote to a college roommate who emailed me back. I did write a poem ( well, I helped Phoebe with her banana one), I did a craft project ( crocheting), I mailed CK a gift- well played CK. 🙂 I enjoyed every moment except for the one when Sammy peed on the couch. I have been mostly patient and kind with everyone. Someone wrote to help an elderly person, not sure if this counts, but I donated a dozen bee balm plants to the senior center to give away. I try to do that every month, I have donated false shamrock and prayer plants too.

I still need to not eat meat for a day which I guess will be today. And one I doubt I can do is make a new friend with similar interests. I don’t really go many places and it takes a while to build a friendship so I can’t do that one..I enjoyed all these challenges and thank you all for the ideas.And now fill-in time.

1. A recurring dream I have is _______________________.

2. Turn ______________ into ________________________.

3.                              is driving me crazy!

4. Lately, I have been                        .
My answers:
1. A recurring dream I have is the adult version of dreaming one is in school and didn’t prepare for a test. I often dream it is Christmas Eve and guests are arriving, but I am still looking for decorations and I haven’t started cooking.
2. Turn old books into art.
Remember my pumpkin books? I have been finding more ideas on Pinterest that I will be trying soon.
3. Sammy is driving me crazy! I give him more attention than any other cat and he still acts out once in a while and pees on the couch. Luckily, I had it covered with a waterproof pad.
4. Lately, I have been trying to be more thankful for all that I have. Which reminds me, my 3 thankfuls for today are: I am thankful for all who participate in The Friendly Fill-Ins, I love learning about everyone. I am thankful strawberry season is almost over and I am thankful that Joanie is sitting on my lap as I type this.
Be sure to add your link at McGuffy’s Reader. You can also answer in the comment section.
One more thing- Emmy wants to know if she looks better in this hat than the one she had on last week?


  1. I love your hat, Emmy! Speaking of hats, Binga got hers today, and we’ll be doing a photo shoot as soon as we’re done with Cat World Domination Day.

    1. Emmy thanks you. I am glad Binga’s hat arrived. I look forward to seeing her in it 🙂

  2. I’ve learned, slowly, and with a lot of trials and errors, that simply being authentic with myself and realistic about my aspirations, and not putting myself through drills, actually leaves me with a sense of peace and accomplishment.

  3. Emmy, I love your hat. We didn’t see last weeks, sorry.
    Your Friday fill ins are good. We’re going to try our hand at them for the first time.

  4. Emmy looks fabulous in that hat – AND she looks like she’s totally “at home” too! Good for you taking on all those challenges – that was a whole lot to accomplish…….concatulations! Wonder why Sammy is so upset?! Maybe having added another cat to the group with Emmy’s arrival?

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

    1. Thank you. I do think Sammy is jealous of Emmy, but I try to give him lots of attention too. He doesn’t think she should have any. XO

  5. Emmy is beautiful.

    Waking up from a dream about Christmas like that must be awful, i hope you don’t have it often.

    One of my thankfuls today is that i am thankful for finding your blog!

    1. Emmy thanks you. I have that dream several times a year. Thank you, I am thankful you did too and that I know you now and enjoy your blog too. XO

  6. We had a problem with our Puck pooping on the couch but peeing would be harder to deal with. I thought we were lucky until this morning when Puck peed on our bed.

    1. Oh no! I hope you had a waterproof mattress cover- we have them on the bed and the couch.

  7. I think that both are cute hats. I can’t choose a favorite. 🙂

    I haven’t been getting my 3 thankfuls posted, but do thank Heavenly Father throughout the day for various things.
    Here’s today’s list:
    I am thankful for air conditioning.
    …for having a working computer.
    …that Tropical Storm Cindy didn’t do any damage here in our neighborhood.
    And a bonus thankful….I am also thankful for finding your blog. 🙂

    Do you think that Sammy could be acting out from *too* much attention? Maybe it works for kitties like it does for people. Some of us need lots of time to ourselves, you know, introverted versus extroverted. Could something like that be going on with this kitty?

    Have a blessed weekend. 🙂

    1. Emmy thanks you. Those are great reasons to be thankful. I am glad the storm didn’t effect you. That is an interesting thought about Sammy, but he seeks us out all the time. He is always with one of us. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

    1. Thank you and Emmy thanks you too. I think he is still upset about Emmy.

  8. I have to give you a huge applause for completing all of those challenges. That is such an inspirational thing to do! I especially love love love your answer to #2 this week. I have so many old books and book pages that I try to get artsy with when I have a chance. Isn’t it fun? I can’t wait to see what all other crafts you found on Pinterest (isn’t that such a great site?) and that you create.

    Oh, and Emmy, you are gorgeous in this hat!

    1. I have one of your art pieces that used a page from a book and I love it. Pinterest is addictive. Emmy thanks you. And I thank you for the compliment on completing the challenges.

  9. I think Emmy looks great in ANY hat.
    Think the pumpkin decorations are adorable, but also never quite know what to think about repurposing books… my cousin has been doing that sort of craft for years and while I love her work, too, again, I never know what to think about altering books.
    Hope you have a purrfect day!

    1. Emmy thanks you 🙂 I know what you mean, I felt bad at first, but it is a new way to enjoy an old book instead of parting with it.

  10. Emmy, you look lovely.I hope you don’t get whappy-paws from Phoebe for us saying that !

    1. Phoebe doesn’t mind, she figures if Emmy wears it then she won’t have to 🙂

  11. My answers for the fill-ins this week are: 1. A reoccurring dream I have- I Usually don’t dream so if I did dream it would be about getting a manager’s/Supervisory job close to home. 2. Turn our government into people who care about the people they were elected to help instead of helping themselves out. 3.Looking for some of my Summer clothes for vacation is driving me crazy 4. Lately I’ve been very thankful because all 5 dangerous trees are down. My 2 Links to my blogs are: and Emmy, you look so good in both hats that I can’t decide which one I like better. Personally, you really look good in both of the hats.

    1. Emmy thanks you. And I thank you or your fill-in answers. I don’t like shopping for summer clothes either- good luck. Have a nice weekend!.

  12. Love your dream. I’ve had those kinds of dreams. I call them the impossible dreams. You can’t get whatever it is that needs doing done in a timely fashion.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the kitties. ☺

  13. Wow, it sounds like you did very well with the challenges! I agree that it’s hard to make friends. It definitely takes time. I love your answer to #4. Emmy looks darling in her hat! Your pumpkin books are awesome!

  14. Emmy looks unhappy in that hat! There are always things for which to be thankful according to our mom. We have the peeing and spraying problem with Astrid. She has gained lots of confidence over the past year, but she is still frightened of Misty May (with good reason) and acts out. Good luck with Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. I don’t think she minded the hat 🙂 Have you tried the calming collars? They do work, but only for 3 weeks and not the month they are supposed to. XO

  15. I love the challenges. You’ve definitely worked hard this week. I admire that. As for new friends with similar interests … you have an endless number that stop by every day to read about the 15 and Meowing crowd. I know it’s not quite the same as meeting in person – but we all love cats – most of us are introverted – and most of us love with our whole hearts. I’m so thankful for your friendship – I feel connected to you even though I’m not sure the exact reason why (though it’s probably a kindred spirit link in knowing that cats aren’t JUST cats – they are living, breathing little balls of personality with needs and beauty of their own).

  16. I love the challenges. You’ve definitely worked hard this week. I admire that. As for new friends with similar interests … you have an endless number that stop by every day to read about the 15 and Meowing crowd. I know it’s not quite the same as meeting in person – but we all love cats – most of us are introverted – and most of us love with our whole hearts. I’m so thankful for your friendship – I feel connected to you even though I’m not sure the exact reason why (though it’s probably a kindred spirit link in knowing that cats aren’t JUST cats – they are living, breathing little balls of personality with needs and beauty of their own) 🙂

    1. Thank you. I agree, you are all my friends and for an introvert, I am blessed to have so many friends -that love cats too 🙂 I also know what you mean about feeling connected. I do think those of us that love pets as equally as humans ( sometimes more too) are connected. XO

  17. Emmy, you look adorable in both hats! As for Sammy peeing on the couch; have you thought that he’s stressing out about something? Several vets have told me that cats tend to hold their emotions in the bladders, which is why so many get urinary tract infections when they are upset. Just a thought, trying to help Sammy (and your couch!)

    1. Thank you. I am sure he is stressed about Emmy, but at least he is not going after her like he does with Brody. Emmy thanks you.

  18. Mee-yow Emmy you lok furabuluss no matter what hat yur wearin! You could bee a mod-ell mee sweet Sisfur-Inn-Law…..
    Sendin all mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** to Purrincess Phoebe <3
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      1. Yur welcome Emmy gurl an Phoebe mee dreemed about you last nite; wee were playin under thee birch tree out back… was pawsum!!!
        All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  19. You look lovely in that hat, Emmy! Great job on the challenges! We enjoy reading Fill ins too and maybe if can think of answers we’ll participate too. Our mommy isn’t very good at things like that. If she didn’t treat us so well we’d be taking applications for her replacement.

    1. I hope you participate sometime, it will be fun 🙂 You kitties can answer instead of your Mom or mix it up and each do one.

  20. Emmy, you are a pretty girl no matter what hat you wear!

    I love those pumpkins you made from books! What a cute idea. I am very introverted, too.

    1. I know about that, but Sammy seeks us out for attention all the time. He likes to always be with me or the hubby.

  21. I think I like this week’s hat better. Being thankful is great. I am thankful I have my beautiful child-bride Suzanne. I am thankful I am still on this side of the dirt. I am thankful for our young ‘uns, but I wish they would call more.

  22. I love your pumpkins! I wish I was crafty like that. Cats can be so funny about attention, can’t they? My two are driving me crazy right now chasing each other around my feet. LOL I love that Emmy lets you take photos of her wearing hats. My cats wouldn’t let me get that far. Have a great weekend!

    1. If I can make these, anyone can so give it a try. Most of my cats are good about letting me dress them.

  23. Good job on the challenges! I like the idea of turning books into art. I do scrap booking, and sometimes use an old book to work in. Love the little hat on Emmy. Just right for the summer. Y’all keep cool! 🙂

    1. Thank you. I hope you try to make some book art, it is fun. Emmy thanks you.

  24. guyz….we due rememburr yur pumpkin books; they rock ….lookin for werd ta seein what else mom triez out…. N tell her ta place sum citruz rindz neer wear de shop vac iz peein….uz catz noe…. we canna stand de smell oh citruz ~~~~

  25. Those are great fill ins! My strawberries only started ripening a couple of weeks ago. Now they are ripening so fast that even with giving some away I think I will end up looking like a strawberry!

  26. Oh, you’ve been very active, Ellen! Challenging oneself is a great task, and we agree – making a friend is nothing one can schedule. However, you read the idea, and gave it a thought, so maybe this will pop up at some unexpected point when you suddenly stumble upon a potential new friend.

    I have to admit that I was a bit afraid to open your blog for the first time again… The last time I was offline for a longer time, you had lost one of your wonderful kitties. I really hope this didn’t happen this time. 🙁

    Hope you get a wonderful weekend! Hugs

    1. Sadly, it did happen again. We lost Snowball on May 26th, after a brief time with congestive heart failure. XO

      1. I’m so sorry to hear the bad news 🙁 You must be very sad with so many cats gone in a very short time.

        I remember Snowball very good, and I always loved her pictures and stories. 🙁 I’ll be thinking of her and you <3 You're such a wonderful cat Mom, and I know that this broke your heart.

  27. Who knows why cats do some of the things they do? Hopefully, Sammy is ok and just being a brat. But really Sammy what a nasty thing to do to your mama’s cushions. Good work on the challenges. I don’t think Emmy likes the hat.

    1. I think he is just a brat, he does this every once in a while. I think Emmy liked it 🙂

  28. Let the records show that I posted my challenge before you said you were going to try to do every one. Thank you for the ice cream cone! TW said it reminded her of the ice cream flavor she got on the boardwalk in Myrtle Beach or Spumoni. We took some cute pics. Here’s a hint on making a friend. Go to the selter or a pet store and strike up a convo. You don’t have to be friends for life. I’ll bet the one who challenged that just meant to be friendly toward someone like TW was with the cashier in Walgreens. They were still talking while she checked out the next person.
    1. A recurring dream I have is I have achieved world domination.
    2. Turn shelter cats into pets.
    3. TW is driving me crazy! Who else?
    4. Lately, I have been sleeping a lot more which might be cos it’s hot even with the a/c.

    1. I am glad you liked the ice cream cone and you are correct, you had written that before I wrote I was doing them all.
      Thank you for these great answers. Talking like that in a store I have done many times. always cat related 🙂
      I love your answer to #2 and I have done that 4 times, the rest of my cats seemed to just show up.
      It sure has been hot , I hope it doesn’t set off your asthma. XO

  29. Emmy, you are a delight to our eyes!!!

    1. A recurring dream I have is floating around over things, or being chased in parking lots and I can’t run fast enough.
    2. Turn frowns into smiles, it makes things feel and go better.

    3. Hot Humid weather is driving me crazy!
    4. Lately, I have been reminiscing about all my furbabies, now angels, esp Angel Minko. .

    1. Emmy thanks you. That sounds like a scary dream, being chased. I like turning frowns into smiles and I am sure you do that all day long at work. I feel the same way about the heat and humidity. And I am sure you would be thinking a lot about Minko, I still can’t believe he is gone. You must have a very big empty space right now. XO

  30. You are so very creative. The things you create are really nice, and you share well! *wink* Thank you for all that you do. Your dream is a nightmare for many! I am sure it will never come true, though. Emmy is such a cutie. HUGS!

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