Friendly Fill-Ins Week 399


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I am glad I got rid of ___________________________.
2. I wish I had kept ________________.
3. _________ would be _________ if _________.
4. _________ is too close for comfort.
My answers:
1. I am glad I got rid of my high school yearbooks. I got rid of them during the big declutter last year. I never really enjoyed my life until I was out of college.
2. I wish I had kept more Weeble toys. I saved the Weebles, but I gave away the house and camper which would have been fun to play with the girls.
3. It would be easier to vacuum if Rusty didn’t chase after the hose and keep whapping it. He is fearless.
4. Most people is (are) too close for my comfort. Even before COVID, I liked to have a lot of space between myself and people in a line.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from January 2015. Angel Phoebe was watching us out the window. My hubby and I were making a snowman.

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  1. Oh that’s a 😎 cool picture of Angel Phoebe’s eyes glowing in the window! That’s quite a snowman, there! XO

  2. Great fillins. I got rid of my yearbooks, too. I was never all that happy in school. Great flashback. I love the pic of Angel Phoebe’s glowing eyes and that snowman is perfect!

  3. Someone built a big snowman like that in a yard I see when I go to my work.

    Nice that Penelope is doing so much better with the majority of you now. Hooray!@

    That is a cute image of Angel Phoebe spying on your work effort!! What big snowman!

    1. I am glad I got rid of the old couch we used to have…it was quite saggy!.
    2. I wish I had kept more lego, though I still do hab=ve a huge container of it. Some of the pieces are from 1964!!.
    3. It would be so wonderful if there no longer was any peeps with dementia…though then my job would be in jeopardy!.
    4. Sometimes scary bad storms are too close for comfort.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. That is cool you still have Legos. We recently found my hubbies American blocks which are similar. #3 would be nice. XO

  4. WOW that is one BIG snowman…I mean the one on the left, haha but the one on the right is pretty neat, too. And yes, mama does a video exercise class with Pahla B and Pahla is always talking about Weeble Wobbles and mama had to go look it up on google as she had never heard of them. Mama wishes she had kept more books from childhood for little babies who might come along….

  5. That is a huge snowman! Only twice in my lifetime can I remember having enough snow to build one like that.

  6. I love the laser eyes looking out the window while you build a giant snowman. Obviously you had way too much snow that year to build one that big. I’m like you with people, I hate them encroaching upon me anywhere.

  7. Love the photo of Phoebe’s eyes in the window!! We also think you and your hubby made an amazing snowman!!! My Mom and Dad haven’t been outside long enough to make one and I doubt they have the energy to make one anyway. HAHAHA We got another 3 inches of snow last night making a total of close to 10 inches total which is NOT as much as lots of people got but too much for ME to go outside and walk around! BOOOOOO!!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. You know, Ellen, my mom and dad are right there with you on your #4 answer (specifically, the first sentence) when it comes to people in general. Stay safe and warm this weekend!

  9. That’s a great photo! I kept my college yearbooks but not my high school yearbooks. Those days are too far in the past.

      1. You’re welcome, Ellen. I kept my college ones because they bring on fond memories plus they come in handy to raise up my laptop. LOL

  10. Dang! THAT is a snowman worthy of being photographed and shown! Seriously, that is one of the best I have seen. And Phoebe…she needed her sunglasses on again if she had to turn on her lasers! I have partially gotten over having people too close to me in lines. If the grocery, at ;east there is the cart getting about 3 feet distance. When I really don’t like it is face to face. I’ll back up.

  11. I only have one yearbook. The rest just evaporated through time I guess.

  12. I still have my high school yearbooks. Honestly though, I don’t know why. I didn’t really love high school either. I always remember at graduation, when a bunch of the girls were sad and crying, and I was just smiling and happy, so glad to be done with it! 🙂

  13. I haven’t gotten rid of my yearbooks yet but I did a quick look in one. It was my sophomore year. I had the jail photo shot but in all the pictures of kids and activities, I wasn’t in one of them. They must have been taken when I was out sick (which wasn’t often) or they all colluded to keep me out of the pictures! As for space, I have always liked space between me and other people even in a one-on-one conversation. I like to keep out of spittle range! 🙂

  14. Oona: “Oona has heard that Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. Is it true?”
    Charlee: “As far as I know it’s true.”
    Chaplin: “That’s pretty brave to chase and attack the vacuum. We all run away from it, even the dogs. And they’re big.”
    Lulu: “It’s a fair cop.”
    Java Bean: “I’m not scared of the vacuum. I just bark at it to make it leave.”
    Chaplin: “Uh-huh.”

  15. Rusty you are just too funny…most cats run 100% in the other direction from the sucky monster.
    Ellen I love the photo of the snow man and your husband and of course Phoebe
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. I was happy to get rid of my yearbooks too! Your #4… YES! I love that photo of the snowman that you and your hubby made.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I am glad I got rid of the Book of Face.
    2. I wish I had kept more of our photos when we left Missouri.
    3. Cooking would be more fun if I had somebody to clean the cooktop.
    4. When I have to drive in the Florida traffic everyone is too close for comfort.
    Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I hate FB, but it is the only way I can keep in touch with some so I keep it. XO

  17. 1. I am glad I got rid of toxic people. If you’re toxic I disappear.
    2. I wish I had kept a quilt that my grandmother made me. I don’t know where it went.
    3. Life would be sweeter if we turned off the news and looked at the brighter side of life, not the negative.
    4. Winter is too close for comfort. I hate the cold.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins. Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xo ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I have removed all toxic people from my life too. 🙂 XO

  18. That picture of Angel Phoebe is adorable!!! Completely, completely agree with you on #4! Unless you have 4 legs, get outta my space!

  19. Spooky kitty eyes in the window.
    That’s a really tall snowman.
    I’m glad I got rid of … 20-30 online accounts & passwords this past week. Huge chore, but I feel like I’ve tamed that beast a bit. Now I have “only” 98 accounts & passwords to manage!

  20. WOW what grate Fill-Innss Aunty Ellen.
    THE foto of ‘angel’ Aunty Phoebe iss so cute….all Lazer eyess….
    An what a KEWL Snowman you an Unkell made!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. I wish we still had the energy to make a snowman once we get the snow shoveled and plowed from the driveway. XO

  21. I didn’t attend college but, well, you get the idea. I actually tore out a few pages with the fellow students I liked. lol That’s an awesome snowman and I’m envious that you did it together; good for you. 🙂 I also agree with two and four (Weebles were fun!), while three made me giggle.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I wish we still had the energy to build one once we are done cleaning the driveway off. 🙂 XO

  22. We hope Angel Phoebe didn’t melt the snowman with her laser🌞😸You can come over to make a snowman for us, Ellen and hubby⛄Double Pawkisses🐾😽💞

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