Friendly Fill-Ins Week 367


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I would ________________ for _________________.
2. The last ____________ I attended was ________________.
3. I can’t relax until _________.
4. I knew I needed _________ when _________.
My answers:
1. I would walk for exercise, but I am too lazy.
2. The last wedding I attended was six years ago. I actually officiated it for a friend. I have actually officiated at 3 of them with a one-day pass from the state which you can get once per year.
3. I can’t relax until all my kitties have been fed. They wouldn’t have it any other way.
4. I knew I needed a therapist when I reached 15 cats. I have been seeing a therapist for 13 years to insure I don’t become a hoarder.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from June 2020, we were celebrating Angel Jinx’s 18th birthday.

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  1. How good of you to see a therapist about changing habits. Here is something that I love: If you don’t let go of things or thoughts that really need to be let-go-of, there will never be room for something new and stimulating and delightful. (Sometime that goes for people, too, haha)

    1. Thank you. That is so true. I keep telling my hubby that to encourage him to declutter. XO

  2. Angel Jinx was amazing to get to be 18!!

    How cool to officiate at weddings!

    The pups will do the fillins this week. 😺🐶 😀
    1. I would sing for treats, but I don’t know how. (Benji)
    2. The last pet park I attended was at the shelter where I was ‘gotted’ from. (Benji)
    3. I can’t relax until petcretary is home. (Dalton)
    4. I knew I needed help when I growled and bit my pawppy. (Dalton)

    1. We were blessed to have him fo so long. Thank you for these great answers. Yes, Dalton, it isn’t nice to bite Pawppy. XO

  3. Your love of cats has led to so many rescues and so many REAL homes for many who otherwise would have been alone and homeless. We love that! That’s very cool that you have officiated at weddings…..!! Thanks for hosting Fill-Ins – we love playing along.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  4. Interesting about you being able to get temporary permission to officiate a wedding. That sounds like a fun thing to do for family and friends.

  5. I could swear I remember Angel Jinx in this picture. I’m sure of it.
    I never knew that one could get a temporary pass, or permission, to officiate a wedding. I learned something for sure. I’d be so nervous I’d probably recite the alphabet or something instead of the wedding ceremony!
    That was very interesting about the therapy. Good on you!!! Very good. You are 100% up on possibility, and keeping things real. XX

    1. I am sure you do. 🙂 It goes by state. In Massachusetts you can do one a year. Thank you. XO

  6. Great fill ins. Although I don’t see anything wrong with having 15 cats 🙂 I try to walk everyday but it doesn’t always work out that way. Have a great weekend!

  7. 1. I would do most anything for ice cream.
    2. The last yacht club function I attended was several years ago.
    3. I can’t relax until my blogging visits are done.
    4. I knew I needed to eat less/better and exercise when I gained some weight.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I hope you get some ice cream this weekend. XO

  8. Supurr fill-ins today, and the P.A. can so relate to #4, Cat Dad capped her limit to six kitties at BBHQ, and if said imposure hadn’t been put in place, it is untold what the number of feline resisdents would be today. As the P.A. would take in any amount of unwanteds or strays and she always would pick the ones at the rescue that no one else wanted, the ones who’d been there the longest, that’s what The B Team are, the ones nopawdy wanted. The P.A. said it was because we were meant to wait for her, and we wouldn’t have liked it anywhere else! MOL
    Happy Friyay to mew all, and we hope your weekend is truly epic!

    1. Thank you. Yes, I believe we get the cats that need us and that we need. XO

  9. Charlee: “We approve of your inability to relax until the cats have been fed.”
    Chaplin: “We think our Dada could learn a thing or two from your example.”
    Charlee: “Yes, even now he is over there sitting down, and have we been fed? No we have not.”
    Lulu: “What are you talking about? We all got our breakfast already.”
    Chaplin: “That was like an hour and a half ago. Surely it is time for us to be fed again.”

  10. I had a lovely EMW today. It was 50 degrees at wake up…very x 100 unusual for June in NC.
    The air was crisp (no smoke), and the skies blue.
    Don’t faint I did fill ins today.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Sweet pic of Angel Jinx. I can’t relax until my kitty is fed and has fresh water. She had her annual checkup onTuesday and some issues. Our vet said her issues were due to stress. I can’t imagine since one of our bathrooms flooded due to frozen pipes that burst. There were three different plumbers that tried to fix the mess. They tore out the walls, which the noise and them coming and going was horrendous. Poor little Callie was so scared and we had to move her into a bedroom and close the door. Our vet said that was most likely the cause of her stress. Btw, she is an excellent vet and we are so glad we found her plus she is a mobile vet.

    My hubby had to redo a lot of the bathroom himself but we still have problems after 6 months. We live in an apartment and can only do so much ourselves.

    1. Poor Callie and poor you. That is a lot to deal with. I wish we had a mobile vet. XO

      1. Thank you! Poor Callie seems more relaxed now. When Susan (vet) arrived, Callie hid under the couch and we couldn’t get her to come out. Susan got her with no problem, which I feel she is comfortable with Susan. Yay!

  12. Mee-yow ‘angel’ Jinx was a furry hansum man cat Aunty Ellen!
    Innterestin Fill-Innss this week….Speshelly yore #4….
    “How many catss ISS two many rite Aunty?”

    Let’ss see what BellaSita comess up with….
    1. I would turn back time for one more day with husband Paul & myself together.
    2. The last Celebration of Life I attended was my friend Marilyn’s (she was like an Aunty to me. Now her Sister Melinda fills that void!)
    3. I can’t relax until BellaDharma is fed; has fresh water & her treats on her blanket on bed & clean litter & we’ve played Laser Toy aka ‘Firefly’.
    4. I knew I needed Counselling back in 2017 when I was assaulted in public & went into a Seizure. I could no longer hide them!

    WOW! Those are SUM Fill-Innss BellaSita!!!! What due you think Aunty?
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

    1. Thank you. He was a handsome boy. Thank you for your answers. I am sorry the seizures started and that you were assaulted. XO

      1. The one good thing about THAT assault was 14 people witnessed what happened & ALL gave statements to Police. The man has kept his distance since….til today Ellen…..he tried to get to me on patio!! I am very shaken! Ploice can’t do anything til her ‘puts hands’ on me! **sighs**

  13. I think officiating for a friend’s wedding would be awesome! I definitely relate to your #1. Angel Jinx flashback is very sweet♥ I think I remember it too.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I would love to have a chance to see and talk to my Mom for just a few minutes.
    2. The last high school reunion I attended was NEVER.
    3. I can’t relax until I have all my ducks in a row which is also NEVER.
    4. I knew I needed a treadmill when we moved to Florida. Too dang HOT almost all year to be outside.
    Thank you, Ellen… hugs!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I would NEVER attend a reunion either- I always say if I haven’t seen someone in that many years, there is a reason. XO

  14. Wow, your Angel Jinx looks like a big boy! Did he have some Maine Coon in him, purrhaps? Did your blog used to be called 18andMeowing, purrchance?

    1. I would kill for an ice cream now that it’s summer.
    2. The last time I had some ice cream was over a year ago.
    3. I can’t relax until I have some ice cream.
    4. I knew I needed ice cream when I started dreaming about it.

    1. Thank you. Not sure, he was a stray. Always 15andmeowing. 🙂 Thank you for these great answers. I love ice cream in the summer too. I have already had it several times this year. I am impressed with your will power. XO

    1. I see them and they eventually show up. I wish I knew how to fix the issue. XO

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