Friendly Fill-Ins Week 310

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

Lorianne and her family have COVID so please keep them all in your prayers.

1. I am running low on ____________________.
2. I never run out of _________________.
3. I work best when _________.
4. _________ caught me by surprise.
My answers:
1. I am running low on hope. I’ve always been able to stay positive, but after losing Sammy and now having Emmy with so many health issues.  I am running out.
2. I never run out of cat food or coffee.
3. I work best when I have plenty of time. I can work with a deadline, but I don’t like to cut it close.
4. Emmy’s latest diagnosis of a growth on her liver caught me by surprise.  I was aware of her CKD, heart problem and hyperthyroid, but having another issue which will probably kill her before the other problems really shocked me.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

I forgot about Cinco De Mayo yesterday so my flashback is from May 2016. Angel Phoebe had on a sombrero and was having a giveaway for a catnip toy filled pinata.

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  1. Adorable picture of Angel Phoebe! I’m sorry to hear about Emmy having so many health problems, Ellen. Sending purrs. Purrs also for Lorraine and her family. XO

  2. I am sorry to hear about Emmy. I didn’t know she had a growth on her liver too. Maybe I missed it while we were on holiday. I send my very best wishes for her, and for you too.

  3. Awww, that is so hard for you to now have Emmy with even more health troubles.

    I pray that Lorraine and her family will soon be well again, with no long term effects, either.

    . I am running low on patience with the body shop where my van is, since they keep putting the finish date ahead…Grrr….
    2. I never run out of toilet paper; even before COVID I made sure there is always a new package ready to be used…same with a lot of other thing. Haha! .
    3. I work best when I can work at my own tempo and with all the things I need at hand.
    4.This years taxes caught me by surprise., as we had to pay up a substantial amount. Yikes!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I would be upset about the van too- I wonder why it is taking so long. Sorry you have to pay a lot of taxes. XO

  4. Oh, of course you are losing hope and why not after such a terrible loss of Sammy? But we are here to help you back on the ship and fill the sails….

  5. Please never lose hope….there is always hope. We will hope that HOPE will return for you…..and HOPE that Lorianne and her family recover from COVID quickly…..and HOPE that Emmy stays comfortable in your care which we KNOW she will. It is very hard to have a large family of cats as they begin to age – it feels like things are always going wrong with their health. We send you every ounce of energy we can pull together for you!!!!!

    Love, Teddy (and Mom too)

    1. I am grateful for every word that Teddy and Pam said here as they are very like what I was going to say. Keep hope Ellen. You are in my prayers.

    2. Thank you for your very kind words and your friendship. XO and love to you both.

  6. Ms. Ellen I’m very, very sorry that you’re having so many health issues with your wonderful fur-babies. I shall purray on this. Thank you for hosting this blog hop and may you have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Love your fill-ins, but the issues with Emmy makes me sad. Prayers.

    Angel Phoebe was most adorable. Wonderful flashback.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to you. ♥

  8. Awww Ellen, I get low on hope pretty often. It drags me down. I am so sorry Emmy is having health issues that are very serious. I am so happy she has you. I know that her quality of life will be good because you make sure they are all comfortable. When you lose hope just remember how many cats you have given a loving home for their whole life and they have been respected and loved to the very end. And think about the joy you have given other people like me when you brought Friday and Elvira clear across the US to keep them together and in a forever home!
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I am running low on energy.
    2. I never run out of things to worry about.
    3. I work best when I feel at peace.
    4. Mother’s Day caught me by surprise. My Mom is no longer alive but I have a dear friend since kindergarten and I usually send her something. I guess an e-card will have to do.

    1. Thank you for these very kind words. And thank you for these great fill-in answers. Mother’s Day is early this year and Easter was late. XO

  9. I understand completely Ellen I don’t run out of coffee. I worry about the low supply of certain pet foods in the grocery store. I don’t understand why all brands aren’t effected. Seems to just be Fancy Feast at my grocery store. Scary ’cause Madi onlyl ate 3 flavors of pate….only pate.
    I never ever thought Madi’s heart would take her. I just knew it would be kidney disease but then if the kidneys are deficient so are so many other organs.
    Hugs and soft purrs

  10. Beeuteefull ‘angel’ Phoebe…..shee sure was a kewl kitty girl 😉
    An Aunty Ellen wee are so furry sorry about Emmy kitty girl. Iss furry sad an unfair shee iss so ill. CATFISH!!! You have dun so much fore her…..
    Our bodiess still fail Aunty dee-psite what wee due to stay healthy an well. Pleese just treasure yore time with Emmy. An know wee are with you inn spirit there…..
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  11. We are sorry to hear about Emmy having a liver issue. Our sweet Sally Cookie got a similar diagnosis but with the help of Denamarin, milk thistle extract and Pet-Tinic she got an additonal 9 months with good quality of life. Purrayers and Power of the Paw that you and your vet find some ways to help.

  12. I understand that feel but don’t give up hope, you’re they for so many precious souls that need your love. Hugs from us.

  13. So sorry to hear about Emmy and that you are feeling so hopeless. It can be very hard but we really are lucky for every moment we get to spend with them. Imagine that some people never get to share their lives with a cat!

  14. I’m so sorry, my dear. But many sweet kitties would never have enjoyed nearly such a good life without you and your hubby. Don’t dismiss the joy and love you’ve wrought. ~hugs~

  15. Sending healing purrz for Emmy. TW knows how you feel about hopelessness. She used to be so healthy and now one thing after another. Now this whole thing about Paula has her depressed thinking about her mortality.

    1. Thank you. I can understand why TW is depressed too. You need to cheer her up CK. XO

  16. Angel Phoebe is adorable. I love seeing photos of her. And I am so sorry to hear about Emmy. Difficulties like that make it hard to remain positive. Sending love and hugs your way. xo

  17. Thank you for the prayers, Ellen, and we’re sending lots of purrs and prayers to sweet Emmy! And I’m just like you and work best when I have plenty of time. In school I always started assignments really early, because I was never that kid who could do an entire assignment the night before it was due. Purrs!

  18. Phoebe was such a cutie, and we still miss her and the fun things she did. We are so sad that Emmy is having so many health issues. We know you will do absolutely everything for her to keep her as healthy as you can for as long as possible. Sending her purrs and prayers. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

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