Friendly Fill-Ins Week 280

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I wish I could train _________________ to ____________________.
2. I am planning to get ________________ for ___________________.
3. I know it’s time to _________ when _________.
4. I felt brave when I _________.
My answers:
1. I wish I could train my cats to vomit on hard surfaces or in the litter box. They always choose the rugs and blankets.
2. I am planning to get a metal detector for The Great One’s birthday in November.
3. I know it’s time to let Rosie out of the bedroom when she pounces on my bladder.
4. I felt brave when I was first out of college and worked in a bad section of a city. The sign on one of the buildings on the street I worked  said Aids and Hepatitis B not yet controlled in the Piedmont area. I am no longer that kind of brave.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

A flashback from October 2014, a collage of my original 4 black cats.  Sadly, they are all angels now. Tallulah, Noel, Jinx and Spooky.

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  1. Oh metal detectors are fun…..Mom got one for her niece when she was about 8 or 9 and Mom would put pennies all around the yard for her niece to “find” ! FUN……..Cats seem to find the WORST spots for things like vomiting don’t they – we try to keep our humans on their toes………hahahaha

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. I bet your mom’s niece enjoyed that. Yes, cats definitely keeps humans on their toes. XO

  2. Your black kitty angels are beautiful.

    Be careful with the metal detector, one guy dug a hole a couple of feet deep before he realized he was detecting the metal toe caps on his own boots.

  3. Love your fill-ins. The brave one is pretty much standard. I so remember being fearless when I was young.

    Love your angels. So precious.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  4. 1. I wish I could train Mom to give me brushies multiple times a day~
    2. I am planning to ask Mom for brushies in the night time too.
    3. I know it’s time to eat whenever mom is in the kitchen, She always says “no” except two times though.
    4. I felt brave when I screamed, howled, growled and threw myself against the living room and deck window at just after midnight a few years ago when raccoons were out there ruining mom’s tomatoes, the hummingbird feeder and wrecking the deck things. I almost made it thru the window but before that, they were scared off by me and them mom after wrecking the deck and plants and feeder. Breaking the feeder.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I hope you get a lot of brushies this weekend. Raccoons are hooligans, that was brave of you. XO

  5. I love your collage of those sweet angels! Our Angel Amanda vomited furballs frequently. She was a long haired cat and always cleaning herself. We brushed her frequently but that didn’t help. We’ve had Callie since Feb. 2020 and she hasn’t vomited once.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I have the same problem with Emmy and Trouble because they have long hair. XO

  6. Cute flashback. Teddy always chooses the rug instead of the floor. All my cats over the years have done the same. A metal detector should be a fun gift. I’ve seen a person in the park across the street from me with one.

  7. A metal detector?? Please explain.
    We cats are trained to bomit on rugs in as many places as we can.
    TW used to hang on the Lower East Side all the time. When she’d spend the night over someone’s place, she’d hear gunfire all night but wasn’t scared. But now …

    1. Yikes! She was brave. I hear gunshots a lot, but it is idiot hunters target shooting and sadly jacking deer. XO

    1. Most of mine are too, but there is a braided rug in the livingroom they love to yack on.

  8. I was a lot braver when I was younger too…or maybe we have just learned some discretion ?

  9. That is a nice collage of your Angels. Flynn nearly always yakked on the carpet. Eric was pretty good about it though and would try to run to the hard surface of the kitchen floor.

  10. 1. I wish I could train Dalton to not lunge at hubby when he walks past him, or goes outside to leave for work.
    2. I am planning to get a new smart phone for myself! I have not ever had one till now…I will have to learn a whole lot of new stuff…to make my head spin, LOL!
    3. I know it’s time to sit down to eat when I cannot get anything done, I walk around like an airhead, until my belly has had nourishment!
    4. I felt brave when I was working in the nursing home last November through March, when we had covid in there.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I feel bad for your hubby. I would be scared. And you are very brave to have worked before vaccines. XO

  11. Dad says he’s right there with you on your #1 answer. I don’t upchuck often, but when I do it seems I’m most always on the bed. Mom’s usually the one who hears me first, then her jumping up wakes dad.

  12. We have a metal detector for our beach walks. It was Jerry’s Dad’s. The Great One will find it fun. Thank you for sharing the collage of your Angel Black cats… they are beautiful. I am sorry I am so late with the Fill-Ins, they were challenging for me this week.
    1. I wish I could train our Hoover FloorMate Hard Floor Cleaner to clean our tile floor on its own… like “Rita” the Roomba.
    2. I am planning to get some new large ornaments for our Palm outside this year for Christmas.
    3. I know it’s time to get out Mom’s little Christmas tree when it is November first.
    4. I felt brave when I was young and naive.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I like that you take your mom;s tree out Nov. 1st and the palm tree sounds cool. XO

  13. Mee-yow wow you had 4 Black catss Miss Ellen?? They were all socgorgeeus….mee iss sorry they are ‘angelss’ butt glad they shared their lives with you!
    You did sum grate fill-inns there!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita

  14. I’m totally with you on that first. There is some cat yack still needing cleaned up in two spots. Ugh… Your angels were all so beautiful. ~hugs~ Hurray for number two and three made me laugh. 🙂 As for bravery, I’ve never worked in a tough area but boldly drove into downtown Dayton, Ohio to visit a temp agency when I moved to the outlying area just the day prior. I’d never used a parking garage before and it took my 21-year-old self upwards of an hour to find the right strutcture, let alone my car. lol

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Glad you got a chuckle. I have never parked in a parking garage when I was driving. My mom or hubby usually drive because I don’t like to. XO

  15. Such fantastic fill-ins, as always! I am so with you on #1. I think Eddy is my most professional puker, by some sort of weird standard, because she knows how to hit every layer of a cat tree and any rugs or blankets nearby. I will also always remember the time when she was on top of a cat tree and projectile vomited all over the window, which of course pooled on the window sill and then onto the floor below, and of course on a rug and cat bed unfortunate enough to be beneath the cat tree. Her skills are some weird level of impressive. And your #4 had me feeling a little anxious. I’m glad you don’t have to be that level of brave anymore. And what purrfect and festive house panther angels! Purrs!

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