Friendly Fill-Ins Week 262

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. ___________________ creep (s) me out.
2. I could use a refresher class in __________________.
3. Life would be much simpler if _________.
4. I would like to _________, but first I have to _________.
My answers:
1. Dolls creep me out.  When I was a child, I gave some of my dolls to the dog and I hid some in the pantry. I don’t mind Barbies now though. 🙂
2. I could use a refresher class in grammar. I am always unsure of my commas.
3. Life would be much simpler if everyone was kind.
4. I would like to add an in-law apartment to our house, but first I have to win the lottery. Even just an extra bathroom would do as my mom won’t move in without one.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Back in June 2015, Lucy was rocking her aviator shades.

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  1. My human LOATHED dolls growing up! Well, she did like the Barbies – she even had a single’s pad for hers. Barbie lived by herself and could do whatever she wanted to. That was what my human dreamed of as a child.

  2. Cute pic!

    My mum says she loved dolls when she was a child but for some reason they creep her out now as an adult.

  3. That is a lovely flashback. I never played with dolls and preferred my brother’s cars. Clowns freak me out, even more so after I read “It” when it first came out.

  4. 1. Spiders creep (s) me out.
    2. I could use a refresher class in knitting and crocheting, haven’t done them in years.
    3. Life would be much simpler if everyone minded their own business and didn’t take offense at the smallest things..
    4. I would like to work less days per week, but first I have to make sure that I can still have enough funds for the furry one’s needs.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I like spiders, but no other creepy crawlies. I hope you can cut back on working. I bet some of your residents could refresh your memory with knit and crochet. XO

  5. You’re one purrecious girl, sweet angel Lucy✨ My mom, Granny’s daughter, didn’t like dolls either, they creept her out too, especially the ones that Granny saved from her childhood..MOL..Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  6. Oh Lucy you really DID rock those glasses! Great “filling in”….I know you’d like to have your Mom move in but I can see why she’d want her own “quarters including bathroom”…….who knows – someone has to win the lottery and it could be you!

    Hugs, Pam

      1. Thank you. I hope so too, but I want her here before she actually needs to.

  7. I had not looked at your Fill-Ins and I picked the same for the second Fill-in. Kindness is so important. I share your Mom’s need for my own bathroom, I don’t like to share.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. Silverfish creep (s) me out.
    2. I could use a refresher class on how to use punctuation.
    3. Life would be much simpler if I didn’t overthink things.
    4. I would like to go to the Tuscany region of Italy but first I have to get over my reluctance to fly.
    Angel Lucy… love her cool shades.

    1. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. I don’t like silverfish either. I used to overthink things until I got on my anti-anxiety meds. I hope you can get to Italy someday soon. XO

  8. Great Fill-ins. Mom uses something caused Grammarly (free version) which helps. We had to do a review today so we missed the Fill-ins but will be back with them next week.
    The Florida Furkids

  9. I’m okay with dolls but clowns are creepy to me. I use online grammar checkers. Commas and some words I am unsure of. #3 – yes! That’s nice that you want your mom to move in with you. I agree about the bathroom. 🌼

  10. We love answers. Dolls creeped you out?
    Cute picture of Lucy Rocking her shades. Daisy Mae and I thinks she would rock anywhere including a puzzle.
    Lucy makes a great model

  11. Love your fill-ins and I don’t think I knew about dolls creeping you out. Barbies are cool dolls though.

    In-law quarters would be a fabulous addition. Having mom with you even better.

    Lucy looks fabulous in her shades.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins. Always fun.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to you. ♥

  12. Hidey Ho Lucy!!
    I giggled at ‘doll’ phobia. BUGS creep me out. I say all the time I’d rathe be chased by a lions or bears than have a bug in the same room. At least I could see the lions and bears.
    Hugs cecilia

  13. Lucy’s photo made me smile again heheh!

    I liked the replies I hope the dolls in the pantry didn’t eat all the food 😯

    Have a fill-intastic weekend 👍

  14. We loved seeing Lucy is one cool kitty. Dad really liked 2 & 3. He feels just the same. We actually have an apartment but our septic is bad so one adding another person at this time is not something we can do. Darn. Dad says Dolls can be weird. Think we agree with you

    1. Thank you. We have septic too, but it is fairly new so we could handle it. XO

  15. I’ve heard of people’s doll phobias. I was never a doll fan as a little girl, always preferred stuffed animals, but my mom collects them.

  16. 1) You too Ellen?? I never liked dolls other than my redheaded Rene boy doll who came from Germany when I was 10 years old. I used to rip Barbies’ apart….I only like stuffed animals!
    2) I could use a refresher class in socializing. Since being in continuous lockdown I find it difficult to make polite chit-chat…..
    3) Life would be simpler if my health was better.
    4) I would like to go to a Muslim Mosque/Temple but first I have to find a proper head covering!

    Say this was fun I must do it again!!
    ((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen & **purrss** BellaDharma

    1. Thank you for thesegreat answers to the fill-ins. I only liked stuffed animals too. 🙂 We are so much alike. I wish your health was better too. I don’t know where you would get a head covering. XO

  17. What a cute pic of Lucy! TW never liked baby dolls altho she never forgave Gramma for giving away her original Shirley Temple doll when she found out how much it’s worth. The less commas, the better.

  18. Lucy looks adorable here and in her Caturday Art. Our mom much prefers stuffed animals over dolls; though, she did have several dolls as a child. Oh what a wonderful world this would be if people were kinder to each other. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  19. #3 YES! Totally with you on this. And I wouldn’t mind refreshing my knowledge of grammar. It’s been much too long since I left school.

  20. I did play with some dolls when I was young, but most dolls creep me out too! I have some porcelain ones in my shop that someone brought in on consignment. I wish someone would hurry up and buy them and get them out of here! LOL

  21. I always look forward to your fill-ins. We had the same answer for #1. I love stuffed animals, but actual dolls really can be so creepy. Angel Lucy is and always will be adorable! Purrs!

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