Friendly Fill-Ins Week 260

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. Lately, I’ve been __________________________.
2. I find ___________________ fascinating.
3. If I had known _________, I would have _________.
4.  I can’t help but _________ when I’m nervous.
My answers:
1.  Lately, I’ve been intermittent fasting.  Right now , I stop eating at 8 PM and don’t have anything until breakfast around 9 AM. I feel more alert in the morning. I don’t weigh myself so I don’t know if I lost any weight yet plus it has only been 10 days. 🙂
I hope to stretch it out a little longer like not eating from 7PM until 10 AM. If anyone is interested in it, the book, Fast. Feat. Repeat by Gin Stephens is easy to understand.
2.  I find octopuses fascinating. Of course if you saw my post on Monday you already know that.
3. If I had known how awesome cats were, I would have begged to have one when I was a kid. I can’t believe I didn’t have a cat until I was married.
4. I can’t help but write lists and babble when I’m nervous. I find list writing soothing and the babble just happens.  I drive my hubby nuts when we are waiting at the vets and I am worried about one of the cats.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Here is a flashback of Angel KaTwo rocking her straw hat in 2014.

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  1. I love your answers and the way Angel KaTwo posed with that hat it reminds me of the styles in Downtown Abbey! 🙂 <3

    1. Thank you. Yes, she does remind me of Downton in that photo- I love that show. XO

  2. I actually do Intermittent Fasting too because I don’t eat breakfast and often don’t eat lunch. Interesting the things we do when we’re nervous.

    The Florida Furkids

  3. What a great pic to Angel KaTwo!

    1. Lately, I’ve been trying to find someone to build our new shed, and the concrete slab it needs to be on…I Iwish we could do it ourselves, but…um…nope!
    2. I find Baroque Music fascinating.
    3. If I had known that I would be living in America when I was still single, I would have thought I was crazy!
    4. I can’t help but eat and eat all kinds of not good for you food, when I’m nervous. (ie: stress eating)

    Intermittent fasting is often a great way to drop several pounds, the more so if you moderate the food you eat; such as low carbs.

    1. Thank you, it is my favorite photo of her. And thank you for these great answers. It is hard to find anyone right now to do work because staying home everyone started doing projects and hiring people. I need to cut carbs next. I am making changes slowly to be sure I keep them. XO

  4. My human doesn’t intermittent fast intentionally, but other than a champagne nightcap, she usually doesn’t eat except between 10 and 7. A late lunch is usually her main meal of the day, unless she is getting together with her boyfriend, then she eats light until dinner and usually skips the champagne. This has worked well for her, and she is almost never concerned about her weight.

    1. Your human is very wise. I wish I had started this years ago. XO

  5. We have our evening meal at 7pm then don’t eat again until breakfast around 8am. The evening meal is probably too late, but it is the time we have always had it from the days of going out to work then having to come home to prepare it.

    1. That sounds like a good plan, at least you are not snacking all night. XO

  6. Supurr fill-ins, and intermittent fasting is great, the P.A. stops eating before 8pm and then doesn’t eat until after 11.30 am the next morning. Love the picture of Ka-Two in her hat, such a cutie ❤ Happy Friday sweeties XX

  7. Dad must’ve known how awesome cats are decades ago because he’s had them around since he was a toddler and then some. He has to fast this Sunday for a physical Monday morning. I’m gonna hide until he returns and gets breakfast in him.

  8. Love the Ka-Two flashback – she sure looked wonderful in that hat! My last food of the day is dinner. No snacking afterwards. I also cut out MOST daytime snacking. We eat breakfast, maybe lunch but not always, and dinner. David is the snacker in this family – NOT ME! I’m glad you feel better with your new regimen though…..that’s what counts.

    Hugs, Pam

  9. Love your fill-ins. You’re lucky you got cats when you got married. You may still not have any and you’d be missing out on so much. I know how you love cats.

    I hope your new method of eating helps you lose weight. Shedding a few pounds is always a good thing.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend., Ellen Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

    1. Thank you. I hope you are feeling better. I miss your fill-ins. XO

  10. Dad started eating one main meal a day a few years ago with maybe a smaller one later if he was hungry. This has worked for him to keep his leg fitting which can be quite the problem. Great stuff

  11. Angel KaTwo wore that hat like a queen. 🙂 And I dare say your husband is happy to support you when you’re nervous. ~hugs~ Be well!

    1. Thank you. That is my favorite photo of her. No, he gets annoyed. XO

    1. I didn’t think I could do it, but it is easier than I thought. 🙂

  12. I also babble on when I am nervous heheh!

    Aww! what a cute flashback love the hat and pose 👍

    Hat a posetastic weekend 🙂

  13. That is too fun about the babbling. TW doesn’t have to be nervous to babble but only at home. When she’s with other people she’s quiet as a mouse.Thanks for hosting.

  14. Awwww sweet Angel Kitty. We pretty much fast every day- a tiny breakfast and a small dinner by 6pm. That’s it. We only eat if we are hungry. Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you. I hope to get like that. Hope you had a lovely day too.

  15. ‘angel’ KaTwo reelly DID rock THE straw hat Miss Ellen!
    An LadyMew ‘babbellss’ alot too when shee iss nervuss or ankh-shuss!
    Mee thinkss youss ARE reelated 😉
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

    1. Thank you. I feel like I was deprived without a cat as a child. Yes, it does make me more alert. XO

  16. We LOVE the photo of KaTwo in her straw hat. She is a natural. And great fill-in answers. I have a few friends who have lst weight intermittent fasting, I don’t have enough won’t power to try it yet… Working in the computer software field the hours were long and erratic and eating at regular hours was the stuff of dreams. Even though I have finally retired, I have not gotten into a regular meals routine…I shall have to try.

    1. Thank you. That is my favorite photo of KaTwo. I hope I can lose some weight. XO

  17. I find your fill-ins very interesting and fun! I’m also fascinated by octopuses. Not sure why. There’s just something special about them. They’re almost alien-like! xo

  18. KaTwo looks so elegant in that hat! XO
    (For some reason I can’t seem to get your new post tonight, even though I got an email, it won’t go to it.)

  19. I agree that octopuses are fascinating. I have spent some time checking them out since you mentioned the book. Angel KaTwo looks very sweet in her straw hat. I drew a blank on #3 this week… sorry. My Fill-Ins…
    1. Lately, I’ve been tired of all the wind and hoping like crazy for some rain.
    2. I find the bobcat that we have seen in the back of our yard fascinating. Our house backs to a preserve so we see a lot of fascinating animals.
    3. If I had known what to fill in on this sentence, I would have had this done earlier.
    4.  I can’t help but go all quiet when I’m nervous.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. There is a good book, Trooper the Wildcat that Came in From the Wild. You will love it. We seem to get a lot of wind here lately too. XO

  20. I have been intermittent fasting too. I usually go from around 7:30 to 11:30. although it varies slightly. I don’t eat in the morning but I do have coffee with just a little heavy cream. I think sipping on coffee keeps me from thinking about food.

  21. Great fill ins. Good luck on the weight loss.
    Sue and Angel Tubby

  22. This is why, when The Hubby and I decided to adopt cats, I agreed to be the vet person.
    He, for one thing, HATES going to the doctors, and won’t do it until some emergency happens.
    Having him hover while I take a cat to the vet, would make me crazy, since I’d have to babysit both him AND the cat! Eeks.
    Go ahead and drive your husband crazy with your lists and babble, I say!

    1. I should just go alone, but depending on how sick a cat is, I need moral support. XO

  23. Charlee: “Angel KaTwo was really rocking that straw hat. All she needs is a nice mint julep!”
    Chaplin: “And yes, we cats are awesome, thanks for noticing!”
    Lulu (muttering): “As if you need more people telling you how awesome you are.”
    Chaplin: “What was that?”
    Lulu: “Nothing.”

  24. Intermitted Fasting is very healthy for your body. My husband is a snacker and temptation is always lurking!

    I’m so glad I finally got the change to link up with Friendly Fill-Ins. Been eying it for some time now.

    KaTwo looks adorable with her little hat on. There’s not a snowballs chance in hell that I’ll get a hat on Elza! She doesnt’ even want to be covered with a blanky. She just curls up as close as she can.

    Love all your cat posts and graphics!

    Hope you are enjoying a fun and relaxing weekend!

    Elza Reads

    1. Thank you for visiting. I am glad you joined the fill-ins and hope you will again next week.

  25. Fantastic fill-ins! I’m so glad you became a cat lady. Better late than never! My parents adopted our first cats when I was 4, and for that I will forever be grateful. Purrs!

  26. […] white fur ball, I’ll quickly join the Friendly Fill-ins today. Friendly Fill-Ins is hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. They come up with a couple of sentences, and then you have to fill in […]

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