Hi everyone! Before we get to The Friendly Fill-Ins, I want to give you the link to Rosie’s chat on Feline O’Pines. Glad she didn’t give out too many family secrets. To see her chat, click here.
They are always looking for more cats to chat so we hope to hear some of you soon.
Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.
1. ____________________is such an inconvenience.
2. My favorite part of the Easter ( or Passover) meal is ____________________.
3. I would like to find an Easter egg filled with _________.
4. For me, _________ is a deal-breaker.
My answers:
1. Changing over to a new vet is such an inconvenience.
2. My favorite part of the Easter meal is the appetizers. Actually, at any holiday meal my favorite is the appetizers.
3. I would like to find an Easter egg filled with money.
4. For me, not loving cats is a deal-breaker. If someone doesn’t like cats, that person has no use in my world.
Today is B day in The A-Z Challenge. As you know, Happiness is my theme. Today I have some books for you on happiness. Over the years, I have reviewed quite a few books on happiness.
Purrfection How to Achieve Balance and Happiness Through Your Cat by Sophie Macheteau, for that review,
click here.
The Year of Living Happily Finding Contentment and Connection in a Crazy World by Alli Worthingtonm for that review,
click here.
Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly, The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha, Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff and The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt. and Happy Money: Understand and Heal Your Relationship with Money by Ken Honda are all in one post, click here.

In April 2015, Angels Lucy and Phoebe were checking out what The Easter Bunny left them.
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Those were all good answers, especially #4 and we did enjoy the Rosie chat!
Thank you. XO
Changing to a new bet is scarey too. I was with my last one for 16 years and absolutely loved her. Went to a new one yesterday since Tinky is hurt but they seem nice.
I hope Tinky is OK. XO
We enjoyed Rosie’s chat !
Thank you for listening to Rosie. XO
Rosie I watched your Cat Chat video and you were so cute and adorable! I loved it and I am thankful I watched it! 🙂 <3
Thank you for watching Rosie, glad you enjoyed her. XO
I think we’d all be happy to find money in our Easter eggs 🙂 Oh, I hate changing vets or any kind of doctor, for that matter. I’m not good with change. Hope you have a great weekend.
Yes, we would. And I am not good with change either. Hope you have a nice weekend too. XO
Rosie did a great job with her Cat Chat!
1.Covid and all its implications is such an inconvenience.(Esp at my work…phooey!)
2. My favorite part of the Easter ( or Passover) meal is sitting down to eat it…and watching the others enjoy ‘the fruiits of my labor’!
3. I would like to find an Easter egg filled with Joy and Happiness in a form to spread around.
4. For me, rudeness or pushiness is a deal-breaker.
Thank you for listening to her chat. And thank you for these great answers. I am sure it is time consuming dealing with COVID at work. I sure hope you find that egg. Have a blessed Easter. XO
Cute! 🙂 Here’s mine – https://wp.me/p9fsKD-3OY
Thank you. 🙂
HA! Your Mom and my Mom both wanted an Easter Egg with money inside…..sounds like a good idea to me! thanks for co-hosting Fill-ins……we look forward to it every single week. Love the Easter basket flashback photo.
Hugs, Teddy
Thank you. I always look forward to your answers. XO
Dad says #4 is tops on his list. He’s always had cats, and though it took a bit, mom took to Orbit like you wouldn’t believe, which then lead to her taking to me in an instant and oh-so-easily.
Of course anyone would take to sweet little you Cleo. XO
Rosie, you’re adorable…loved the chat. Great answers to the fill ins.
Thank you for listening to Rosie’s chat. 🙂 XO
MOL it seems and Easter Egg with Money is a popular theme today!! Great fill-ins.
Mom likes Mathew Kelly and will check that out.
The Florida Furkids
Yes, it is. 🙂 XO
I agree with #4. I have come to realize over not liking cats or dogs is a purrsonality flaw.
Hugs Cecilia
Yes, it sure is. XO
I’m with you on #3 heheh!
Have an eggtastic safe happy Easter 👍😷😷😷
Thank you. Hope you have a great Easter. 🙂
I agree with your #1 – Just finding a good vet is an inconvenience. The mobile vet we contacted will be here April 14th. I think our little diva, Callie, would be traumatized if we took her back to her original vet. She is a feisty and skittish little cat and I felt the doc at the vet was impatient with her. Hopefully, all will go as planned.
Thank you. How lucky to have a mobile vet in your area. XO
I hope they work out! Fingers crossed.
Love the fill-ins and love your theme for the A-Z Challenge. Happiness is a good thing.
Aw on the precious angels.
Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins. A fun meme.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥
Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. XO
Tickled at seeing Rosie’s Cat Chat! Sweet seeing Angels Phoebe and Lucy♥ I have enjoyed your reviews of books on happiness. I always have something to learn when it comes to happiness… It’s okay to be happy! I always need to remember that! My Fill-Ins…
1. Food shopping is such an inconvenience.
2. My favorite part of the Easter ( or Passover) meal is eating it!
3. I would like to find an Easter egg filled with Pez candies.
4. For me, lack of integrity is a deal breaker.
Thank you!
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed Rosie’s chat. 🙂 And thank you for these great answers. I agree about food shopping. I bet your hubby could arrange the PEZ in an egg. Have a wonderful Easter. XO
Great fill-ins and book recommendations! Happiness is very important! I am aslo playing the 2021 A to Z Challenge- stop by if you have the time- it’s all about soup!
Thank you. I am going to try the beef barley soup, it sounds great. XO
What great answers. Your cats got wonderful gifts from the Easter Bunny in 2015. I can’t wait to see what they get from the Easter Bunny in 2021.
Have a wonderful Easter
Thank you. I have a feeling The Easter bunny will be good to them this year too. 🙂 XO
Rosie! Your chat was terrific! We loved it. And we LOVE Angels Lucy and Phoebe! That was 2015? Wow time flies. We can’t wait to see what you guys get from the bunny. Mom says we get HAM! We think we should each get a bag of treats and eat them all, but she says, “That ain’t happenin!” We love your B in the A-Z. Great books!
We are not really posting today as we are woefully behind in commenting at our furrends blogs and Mom has to drive all day Tuesday next week to get the new car so we need to write the Horoscopes this weekend, so we are leaving Mom’s answers to the fill ins:
1. A catastrophe is such an inconvenience (so is losing the remote).
2. My favorite part of the Easter meal is the joy of friends and family.
3. I would like to find an Easter egg filled with love and happiness and a winning lottery ticket!
4. For me, nothing is a deal-breaker.
See you tomorrow and have a marvellously happy day!
Thank you for these great answers. I am shocked you have no deal breakers. I hope you have a wonderful Easter. XO
Good answers Ellen and I can certainly relate to #4, as well as #1, it was such an adjustment when our old vet retired. Rosie’s chat on Feline Opines was great, I enjoyed it! XO
Thank you. And thank you for listening to Rosie, glad you enjoyed her. XO
That’s a lot of happiness books.
It is. 🙂
We are totally with you about your answer to number 4! Oh, and also number 2. 🙂
We are off to go listen to Rosie’s chat now.
Thank you. XO
Good answers! We can relate because our vet moved away last year. That’s quite a group of happiness books. Did you have a favorite?
Thank you. I think The Year of Living Happily was my favorite. XO
My answers to 3 and 4 are nearly identical, not surprising! Mudpie will have to look into chatting if things quiet down around here.
I hope Miss Mudpie chats. 🙂 XO
Finding a new vet is difficult, i am sorry that you are having to do that.
Have you read Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin? It’s excellent. The ones you list i am going to look up and see if our library has them.
Thank you. Yes, I did that one and I think I reviewed it too. but I forgot to include it.
I did enjoy Rosie’s chat.
Thank you for listening to her chat. 🙂 XO
Epic answers and totally agree with all of them! Hope mew all have a supurr epic Easter and Smooch will be emailing mew soon with his thank mew card! XOX
Thank you. Glad it arrived. Happy Easter! XO
My longest running friendship is with a gal who isn’t a particular fan of cats. 🙁 But she appreciates my adoration despite her husband being an active hater. ~sigh~ Happy Easter, sweeties!
Yikes- I would not like her hubby at all. I don’t trust those that don’t like cats. Happy Easter! XO
Oh yeah, number 4 definitely!
I will hop on over to read the interview. And oh yes, I love appetizers!
Thank you. 🙂
Such fantastic fill-ins! I feel so bad for you having to change vets. I can just imagine the frustration, especially with having multiple kitties. I hope the transition is as easy as possible for you. And you are so, so right with #4. My answer for that one was very similar to yours. And your theme for the A to Z Challenge is so wonderful, especially with everything that’s going on in the world. Purrs!
Thank you. It would be easier if I could go inside with them. XO
Thanks for hosting the fillins. I did manage to get mine up last week on Sunday as you know but I didn’t link up. I’m trying to figure out a better method to keeping things straight while A2Zing this month. I’m a bit out of sync having not had my posts done ahead as in the past but I’m trying to not let any of this stress me. The purpose is to have fun. I like your ‘Happiness’ theme for April. I will try to catch up in the coming days, my dear. I’m sorry for the belated visit but so appreciate you. Thanks for stopping by to check out my Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny Art Sketch. Happy A2Zing!
NO worries, thank you for catching up. XO