Friendly Fill-Ins Week 222

Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you.

1. I feel like ________________.
2.  I wish I could exchange _____________ for _____________________.
3. It’s time for me to _________.
4. _________ is really tempting these days.
My answers:
1. I feel like I have been in a coma for 10 years.  I don’t know how 10 years passed so quickly. I can’t believe my niece has been out of college that long.
2. I wish I could exchange my bath tub for a handicapped accessible shower. We are getting older and I think it would be a good thing to have.
3. It’s time for me to start fall decorating. I have a lot of things with apples for September.
4. Staying in bed all day is really tempting these days.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus. Our condolences to Create with Joy on the loss of her sweet boy, Tsunami. To visit, click here. 
Here is a photo of my Angel Lucy in August 2015 when we reviewed our friend Pam’s ( Teddy’s mom)  children’s book:
To read our review, click here. 

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  1. Great answers! We’re not sure of your age but you might see if you qualify for any waivers in your state for a bathroom remodel! We have that going on. Hopefully soon our tub will be gone and mom and us can just go right into the shower.

    Angel Lucy was such a pretty kitty! And it’s definitely time for decorating!

  2. Nice picture of Angel Lucy, Ellen, and those sound like good books! Great fill-ins and I hear you about the accessible shower! XO

  3. We wish we had one of those walk in showers, too. The only time we use the tub is for dog baths, MOL! We do have several bars that are affixed properly for support, hubby and my mom need(ed) them…and right now hubby hurt his back so he sits on a stool while he showers.

    Having said all that sometimes I wish we could exchange our whole old house for a nice modern one with no stairs.

    Angel Lucy was such a pretty kitty!

    1. That is wise to have grab bars. I am sorry about your hubby’s back. I would love to do the same- a 1 level home would be great. XO

  4. It is true when they say that time appears to pass more quickly, the older you get. With all that is going on this year it is hard to believe it is already over half way through August

  5. It’s true about time moving faster as we age…..add a pandemic in there and it REALLY flies! Thanks for showing the little book I wrote so many years ago – that was a fun project and I thank you (and Angel Lucy) for such a sweet review too. Fall – can’t WAIT!!!!!!!!! YAY!

  6. Oh gosh, time moves like water pouring out of a cup! FAST! Hello again Angel Lucy. Mommy and I remember you. XXXOOO
    Katie Isabella

  7. Aw on Angel Lucy. So precious.

    Love all your fill-ins. This year has been so strange with the virus, the horrible heat and now we’re in fire here in California. Okay the state burns every summer, but this year it’s close to us. We’re fine, but the smoke is awful. Ash falling too. Awful.

    Thank you for co-hosting Friendly Fill-ins. I look forward to it each week.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  8. Angel Lucy LQQKING comfy there heheh!

    I liked your replies I agree to me the older I get the quicker time goes 🙁

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

  9. I’m with you on the staying in bed, my alarm clock gets ‘snoozed’ more and more often!

  10. Dad agrees that sometimes he feels like it is like he is just here and all this time has gone by. He has a shower chair and it works well but he has one leg. Still maybe ok. We did not know that book by Pam! Oh we need a copy

  11. My answers:
    1. I feel like I have stepped into the Twilight Zone.
    2. I wish I could exchange all politicians for Americans who give a dman about others.
    3. It’s time for me to ignore the BS and attempt to just enjoy each day!
    4. Reading in bed during the day is really tempting these days.

    Have a good day and a great weekend. At somepoint this maddness has to stop. xoxo

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I feel like that too. And I would love to read in bed all day. Have a nice weekend. XO

  12. Mom wonders where the past 10 or even 20 years have gone:) She wants to make a new wreath for the front door for fall. She likes to hand pick the artificial flowers and gourds and pumpkins at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby, but she doesn’t want to go in the stores:(

    Have a good weekend.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. I don’t blame her for not wanting to go to the store. Maybe they have some stuff available online. Hope you have a nice weekend. XO

  13. Angel Lucy, a very lovely feline. Always great answers here for the fill-ins. Oh staying in bed all day sounds dreamy and wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy a wonderful weekend. HUGS across the miles XO

  14. Hmmm, we are having some trouble posting this comment, Trying again:
    Well, *I* got to do the fill-ins on my blog, so I will let the Human comment here: 1) Me too! My goddaughter just turned 42 freaking years old! I must be 100 now!!! 2) I’ve been thinking about how to install a grab-bar in a century-old clawfoot tub! 3) Decorating? OMG, right now the decorations in my house are fur tumbleweeds rolling around the floors. 4) On this one, we are in perfect accord!

    1. Thank you for trying again, wordpress can be a pain. And thank you for these great answers. I think there are grab bars that clamp on. XO

  15. Can’t hardly believe that in a month fall begins again, Ellen, it’s like we’re all in a coma…MOL…Love the picture of sweet Angel Lucy, we didn’t know about the book of Teddy’s mom, it looks like a fine read😺Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  16. Fantastic fill-ins, of course! I feel extra festive when I find out others are decorating for fall. I have my indoor Halloween decor up, and it makes me so happy to come home to it every day. And hello to beautiful Angel Lucy!

  17. Maumee is reading over our shoulders and she agrees about the “coma thing.” Because “her sweet little niece is a licensed therapist now.” I (Marco) help Papa build Mommy’s bathroom. It has a chair and one of those handheld shower things. I’m not super nuts about anything that sprays water but mommy thinks it’s pretty cool. She keeps calling herself a Construction Princess and Papa is the king. That makes me royalty, right?

    It was fun reading your answers. Maybe next time will that mommy put answers in too!

    Marco and JD (Julie Danielle) Catinez

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