Friendly Fill-Ins Week 146

Hi everyone! Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. Please leave your link (at bottom of post) here or at my co-host’s Four-Legged Furballs. You can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate.

1. My favorite kind of music is _____________________.

2. I don’t believe ___________________.

3. My ideal day _________.
4. Don’t let _________ stop you from _________.
My answers:
1. My favorite kind of music is classic rock. I  like country too, but so many songs are depressing. And I love all Christmas music.
2. I don’t believe much of what I read in the paper and see on the news. I try to avoid both.
3. My ideal day is a day spent with my kitties and loved ones ( hubby, mom, niece and her family).
4. Don’t let lack of funds stop you from enjoying life. All the best things in life are free.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.
Be sure to stop by tomorrow for Dr. Seuss Day. We have decided to have another giveaway to celebrate.
Penny is looking over the prizes.


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  1. Penny, do those items pass your approval? I bet they do!

    Sadly, I’m with you on #2 to some extent although I still watch the news a bit. I love your answers to numbers 3 & 4.

    p.s. I’m sorry I was so late but just wanted you to know I wish adorable Brody a happy Gotcha day.

  2. I stopped paying attention to the news when I realized just how un-balanced it is and how inaccurate it is about third world countries. I’ve enjoyed talking to several people from these countries and learned so much more.

  3. I agree with you about the news. BBC always used to be good but now it is so biased against the government that it is not worth watching. Other reporting seems to be so sensationalised nowadays too.

  4. I love all your answers. I really like your #3. I’m with you on that.

    Thank you for co-hosting friendly Fill-ins.

    Penny is such a pretty girl. Purrfect for Feline Friday.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥

  5. guyz…..we like rock mewsic two ♫♪♫♫♪♫♫ next time yur in TT let uz noe what song ya wanna heer; de FSG haz enuff songz on her fone ta bee come her own ray dee oh stayshun !! 🙂 ♥♥

  6. That is so true about most of the news today. Mom likes the newspaper for all the word and number puzzles she can do:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. I am so with you on #2. It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed, so it’s better to keep a safe distance to news.

    And nothing beats a day spent with our loved ones, furry or not. This can’t be bought!

    Have a wonderful week!

  8. It’s funny: I see people with money, haggle over all kinds of things, to get a cheaper price, but folks with only coins in their pockets will accept a posted price without comment. Sure, money is great, but there are so many wonderful things that cannot be bought in the world…poor and rich are labels, not reality.

  9. I love both classic rock and country music as well. My ideal day is being at home on the farm. I’ve had to be gone a lot lately and it’s been tough.

  10. Classic rock! That’s my favourite music, too 🙂 And I also don’t just accept whatever is on the news. I like to do my own research and verify. But I also prefer to have moments when I stay away from news!

  11. Ellen,

    Thank you for coming by on Friday to vote in my latest BoTB! I like your responses to the fill-ins. While I didn’t participate this time on my blog, here are mine.

    1. My favorite kind of music is _ probably 80s pop but I love the sound of classic rock and oldies_.

    2. I don’t believe _ everything I hear about a person. I rather base what I know about that person on the things I know first hand and even then I try to give that person the benefit of the doubt. We never know what someone is going through._

    3. My ideal day _is to spend it with DH doing just about anything but a picture purrfect day is to be in the mountains on a glorious sunny day driving the parkway or taking a hike or having a quiet picnic in God’s country. There’s nothing quite relaxing as it is to spend the day in the great outdoors!_

    4. Don’t let _a late start_ stop you from _doing what you love_._Take me, for example, two years ago I started my art up again after years of not drawing. It was something that nagged at me but I kept saying I don’t have the time or I can’t draw but I said no more excuses, I don’t want to regret this when I’m 90, so I gave it a shot and now I’m hooked for life!_.

    I’m gearing things down as I prepare for the A to Z Challenge, but I will make my rounds and keep to my mewsic hops. I’ll do my best to at the very least join your fill-ins on your site. Thanks for being such a good friend!

    1. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. You have wonderful taste in music. I love your art, I am glad you went back to it.

  12. I was so excited to see that you answered classic rock for #1. I have been on a huge Queen kick lately, and so their songs are constantly stuck in my head. An ideal day would most certainly include lots of kitty cuddles! Penny, you made us realize that a pretty tortie like you would make a purrfect cat in the hat! Purrs!

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