Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
Brody is thankful to everyone who wished him a Happy Gotcha Day yesterday.
Here is my poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day based on this photo prompt:
In Sunday School we are taught gambling is a sin
so many rules, it makes one’s head spin.
I am a little confused though,
why do so many churches host Bingo?
My poem is meant to be funny. I have nothing against Bingo even though I have never played. Actually, I have played the Bingo at baby showers where you fill in the spots with gifts you think the mom will open.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and our co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. My favorite kind of music is _____________________.
2. I don’t believe ___________________.
3. My ideal day _________.
4. Don’t let _________ stop you from _________.
Sometimes i wonder the same thing about Bingo, maybe it’s more a game where you win prizes than actual gambling. At least to those who play, it may be.
Yes, a lot of places have prizes instead of money.
Furrst of all – We are sorry to be a day late but better late than never. Best Gotcha Day wishes and lots of pawpats and kitty kisses to sweet, handsome Brody.
Secondly – Bingo. Mummy says she believes that for many humans, especially the elderly, Bingo Night at the church hall is not so much about winning, as about being their only op-purr-tunity for social contact. As somebody else remarked in the comments – more of a game than regular gambling.
Brody thanks you 🙂 That is a good point, it is good for social interaction for older folks.
The residents where I work play bingo almost every day. For some it is the highlight of their sometimes monotonous day… I guess churches might host because they have the room in their social halls, MOL!
We might be missing again tomorrow…or be furry late, so er are our answers for the fill ins.
1. My favorite kind of music is classical, esp from the times of about 1600 – 1850 or so…..
2. I don’t believe anything ever happens by chance, it is all part of the plans laid forth by God, He even uses the bad things to serve His purposes, though we may not think so at the time..
3. My ideal day is staying home and doing things at home with my family and furry ones.
4. Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from attaining your heart’s desires and goals.
I am sure your residents aren’t playing for cash 🙂 Thank you for these great fill-in answers. I completely agree with #2-4 🙂 XO
My human doesn’t get Bingo… but then she doesn’t get football or Westerns either. And because of that, she always had difficulty trying to find things to talk about to her parents, MOL!
I don’t get any of those things either 🙂
I never really thought about it before but you are right, most church halls here also host Bingo.
Thank you. XO
GOOD POEM! We also never really thought about churches sponsoring Bingo but indeed they do….even if for a good cause it’s still gambling! You did a GREAT poem with a punch though for sure……….and we’re glad Brody had a good GOTCHA!
Hugs, Teddy
Thank you. XO
That was a cute poem and a darn purrplexing question about Bingo. Howdy Brody, I’m glad you had a great Gotcha Day pal. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you 🙂 XO
Love that poem! So cute. Happy Belated Gotcha Day to Brody!
Thank you 🙂 Brody thanks you too.
I hope Brody had a great gotcha day.
I love your poem and I’ve never thought about the Bingo thing. I don’t play either.
I’ve all ready for tomorrows Friendly Fill-ins.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. My best to all the kitties. ♥
He did 🙂 Thank you. I hope you had a great day too. XO
The poem is great. That is a good question about Bingo and the church but we never thought about Bingo as gambling. You all have a really good day.
Thank you 🙂 We hope you had a good day too. XO
MOL we wonder about that too. Great poem.
Happy Belated Gotcha Day to Brody.
The Florida Furkids
Thank you 🙂 Brody thanks you too. XO
LOL your poem is funny. I never thought about it that way. And Brody you are just adorable. Please give him a pet for me.
Thank you. I will 🙂
Brody, you are just too handsome. Your mom is right about the Bingo. 🙂
MOL! We never thought about that!
LOL! That is a good question! I hope Brody celebrates Gotcha Day for an entire week!
Thank you. Yes, he is still celebrating. 🙂
Great photo of Brody! And what a fun picture. It took me right to the seventies.
Brody thanks you 🙂
Exactly why do churches host bingo games. Never thought of it
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you. XO
Brody, you look good enough to be on Sunday Selfies…. And Sammy, I agree with you about the hypocrisy…. it seems to have invaded far too many aspects of life.
Thank you. I will have to let Brody so a selfie on Sunday 🙂
There is so much in that photo that cracks me up…of course, it reminds me of my youth.
MOL! 🙂
guys…..mom makez an eggz cell ant point !!! glad ya hada awesum day brody 🙂 ♥♥
Thank you. XO
How do you get an old lady to cuss?
Have another old lady yell “Bingo!”
That is funny 🙂
Are you saying Christians are hypocrites? I have never heard that before. 😉
I guess I am saying those in charge of Bingo at church are 🙂
You make a very good point!!! Mom used to take her Mom to Bingo often, but she says you have to go just for the social fun and not expect to get rich:)
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
That was nice of your mom to do for her mom. I am sure a lot do it for social reasons.
Our Mom and Dad played Bingo at a church event once. Once. Them church ladies are a tough crowd! Who knew Bingo had so many ways to upset church people!
I bet they are 🙂
Brody is looking pretty well pleased with himself! Must have enjoyed his Gotcha Day!
He did 🙂
Oh, interesting thought about bingo! 😉 Looking forward to your answers coming up.
Thank you 🙂
Happy Thankful Thursday. We are very happy for Brody’s Gotcha Day. We hope it was a wonderful day of celebrating. We play bingo every year for a charity during the summer. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
Brody thanks you 🙂 We hope you have a nice day too.
I guess churches don’t think of bingo as really gambling. But interesting though.
I guess they don’t 🙂
I have never liked Bingo. I guess that means my retirement years are doomed to be boring.
With cats, you will never be bored 🙂
We always think it’s funny living in the South and how everyone is against gambling, but there are bingo game buildings that are full every night!!! Go figure!
That is funny 🙂
I never thought about bingo as gambling but you are right, it is. I have always got a kick out of playing bingo (must be my Catholic upbringing) but haven’t played for a long time. We have bingo here where we live one Wednesday out of the month and I hope to get to play soon. Good Morning! Our last day with workers in the house… fingers crossed!
I hope I didn’t offend you with the Bingo comment. I am Catholic too, my church no longer does Bingo. I am glad your workers are almost done.XO
No not offended at all… 🙂 Half a day on Monday and then we are done.
I think I’ve only played Bingo for charity type events. It makes me anxious looking for the squares as numbers are called out because I don’t want to miss anything! 🙂
MOL! 🙂
We thought your poem was funny! I’ve never really played Bingo, and don’t like gambling, because I always lose! LOL
Thank you. I don’t like gambling either.
Your poem is so funny, and so true! I’m Catholic, and my church hosts a bingo night once a month. There are indeed cash prizes. At the same time, though, all proceeds from the purchases of the bingo cards go directly to the church. Bingo nights have actually gotten very popular at my church, and so quite a bit of money is raised for the church on those nights. Sometimes my mom and I go, because we have always loved bingo. We’ve even won a time or two!
Thank you. I hope you were not offended. I am glad the funds go to a good cause.
OMC Broday, we’re sorry we’re late. Happy Gotchday gawjus. We’re so glad to be your furiends. And we’re really glad that awnty Ellen got ya’. 🙂 Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Oooops, we meant Brody. Sometimes mommy’s fingers move too fast and hit the wrong thing.
No problem- Brody doesn’t know how to spell 🙂 XO
Brody thanks you. XO
He has such a cute nose I just want to give it a wee gentle boop. lol
He would let you 🙂