Contest, Grumpy Cat and Snowball

Saturday again already and back to yoga. I actually purchased some $5 yoga mats for my hubby and I so we won’t have to use the teacher’s mats. I haven’t taken them out of the package though- I want to try one more class and be sure this is something we will continue to do.

This is the last day of my week of not-to-do’s and here is a product that I don’t recommend which is probably why I found it at Ocean State Job Lot ( they sell discontinued and older stuff): 009This is a 2 piece magnetic set- it is suposed to be a “screen saver”, but as you can see by my screen, it is more of an enticer.

And a product that I recommend is anything with Grumpy Cat- I just can’t get anough of her angry little face. I don’t watch QVC, but I recently saw that they are selling a stuffed Grumpy with little tags with different sayings that you can change. I got a stuffed Grumpy for Christmas ( thanks mom) so I won’t get this one, but in case you are interested: .

And here is012Snowball with her lion cut. She seems pretty content with it. I am so happy that she has decided she can sleep on our bed ( even when we are in it)- it only took her one year and a week. And here is Phoebe: 014I love it when the tongue gets stuck out. Have a great day everyone! And don’t forget to like our Facebook page to be entered to win a catnip ice cream cone and a petsitter note pad.


  1. Mommy used to be a huge QVC shopper, but she doesn’t have time to watch anymore, so she missed Grumpy Cat. She checked out the plush…cute, but she wasn’t tempted to buy. So happy Snowball made it to the bed. Astrid came upstairs before the humans got up this morning. She used to do this all the time and then stopped. Now it happens once every couple months or so. Mom gets crazy with excitement. Have a great weekend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Grumpy cat is really adorable. Most long coated cats do enjoy a shorter cut during warmer days (and their humans too!). πŸ™‚

    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. I am a suckah for Grumpy Cat! Keep up the yoga–the longer you do it (like all your life) the better it feels! You should hear all the moans and groans in my class.

  4. Great photos of the kitties!! We too are Grumpy Cat fans although we don’t have any “Grumpy products” around here……we just love that face….that FABULOUS face!

    Happy Easy Sunday
    Sammy and Mom

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