
Hi everyone! Today is Chewy day so we are joining hosts Golden Woofs and Oz the Terrier for the Chewy Blog Hop

*Disclaimer: We received the food for free from Chewy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own.

This month we chose The I and Love and You Variety Pack Canned Cat Food . It is made in the USA, carrageenan free, with no filler or by-products. The variety comes in 3 flavors: turkey, cod and chicken. So far, we only tried the turkey, but it was a big hit with 11 out of 13. As I have written before KaTwo won’t eat canned food and Sammy is on a special diet so thy are excluded.

DSCF2249 (2) Noel devoured it

DSCF2250Joanie loved it too, she usually vomits after canned food, but she held this down.

DSCF2251 Prancie didn’t even wait for a plate

DSCF2254 (2)Polar Bear liked it DSCF2255 (2)and Brody DSCF2257 (2)and Millie too

It is on saleΒ  this month for $13.99, it is usually $25.99/ for the 12 pack variety. Be sure to stock up because orders over $49 always ship free. Click here to go to Chewy

DSCF2231 (2)Β 

And the winner of Phoebe’s giveaway is BJ Bangs! Congratulations!

Our thoughts and prayers are with Hemingway and his Mom over the tragic loss of Shakespeare




  1. Look at that, this is the food we picked to try out this month, too. My kitties haven’t had a chance at it yet (aka, this mom here has failed to open a can of it yet), but your review makes it sound promising! Great job with this, kitties, and I’m so glad that you all like it so much! Purrs!

    Also, congrats to the lucky winner of the Pokemon goodies! And my condolences to the mother of dear Shakespeare.

  2. Sure does look like that food was a BIG HIT all the way around!!! We saw this morning that Hemingway has a brand new little baby brother now – Steinbeck – a sweet little ginger boy……hope he and Hemingway are good buddies soon and that hearts will heal……….

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. The food was a hit πŸ™‚ We saw Hemingway has a baby brother, I hope they get along great.

  3. With Chuck and Angel on their special diet, we aren’t looking for new food but it sure looks like your crew liked this stuff! And I just discovered that Chewy.com has the brand of litter that the cats like, and it’s super cheap! I worry about the delivery person, though…I’m gonna order 100 lbs of litter (2 50-lb bags), plus about four cases of canned food too. Yikes!

  4. That looks like and sounds like some great food. Two Two throws up too every time she eats canned food, so we need to try that food. Great review.

  5. wadday ya meen ya tried de turkee….when COD was rite ther ~~~~~~~ !!!!! ????


  6. If you love it then that’s all that counts. We do love shopping at chewy.com. They have great customer service and they deliver your order very quickly.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your peeps. ☺

  7. Oh MeoW, we’re so glad everypawdy liked it. We’re reviewin’ it this month too. Mommy didn’t realize it was pate when she ordered it. We also didn’t notice da purrice. Dat’s purrety high even fur Chewy, da regular purrice we mean. Anyways, great fotos of some happy kitties.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Most of my cats like pate and Snowball really needs it because she doesn’t have many teeth. XO

  8. If it weren’t by mail, I’d make mom buy me a can of chick-hen flavor to try.
    Joanie. I missed you. Glad to see you.

  9. Looks like really good food!! Yum!!! Hey mom! Are you listening??? Simon liked seeing Joanie; he sends his love and kisses!!! I’m sending love and kisses to my sweet Penny!! BobbieSue is swooning over Millie! Love to all!!

    1. Awww….you are all so sweet/ Joanie sends kisses and hugs to Simon, but she won’t share the food. Sorry Penny would cooperate when I was doing the photo shoot, but she sends her love and Millie sends his to BobbieSue.XO

  10. Sounds as if you have a hit on our paws with that one. It’s not a food we had heard of previously. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. Minko has tried those noms…but well, lets just say he didn’t like it. Pipo did not get any offered to him, MOL! (He is on strict diet to lose some junk in his trunk…)
    We may need to try the dry version of this brand, our brand stopped being carried at our store. Boo. (though we were told it could be special ordered.)

    Concats to the winner. Sorry about Shakespeare. We did not know this kitty:(
    Purrs and hugs to his furmily.

    1. That is too bad Minko didn’t like it. I thought this was a new brand, I didn’t realize it had been around for a while. Poor Shakespeare was killed by a neighbor’s dog, I can’t even imagine how awful his Mom feels.

  12. Hurrah fur BJ Bangss winnin Phoebe gurl…
    An that mew food soundss purrty taste…have sum fur mee ok????
    An wee are berry sorry about Shakespeare….**hangss head**
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      1. Was it nommie good sweet buttercup gurl???
        LadyMum bott mee chewy Greenie Tuna treetss…thee stinky so bad an taste so-o good!!!! Mew mew mew….
        ~~head rubsss~~ an ***paw kissesss***

        1. It was yummy. I am glad you got your greenies-yum yum. XO and paw kisses and head rubs and how about a tummy tickle?

          1. LadyMum sayss mee not getting them chewy stinky tuna nomss a lot because they are high inn pro-teen….so mee iss enjoyin them while mee can…soon mee will have to have onlee chick-hen chewiess again…..
            ~~~tummy tickulsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss*** an *nose rubsss* Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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