Caturday Saturday

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and The Pet Parade.  We are also joining The Pet Photo Fails Blog hop hosted by Melissa and Mudpie.

Joanie gave me a good photo fail when posing for the giveaway. She would not look at the camera, she was checking out the merchandise.

Speaking of the giveaway, the winner is The Angelic Clowder, if you haven’t met them yet be sure to visit.

I used Lunapic once again for my art- I like that the marshmallows look toasted 🙂

And here is a puzzle–
preview108pieceImageedit 5 3194957230


  1. Joanie decided the merchandise was more important than the photo.
    Lovely art, and thanks for the puzzle.
    Congrats to the Angelic Clowder.

  2. ConCats to the winners..we don’t know them either.

    Cool artwork and fun puzzle. Thanks!

    The Florida Furkids

  3. Wew would have checked out the merchandise instead of posing too 😉
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  4. We love the merchandise. We well mom did the puzzle and did it in 57:07. Great artwork

  5. Joanie was just doing her job inspecting the products for the giveaway. 🙂
    Congrats to the winners!!

  6. Yore marshmallowss DEW look all toasty Miss Ellen!
    An Joanie iss still cute even not lookin at cammyra…..mee doess that to LadyMew all THE time 😉
    **purrss** BellaDharma

  7. Concats to the winner!!

    And that is a fun failure.
    The art made the colors ‘pop’!
    Off to try the puzzle.

  8. Aww…sweetie💗Concats to the winners and you’re a winner too in your artwork, Joanie😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞

  9. Joanie was preoccupied with the merchandise but that is understandable… they are great giveaway items! Very nice Caturday Saturday art and with a puzzle!!!

  10. It is important to inspect any and all prizes in case you need to paw one away for yourself. MOL!

  11. Joanie, you’re gorgeous whether or not you look at the camera. And concatulations to The Angelic Clowder!

  12. I would say that’s just a sign that the prize is AMAZING. After all, she couldn’t even look away from it!

  13. Mom, the camera doesn’t do anything but make that light in my eyes, these are fun things to play with, I have to pay attention to them! Can’t you just hear it?

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