Caturday Saturday

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and The Pet Parade.

Emmy wants to remind everyone of our Dr. Seuss giveaway so I used Lunapic to turn her into a cartoon. I also made a puzzle- it took me 18 minutes and 18 seconds. I am sure you can beat that.

To enter the giveaway, be sure to leave a comment on the Thankful Thursday post. Winner will be announced Sunday. You have until 9PM ( EST) Saturday to enter.

Someone asked if I could give instructions on making a catnip mat. I am going to do a post about it on Monday.

preview108 pieceEmmy



  1. Even though I know my human will never make one (and she’s losing the sewing machine here in a couple of weeks anyhow), I’m looking forward to the instructions.

  2. Your Lunapic edit made for an excellent Emmy with a Suess hat! I think it is so cute I am going to try the puzzle right now! You give me hope with 18 minutes 😉 Some of the puzzles have taken me an hour!!!

  3. Great foto. We don’t know why everypawdy’s in such a rush to see who can finish puzzles the fastest. MOmmy never really cared fur them cuz they required patience and took too much time. Anyways, we’ll play the puzzle, but we don’t time ourselves. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  4. Unless they can be sewn by hand, i am out of luck on making my own mats.

    And trust me, it takes me even longer than you to do puzzles on a screen. For some reason, i can’t see the pieces well enough on my tablet to do it fast.

  5. Ahhhh…you’re killing me with your puzzle challenges – I can’t resist trying! But I couldn’t beat your time. Mine was 19:53. 🙂 It was fun though!!

  6. Emmy, you are all Seuss’ed up! I’m getting ready for Seuss day myself and so is the doggie. I don’t have a hat like yours, which I think is totally cool by the way and I luv the stripes! You wear that hat very well! Purr purr purr.

  7. I have been trying online puzzles. I am so bad at them, it’s embarrassing. I guess I need somewhere to lay out my pieces so I can see what goes together.

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