Cat Coasters

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend. Being that Halloween is coming, I have a fun project for you. This one is for you, not for your kitties. I saw these cat coasters on Pinterest a long time ago and good thing I printed out a photo because I couldn’t find them in any of my boards. They would be great for a party or for every day use depending on the color you choose.

I admit that hubby made mine for me because I can’t cut. I blame it on being a leftie- and I have even tried the leftie scissors with no luck. He traced a cup and used a X-acto blade to cut out the face. He did make a template first to trace the face on.

003.Have a great day everyone! Here are Joanie ( orange) and KaTwo (purple) in their costumes:

003025I had some technical difficulties and neither would let me tie the crayon around them.




  1. Cute coaster idea! I too am a leftie but do a lot of stuff right-handed other than writing……including using a scissor! When I was learning to write we lived in Germany and my teacher INSISTED I use my right hand so to this day I can SORT OF use my right hand for many things. Love the costumes too!


    1. That worked out well because you are now ambidextrous. My mom went to Catholic school and they tried to make her use her right hand, but her mother insisted she keep the left. Back then, it was thought you had the devil in you. I think it makes us creative 🙂 and a little clutzy 🙁

    1. Thank you, I wish I could find the link from Pinterest to give credit to who originally made it.

  2. Those awe weally cute coasters. Mommy not be vewy cwafty. Hers gweat wiff da artsy stuff but da cwafty…..not so much. MOL Hers has sum coasters sumpawdy gave hers a while back wiff kittys on them, and she uses them all da time so she wuld luv those little coasters, but she will just hav to admire them fwum afur. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. So far I only have one, I need to get my hubby to make more-it took longer than I thought. I get lots of ideas, but most things I can’t do by myself.

  3. I am left pawed too!! I can vouch for the fact that left pawed people are very creative and not at all klutzy!! MOL Those crayola costumes are the cat’s whiskers 😉 xox

    1. Glad you like the costumes. I am clutzy- maybe it isn’t my handedness, just me 🙂

  4. Cute coaster (and good cutting skills by the husband).
    The crayon idea is cute, but it doesn’t surprise me that the kitties didn’t want to be “encased”. They look cute just the way they are.

    1. Thank you. I should have known too that they wouldn’t want that part on them. Fabric may have been better, but the paper was cheaper 🙂

    1. Thank you. Summer, you are so laid back that I think you would wear any costume.

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