Butterfly Selfie

Hi everyone! Today I thought I would have a little contest. My Dad loves to photograph butterflies and has been interested in them since he was a kid. He had never seen this butterfly before until last week when one was on our coneflowers.

Do you know what kind it is? If so, put your answer in the comment section for a chance to win a catnip mat made with this beautiful butterfly pattern.

Β Β  If more than one of you gets it correct, I will put your names into a drawing to choose the winner. You only have until 9PM (EST) Sunday to submit your answer.

Grammie did come to see me on Thursday. I love her so very much. And she is going to stay with us Monday while Mom and Dad meet Dad’s sister for lunch. Party time!!!

I am joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.






  1. I believe it is a Painted Lady, a Cynthia variety of the Vanessa Nymphalidae. I love to watch and photograph them, too. I have gotten fond of certain ones, like these and Skippers. Great picture, CatDad!

    The Outlaw Minions will be joining the Selfies today. *good grief* They are really funny.

    Thanks for being You. We love you. Hugs.

      1. Yes, Bill is correct. You will be entered in the drawing, I am surprised so many knew this one. XO

  2. I’m going to guess that it’s a Buckeye.
    I’m so glad you got to see your Grammie and that she’s coming again. Is it an all day party?

    1. YEs, that is correct. You are in the drawing.
      Grammie will be here for a few hours.

  3. Lovely butterfly, unfortunately my knowledge of entomology is weak.

    Enjoy the party with your Grammie!

  4. We don’t know anything about kinds of butterflies. But it looks a little like a moth. Great picture. Glad Grammie came to visit. Have a great Sunday.

  5. How pretty! My dad is a bug guy, and I’m trying to delve into my childhood bug lessons from him. Is it some kind of buckeye butterfly? Regardless, it sure is pretty, and so are your coneflowers. Purrs!

  6. Oh you are so adorable with your little sweet face. No wonder your Grammie loves YOU so very much. xxxx

  7. I have no idea either.
    I’m glad you got to see Grammie on Thursday. You’ll see her again soon and that’s even better.
    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful peeps. ☺

  8. OMC……it’s a giant owl butterfly. Though my mom thinks it looks more like a moth.
    Thank your dad so much for taking that great picture and sharing it with us.

    Scout Charles

    1. It does look like an owl, but that is not what it is called. Thanks for visiting Charles, Sammy says hello. XO

  9. I have to confess to loving chasing and catching those little guys. Not sure of the names though. Ooh, sounds like you are going to have a great time with Grammie, I wonder if she’ll bring you any treats?

  10. Mom says that to her this looks like a Polyphemus moth, which is a variety of silk moth. We’ve looked at other answers now, and if the majority is correct then we are wrong. No biggie. We like how you posed with the butterfly mat, Phoebe. Very appropriate. Mom loves cone flowers but never has luck with them as the groundhogs eat them. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. Sorry the groundhogs eat your coneflowers, I am surprised we don’t have that problem. Sorry, you didn’t get it right5, but that was a good guess. XO

  11. That’s a very beautiful butterfly, but I have no clue. We were at the county fair last night and they had a butterfly exhibit where people could feed them. I wonder if they had this kind in there. Have fun with your grammie!

  12. It is a Common Buckeye. We get a lot of them in our garden for some reason.

    We are glad you were able to have a visit with your Grammie, Phoebe πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. You are correct, you are in the drawing. We are so sorry about sweet Mitalee. XO

  13. Hi Phoebe! You look so pretty posing next to you the butterfly at, yet another of your mom’s fabulous cat toys. Your dad’s photograph is wonderful! Unfortunately, the lady doesn’t know anything about butterflies except that she likes them.

    I bet you’ll have a good time with your Grammie tomorrow. I see treats in your near future!

  14. Who knew we were gonna be quizzed?. MOL We think it’s an owl butterfly. But we’re never very good at these things. big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  15. Mee looked thee butterfly uppy Phoebe an mee finkss it iss a ‘Common Buckeye’ butterfly! Yur Pappaw’ss foto an thee fotoss’ mee looked at are thee same!
    Mee LUVSS butterflies all so….ok maybee more to chase than watch, mew mew mew…
    An mee knowss mee iss late with mee answer sweet gurl; thee Pee Cee went funky an not werk since wee posted mee selfiess! Iss all wayss sumfing….
    Hurrah fur Grammie; wee LUV her lotss!!
    All mee luv an **paw kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I am sorry your computer is giving you troubles again. You are a smart purrince, you are correct about the butterfly, but late πŸ™ Dad used to bring moths in for me to chase in the bathroom when I was younger, they were tasty. Then Mom said that wasn’t good for me and would upset my tummy- she is no fun.
      Grammie gave me treats 3 times ( everyone else only got them twice). XO and paw kisses and lots of love!

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