Bacon’s Shopping Around the World

Hi everyone. Before we get started, we want to send our deepest sympathies to our friends at Critters in the Cottage who had to say goodbye to their sweet girl, Mitalee.

I am skipping the book blog hop this week, instead we are participating in Bacon’s Shopping Around the World. This month participants were asked for a recipe of what they cook when it is too hot to cook.

   This time I sent Jinx for the groceries and he did a great job. Notice our shopping cart is now blue instead of pink. I had used the pink one for a photo shoot before I gave it to my great- niece for Easter and now there is no getting it back for a photo shoot. She uses it every day. I bought this one for $9.99 and use it to store kitty toys in and when my great-niece visits, she can play with it. The truth is  I am 48 years old and bought myself a toy shopping cart 🙂

When it is hot, I make spaghetti and meatballs using sauce from a jar and frozen meatballs. That way I can microwave the meatballs and sauce and only have to cook the pasta.

I buy a bag of Perfect brand meatballs ( all beef)- on sale for $6.99

jar of Ragu- on sale for $2.50

Box of Ronzoni pasta ( I like to use penne) – $1.00

Plus there are plenty of meatballs and sauce that I can make meatball grinders another night. And I use the leftover noodles to make macaroni salad. 🙂


We are also joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays because Jinx with a shopping cart is pretty awwww worthy.

Phoebe and I were impressed that so many of you knew the butterfly was a Common Buckeye. We entered anyone that answered any kind of Buckeye into a drawing -and the winner is—– Lone Star Cats ! Congratulations! I will send that out this week, I just want to crochet some toys to go with it.





  1. Mmmmm, spaghetti and meatballs. Yum! You sure are awww worthy, Jinx, pushing that cart like a pro shopper. And a huge concatulations to the Lone Star Cats on their win!

  2. Concats to the Lone Star Cats!!

    We used to eat lots of spaghetti…sometimes we do miss it…its kind if a good comfort food.
    Junx, wow, you really look like a great shopper!

    We made a card for Mitalee, but Petcretary doesn’t have her Email address…can you send it to us if you have it? Pawlease?! Thanks!

  3. Haha, Ellen, we love the inner (outer?) child in you! It’s great when you’re still feeling like a child while being adult because now you finally have some more $$ to spend on things you always wanted as a kid. 😀 I know, $9,99 isn’t a lot of money, but for a child, it’s a fortune!

  4. Oh wow……..I’m gonna ask Mom if I can have my own cart too – maybe they’ll give her one of those “kids carts” they have at our grocery if she asks nice?!?!?! We are BIG FANS of spaghetti here – well my Mom and Dad are anyway.

    Love, Teddy

    1. I hope you can have a cart too Teddy and I hope you treat it better than your cube 🙂 XO and love to you and your Mom.

  5. I too am jealous of your shopping cart… for the cats… yeah … that’s it! Ok what is a meatball grinder???

  6. Jinx you rock that shopping cart! I bought some tiny shopping carts at the thrift store. I think they were from Shopkins. They are adorable.

  7. Okay, now I’m hungry for spaghetti and meatballs. I love anything pasta.

    Way to go on the butterfly. I didn’t have a clue.

    You always have awww in every post becuase you put your kitties in. I like that.

    Sorry about the loss of Mitalee. Always so hard to lose you babies.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ☺

  8. That shopping cart is so terrific. Good job pushing it around Jinx. We were so sorry about Mitalee too. You all have a wonderful day.

  9. That’s a very cute shopping cat. I think it’s appropriate for all ages 🙂
    I love spaghetti & meatballs. Yummy!

    1. Thank you. And thank you for nominating me for the award, I am honored. I got it last week from Kittyclysm though- sorry.

  10. dood….we iz crackin up at yur foto !!!!! itz total lee kewl ~~~~ 🙂 ♥♥

    1. Thank you. That is just what it is called, people give recipes with prices and blogs from all over the world join 🙂

  11. Oh my goodness – we love sketti and meatballs here at the Hotel Thompson. Now all of our mouths are watering and we want some. And your buggy – too funny! I have one too and mine is red and looks like a buggy from our local Target store. So much fun! Thanks for participating in Shopping Around the World sweet friend. Sending you bunches of hogs and snout kisses. XOXO – Bacon

  12. It is easier to use the microwave for frozen items when it’s too hot to cook. Jinx is darling with the shopping cart. You may think you are too old to buy a toy cart for yourself, but your inner child is just the right age for that!

  13. Phoebe, I love seeing you here. It makes me smile every time. And boy, Jinx is like all the guys. Go out for a few things, and come home with a bunch! I do that same thing when I doubt feel like cooking. I make it a meat sauce instead of meatballs though. I brown and drain some 93% lean burger…add the Rag or Barillo’s to it, let it simmer a bit and add it to the cooked spaghetti. It’s nommy. I haven’t thought about penne. I will do that next time.

    pee ess: we wish you lived next door too!

    1. Phoebe thanks you 🙂 Your spaghetti sounds good too and healthier than the meatballs which are probably full of sodium. It would be fun living near you, maybe you could motivate me to walk 🙂 XO

  14. Hahahaha! Mum buys toys she says are for us too 😉
    Too hot, mum makes salad. She loves salads.
    We like Jinx doing the shopping 😉
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  15. Oh awnty Ellen, mommy says ifin you;re gonna go to all da trouble of makin’ pasta, don’t settle fur just a store bought jar of sauce. And, we’ve never heard of grinders, what are those? Not dat mommy can eat anythin’ solid right now, but hey, we might like ’em. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Pasta is quick and so is sauce from a jar 🙂 A grinder is a sub like from Subway. 🙂 XO

  16. Nothing wrong with buying toys. Pop just bought a pack of 64 Crayola Crayons and he hasn’t colored in years. Have you ever tried Tuttorosso pasta sauce. The peeps just switched to that one. Acme has it for $1 when it’s on sale. TW just stocked up cos she doesn’t cook like Gramma did.

    1. That is a great deal for sauce, I need to look for that. I hope your Pop has fun coloring 🙂 XO

  17. Conkatss to thee Lone Star Katss!!! Travis an Crockett an Angelique are grate furendss to mee!!!
    An wee iss berry sad abut Mitalee…..shee was such a cutie….now shee iss inn Pure Land lookin down with Luv; all tho wee will miss her fur all wayss…
    An Lady Ellen you buy as many toy shoppin cartss as you like!
    Give Phoebe mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Lone Star Cats are fun. We are sad about Mitalee too.
      One shopping cart is plenty 🙂 And Phoebe sends you paw kisses too! XO

  18. Jinx is one big fluffy kitty, that’s for sure. I like the idea of using spaghetti sauce in a jar and frozen meatballs. We’re not exactly culinary geniuses here…

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