Blest Selfie Sunday with Phoebe

Happy Blessed and Selfie Sunday everyone! It is Phoebe here, I am participating in Dezi’s Blest Sunday and Selfie Sundays with The Cat on My Head. Here is my selfie, its a silly one:008Look how far I can tip my head, yet another talent of mine πŸ™‚

I am very blessed to have a loving mom and dad. I have the most wonderful Grammie too. And my cup ( yes, I drink from a cup) runneth over with brothers and sisters too.


I was chilly, but not cold anough for a sweater so Β I thought I would borrow one of Lucy’s scarves. Lucy has a whole collection of scarves that mom made. Don’t I look great in it?

This week I have written an acrostic poem for my Grammie:


Really pretty






009Uh-Oh, I neglected to tell Lucy I was borrowing her scarf–gotta go, see you all next week- I hope.

PS: Don’t forget to comment to be entered to win those turkey legs.

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  1. Love that beautiful scarf but you may want to make sure you get permission next time……know what I mean? I love how you can practically stand on your head too – now that’s definitely TALENT!

    Hugs, Sammy

  2. We love your silly upside down selfie Phoebe! Our angel Tulip used to do that all the time…so sweet! πŸ™‚

    Love the scarf too…your Mama is very talented πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  3. You are very limber to tip your head all the way over like that! You look great in Lucy’s scarf. Maybe the two of you can share wardrobes.

  4. We fink yous look pawsum in da scawf Phoebe. Fank yous fur purrticipatin’ in Blest Sunday. Weez awe so glad to hav met yous and become yous furiends. And weez wanna enter ow names in da contest fur da turkey legs fur Sammy. Hinms hasn’t won and weez want hims to get sumfin’ special. Weez awe so glad yous cup runneff ovew, dat da bestest kind of cup to hav. πŸ™‚

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. We furgot to tell yous, sumhow yous linky has gotten messed up. When weez paw on yous name in da comments of ow posty, it goes to http// which dusn’t exist.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi

      1. I don’t know why that happens- we exist πŸ™ I have limited computer knowledge so I don’t know how to fix it.

    2. How sweet of you to want Sammy to win, he will have 2 chances now. We are thankful to be your friend.

  5. That is a very cute selfie Phoebe.
    I get my blood stolen again tomorrow and they shave my throat when they do it. I told mum I will need a scarf but she said I wouldn’t wear it if she got me one.

    1. Thank you. My mom will make you a scarf, but I don’t think it will get to you by tomorrow. I hope your bloodwork goes well- I will say a prayer.

  6. Phoebe, do you have some extra vertebra that allow you to do that with your head? It is kind of like a parrot and so super adorable. You look quite lovely in aqua! Thank you so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. Have a great Easy Sunday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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