
We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww Mondays.

Memorial Day confuses me. In my family, we put flowers on the graves of loved ones, not just ones that were in the service. I am thankful to all who served ( including my Dad), but I think it is nice to remember everyone.

This is the photo I use every Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. My angel Lucy with my Dad’s flag and photo.


And speaking of Lucy- I’ve got some ‘splainin to do.

I am fostering this Lucy who looks a lot like my angel Lucy. She was fixed last year, but her 2 sisters, Ethel and Carol still need to be caught and fixed.  I would love to adopt all 3, but hubby says no and I agree, that is too many. I am hoping to adopt one and get a home for the other 2 together. I will admit Lucy is cute, but I fell in love with Ethel when I saw her.  I have been able to pet her and she doesn’t move away or try to whap me so that is good. Of course, the longer she is in my care, the more likely I am to keep her.

Penny will be here tomorrow with some freebie ideas for Father’s Day.


  1. Happy Memorial Day! We love the photo of Lucy with the photo of your Dad’s Flag photo. We don’t have Memorial Day in Canada, we have Remembrance Day in October. It started off to remember those who died during wars, but it has morphed in to remember those who served. And Lucy (the foster) looks a lot like Lucy (the angel). Good luck catching Ethel and Carol!

  2. Yes, I think it used to be for remembering all who passed, not just the military.
    All the grave here have flags and some have flowers.
    We are nearby Fort Custer National Cemetery, and they have tons of volunteers there to place flags on ALL the graves. Its quite a sight, very moving too. There was no ceremony last year nor this year on account of the pandemic, hopefully next year. They did have a virtual one, though.

    Angel Lucy is a good voice to tell your family and all of u about Memorial Day.

    Your (New) Lucy is very pretty!!

    1. All the cemeteries here also have flags on graves of veterans placed there by volunteers. XO

  3. Lucy looks sweet. I hope Ethel and Carol can soon be caught and fixed. Hubby says no? We will see.

  4. That’s such a purrecious picture of the Angel and your Dad. We also remember everyone on Memorial Day, Ellen. The Lucy looks like Angel Lucy indeed and we can understand that she has stolen your 💗Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞

  5. Oh I love the name Ethel… Dad’s Mom’s first name was Ethel. It’s an old-fashioned name for sure. I hope you get to adopt one of those sisters. They are gorgeous.

    Hugs, Teddy (and Mom too)

    1. The only place I heard that name was on Lucy, how nice it was your Grandma’s name. XO

  6. I think your Memorial Day photo with Angel Lucy is very special! Going to be interesting about Lucy, Ethel and Carol. Thank you for taking care of all three as you foster one and find homes for the other two♥

  7. Oh, how adorable! You have such a big, beautiful heart. If only we could save and care for all of them. xo

  8. I know you’d have all the kitties that need care if you could. I love that about you. Wanting to save and love them all.

    I’m so thankful for those that gave their all protecting our country.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  9. Oh I hope you can get Ethel and Carol inside. I want to see some pictures from of Ethel. Lucy is adorable.

    1. Ethel looks similar, but her hair is short and Carol is long-haired and gray.

  10. That is a lovely memory of your loved ones. Lucy is darling, I’m so glad you have her safe with you. Keep us posted on her and her sisters.

  11. We remember all our loved ones too and give great thanks to those who gave so much so we can be here today. Thanks to Dads Dad who was in WWII. Lucy is really cute and we hope you can get Ethel and her sister all squared away and maybe… you never know… Happy Memorial Day friends!

  12. Oh you must post some pics of Ethel and Carol. I hope you can catch them soon.

    1. I will as soon as they are captured. I hope they can be caught the same day because I don’t want one to be alone outside.

  13. Our Mom’s family who lived in New England too always put flowers out at the cemetery for Memorial Day too. Mom says it was just done then because the weather was finally nice enough for the flowers to survive in pots.

    Little Lucy is very sweet. We hope things work out well for her, Ethel, and Carol too. We know any one or all of them would be very happy with you.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Wee saloot yore PawPaw Miss Ellen fore his sirvice! Waht a lovelee foto of ‘angel’ Lucy an yore PawPaw’ss foto an flag…
    Happy Meowmorial Day!
    Mee-yow yore so kind to take care of Lucy Two an Ethel an Carol…yore heart iss as big as America!
    **purrss** an ~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

  15. You are heroes to kitties everywhere. 🙂 My family always decorated family graves whether or not they served in the military. I see no issue with that. ~nods~ Best wishes to *this* Lucy and her sisters. ~hugs~ Be well!

    1. Thank you. Glad my family is not the only ones that decorate for all not just military. XO

  16. Well, you could foster all of them until they get adopted…which could be never, especially if the rescue ‘forgets’ to put their photos on their ‘available’ list!

    1. There is no rescue involved. It is the older lady needing homes for them and me. 🙂

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