Hi everyone! I am redoing my post from Monday because it disappeared into cyberspace.
Millie hopes he is awww worthy in my slipper to join Comedy Plus’ Awww…Mondays.
And for The A-Z Blogging Challenge we are up to letter S. S is for senior discount. If you are 60 or over you should ask your vet about one. My hubby just turned 65 in January so we are enjoying the discount.
I’m happy I can open your site today. I tried yesterday a half dozen times and never could get your site to open.
Millie is most Awww worthy.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Hope you had a fabulous Awww Monday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. โฅ
I kept trying and trying to open this site, yesterday, too. Wonder what went wrong and hope it doesn’t happen, again.
Thank you for trying so many times. XO
Millie, you are adorbs!
I am not yet able to get a senior discount, but The Hubby is. However, since he ‘doesn’t do’ vet visits, guess I’ll have to wait!
Our local Metroparks give a senior discount to the yearly sticker, so each January I force The Hubby to drive to our nearest park to get the cheaper sticker. Then, we put the sticker on MY car, et voila! I get into the parks anytime I want to, while he stays home.
That is a good deal.
Awww… I wonder what happened to the original post. Be well!
I wonder too.
Well you are always the cutest!
Thank you ๐
dood….we haz commintz that dizz a peer inta cyber space…..frank lee we think a LOTTA stuffz dizz a peerz inta cyber space…….prob a blee lookz like an asstroid frum earth ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ โฅโฅ
There is a lot of stuff in cyber space. ๐ XO
Ohhhh thank goodness you found it. I thought I had lost my marbles.
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you ๐ XO
I hope you saw my review of Emmy’s book today! There are senior discounts for people over 55, and even some for over-50s! My human qualifies for some, but she almost NEVER asks for them! She’s rather pay full price and let people think she’s not old enough yet. MOL!
MOL! ๐ I am like your human. XO
Millie is very Awww worthy no matter how many times we see her
Thank you ๐
Glad you were able to repost. Millie looks quite content with your slipper.
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Thank you ๐
Millie, Buster sits on mama’s slippers/shoes the same way you do ๐
He has good taste ๐
Glad to know yesterday’s glitch wasn’t just on MY side. Milliie is looking very handsome !
Thank you ๐
it never even occurred to me that vets would possibly give a discount–good to know!
You are too young for this one ๐
I thought my computer was having issues yesterday!
Our angel cat Katie used to love to sleep on slippers too.
Thanks for the tip, hubby is 62, and I’d never thought of asking anywhere for senior discounts!
I hope you find some discounts ๐
That is a cute photo. Our Frankie likes lying on shoes too.
Thank you ๐
We’re glad you got your site fixed–we were worried!
Thank you ๐
I tried getting on yesterday and the posts weren’t there. So glad your site is working again!
Thank you. XO
Yes, i wondered what had happened to the Monday post, it was in the feed but i couldnโt find it. Millie is very Awww worthy to me.
Millie thanks you. ๐ XO
You’re really cute, MIllie ! Purrs
Millie thanks you. XO
Millie is most Awww Worthy! Glad you got the technical issue worked out. I think for me it flashed up “sight not found” but I was able to comment on this post Monday.
Thank you ๐ XO
Slipper naps are da bestest aren’t they!! I just turned 9 soo in cat years I am close to 60 right…Must ask fur my senior discount at my next vet appt ๐
Matilda (& Matt)
I wish we could get senior discounts for the kitties ๐ XO
That discount must be very helpful for you!
It is ๐
We think Millie looks great. We get a Service Cat discount at our V-E-T, but it’s not much. That’s a great tip tho’. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
I am glad you get a discount. ๐ XO
Millie, what a cozy bed that slipper makes! I have nearly an identical shot of my angel Rosie sleeping on one of my dad’s shoes. She loved sleeping in shoes and slippers, especially my dad’s. Purrs!
Awww..you should post it someday. XO
Millie is always awww worthy!
Millie thanks you ๐
Of course Millie is awe-worthy. It’s an adorable picture.
Thank you ๐