
Hi everyone.  Is anyone planning to join The A-Z Blogging Challenge this year? I am a day late with the theme reveal. This year, I am doing the A-Z of Christmas. And I am already planning to do Halloween in 2025. I prefer decorating for Halloween, but I came up with the theme when I had my Christmas decorations out so I took my photos of them.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays.

Joanie is posing with the books I am currently reading.

I am sure most of you have heard of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, I love that book and own a copy. If you are an artist of anything- writing, painting, dancing, etc. You should read it. The book I am reading now is her memoir, Floor Sample: A Creative Memoir. It tells the story of how The Artist’s Way got written and the rest of her life too. Funny thing. I assumed she was married to director, James Cameron- I was wrong, but she was briefly married to Martin Scorsese and is mother to one of his daughters.


I am just about to start The Amen Effect : Ancient Wisdom to Mend Our Broken Hearts and World by Sharon Brous.  I will let you know how it is, but the title sounds promising.


Spring has sprung in Massachusetts. These are just some of the arrangements I made to give away. I wish I could mail them to all of you, but they don’t travel well. They need to be arranged quickly and left alone as they get brittle quickly.

Penny will be here tomorrow. As you know her post got moved from last week.  Rosie must be bursting with gossip by now and now she has to wait yet another week.



  1. So cute of Joanie, and interesting books! Those are really nice decorations for spring! That A-Z blogging challenge sounds ambitious, wow! XO

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I have been doing it since 2015, I think I missed one year when one of my cats was very sick. XO

  2. Oh we love those budding branches. In our open market, one vendor gives out a naked little brown branch and when it is in water for a week or two, little sweet-smelling flowers appear. Your branches look like it. Lovely books, very uplifting. As if YOU needed self-help or bettering in any way!!!You could write your own,…

    1. Thank you. 🙂 We do that with forsythia to force them to bloom. You are too kind. I need a lot of bettering. XO

  3. I love love love pussy willows. They always make me smile – yours are beautiful – shiny silver and full. I’ve tried to grow them in my yard with no luck. I will continue to try because they are worth the effort!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Your arrangements are lovely. We have pussy willow growing on the hedges of our bottom field.

  5. Joanie is doing a lovely Job showing us your interesting books. I’ll be interested in seeing what your project is with this A to Z. I used to have a pussywillow bush in my previous house but it never really had enough branches that I felt like cutting them and bringing them in.

  6. I would like to do the A2Z Challenge but I just can’t get myself in the right mindset to join. I hope you have wonderful fun and great success, though. Your dried arrangements look nice. The only thing I dry are the roses, usually just one, every year from Valentine’s Day. They get quite fragile sometimes. I have noticed some do better than others and I really don’t know what I do differently unless it’s the variety of roses. Have an awwwesome week! xo

  7. Joanie is so cute showing your interesting books, and I love your spring arrangements. I don’t get involved with the A2Z challenge because I have enough on my plate for now.

  8. I LOVE Love Love pussy willows! When a girl walking to school, I always always treasured coming upon those bushes and would take a kitty with me to school.

    1. I remember my Gramma would get some, but these are a little different growing on a tree. XO

  9. A nice stack of reads. Reading is a wonderful thing to do. Joanie is adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all your precious kitties. ♥

  10. Oh Joanie you are adorable and reading such great books ~ The Artist’s Way is one of my favorites ~ read it over and over ~ Great pussy willow arrangement ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I love The Artist’s Way! It’s one of the few books I took with me from New York. I don’t think I knew she had been married to Martin Scorcese.

  12. Oh, I love that A-Z theme, purrfect! Those books all sound like good ones!

  13. Your arrangements are beautiful! I love your A to Z plans. I must admit – Christmas is my overall favorite holiday, but I prefer decorating for Halloween, because CATS!

  14. Mee-yow yore Pussy Willow arrangemintss are so lovelee Aunty Ellen…
    Mew mew mew poor Rosie will bee burstin fore sure!
    THE bookss you meowed about sound furry innterestin.
    BellaSita iss not reedin much again….mee missess her reedin to mee
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  15. Your arrangements are lovely, I’ll have to enjoy them from afar. I’m allergic to pussy willow.

    I’m a bit late revealing my theme, too, but my theme is just me meandering, so it’s not that important.

    Joanie is beautiful, as always, and you will have to let us know how that book turns out.

    1. How sad you are allergic to them. One of my great nieces doesn’t like how they smell.
      I like that theme. ALl your posts are always interesting. Thank you. XO

  16. Stopping in to take a look at your theme and wish you a happy March and a wonderful April. Can’t wait to read more during April! ♥

  17. Your arrangements are lovely. 🙂 I’ve followed along with a writers’ group for several of Ms. Cameron’s workshops. Your A-Z sounds like fun for both this year and especially next. ;D And your kitties’ posts are always fun. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 If you lived near me, I would give you some. 🙂 I bet you got a lot out of the workshops. XO

  18. A to Z Christmas sounds challenging, but who doesn’t love Christmas in April? Looking forward to seeing your pictures and what you come up with!

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