Sunday Selfies-Catburry Auditions-part 1


Hi everyone! We are joining, The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

Today we present the first 3 contestants in the  Catburry Bunny Auditions. I have 14 cats, but I know the 4 ferals will not participate and I won’t make Elvira so that leaves 9, 3  today and 3 more next week and the week after that.

Joanie and her Gremmie

And this week’s selfies are dedicated to three very special kitties who recently left this world. My condolences to all their families.


  1. Wee are furry sorry to see Stunning Keisha an LouLou an Dai$y leeve this guud earth. Wee send sympaffiess to ther Hu’manss. An wee hope THE 3 Kittiess are runnin free inn Purr Land…..
    What cute Selfiess from Penelope an Joanie with Gremmie an Rosie!!!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. That was kind of you to make everyone a badge. Pop made a nice puzzle of your badge. XO

  2. Those are very cute selfies. I am so sad that so many kitties have left us in the last few days.

  3. Thank you for the lovely reminder of the sweet angels that have moved on. I cannot believe that Penelope is now that friendly with you that you got her to put on bunny rabbit ears. That’s fantastic. Have a great Sunday

  4. Love the first three BUNNY entries – can’t wait to see the others! Beautiful remembrances of those we lost recently but we know we will see them again one day……..
    Hugs, Teddy

  5. I love all the Bunny audition girls. Penelope got my attention this morning.

  6. thank you for featuring me on your blog today Penelope, Joanie and Rosie ♥♥♥ and the background of your blog looks FABulous *** and each of you look FABulous in the rabbit ears too ! loves from dai$y 🙂

  7. It is lovely to see your Easter bunnies and they did make me smile in a sad week.

    BUT we have hope for a brighter day, especially for Elvira. She has the best cat mom who remembers the losses we have had this week.

    Thank you.

  8. Oh, merci, merci, Ms Ellen for the lovely memoriam for our Loulou. So kind, as always. Thank you. And we happen to love the look on Rosie with her ears, but all of them are wonderful

  9. Oh, you sweeties, how great you all look in yourSelfies and such a fun one too Joanie with your glasses😹 Yes, it was very sad to see them all go, such wonderful furriends, what an empty feeling they leave behind😿Soft Pawkisses for you all🐾😽💞

  10. Charlee: “Ooh, this is going to be tough with nine contestants!”
    Chaplin: “We have to say, though, so far we like Joanie, on account of she has Elton John glasses to go with her bunny ears!”

  11. A sweet dedication to these three beautiful cats, Ellen. I am so sorry they had to leave but I know how much they are loved and that their lives were filled with love and kindness.
    It is fun to see the Catburry Bunny Auditions for 2024! I am a little late but life just gets in the way sometimes.
    I am picking Penelope! After a rocky start, here she is looking right at the camera and looking so pleased with those pink bunny ears. It’s hard to pick one… they are all adorable and I love them all!

  12. Well, all the kitties look great in their ears, but we think this week’s win goes to Penelope. Such a sad time losing these lovely lady kitties. They will remain in our hearts always. Thanks for hopping with us. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

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