Artsy Saturday

Hi everyone! I didn’t edit any photos today, but I have a lot of “art” to share with you. First off, Daryl the feral has been the inspiration for some wonderful poems.

Pipo and Minko wrote this:

Darryl the Feral,
No longer in ‘peril’
You might need to wear some apparel,
Or bob for apples in a barrel…
Your eyes are like beryl;
Loved and owned, now; not feral!
Yes, you are mancat Dapper-Daryl!!

And from Turtlelover

Daryl looks so mad that he could spat
maybe he wants his own Dr Seuss Hat
I’m sure he wants Phoebe to be ok and all that
until then he’ll sit up here like a bat

DSCF0529Daryl the Feral thanks you, he is really happy.

A while ago I donated to a Kickstarter campaign for a comic book about rescue cats with special powers to help other cats in need. The amount I donated included a printed copy and it arrived yesterday. The art work is very nice, here is Joanie admiring it.

DSCF0531 To learn more about it click here

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop Caturday Art

and Rascal and Rocco’s Pet Parade

Celebrate winter time with the pet parade, where all your favorite pets and animals can be found


Today is the last day to enter our Dr. Seuss Giveaway:




  1. LOVE the clever “Daryl Poems”! I think it won’t be long before he’s integrated into the kitty community in the Pilch household. He’s quite a cutie – I imagine it’s very nice for him to be warm, feel safe, and secure instead of being out in the cold, wet, scary world!

    Hugs, Sammy

  2. Daryl’s poems are great! I’m sure that, before long, he’ll start warming up a bit more and will hopefully integrate himself more with the family. I can’t wait to hear all about his progress over time. And, I love the comic book! Purrs!

    1. I like the poems and comic book too. I think Daryl is coming along fine, he doesn’t run to hide when I feed him.

  3. Daryl the (not)Feral poems are great!! Maybe his mad/grumpy face is normal for him. I guess we’ll have to wait until he really settles in to find out. Joanie looks great with the comic book. Do you have a link or address where we can get a copy? It looks very nice. Happy Caturday, Penny and Millie. We love you!

    1. I think he does have a grumpy face, be he is cute. I am not sure where to order to comic yet, it isn’t on Amazon, but I will find out and let you know.

  4. Tee-hee!!
    Maybe Daryl will soon pose with that Cat In the Hat toque!!
    Now *that* would be super-duper pawsome!

    We are glad he knew how to find you to rescue him:) We thank you fur doing it, too!

    Have a wonderfur weekend!

    We are cause pawppy is home:)) And meowmy is off…

  5. Joanie, did you find any kitties that look like you or any of your fursibs in the comic book? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. HAY DARRYL by Siddhartha Henry
    “Hay Darryl you may bee lookin grumpy
    an finkin yur life has been bumpy, (an it sure has mee furend)
    butt now yur inn a reelly good place
    so now you can have an ungrumpy face!!!
    Lady Ellen will take grate care of you…
    an you will know luv an kindness so true!”
    Wishin you all thee best Darryl….
    Yur new furendss, Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum
    Pee S: Phoebe mee sweet gurl mee iss sorry mee missed thee Contest…it iss ALL LayMum’ss fault 😉

    1. Great poem, Daryl will be so happy to get another one. You didn’t miss the contest, you are entered. XO and love from Phoebes

      1. Fankss Lady Ellen fur thee compleemint! Darryl iss beecomin a *star* issn’t hee??? Mew mew mew…..
        An mee FANKSS you so much fur enterin mee inn yur contest; yur too kind!
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

          1. Most dayss mee iss poe-lite Lady Ellen 😉
            Sumtimess mee iss a bit bossy……ok LadyMum….sum dayss mee iss ALOT bossy!!!!!! Mew mew mew…
            ***paw patsss*** Purrince SH

    1. That was nice of you to do. I like that they have these fundraisers online now.


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