Ten Things of Thankful

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and Ten Things of Thankful. And Rascal and Rocco’s Pet Parade.

My art ties in with The A-Z Blogging Challenge actually my crocheted Minion is my art because I am too lazy to edit the photo.

Much better than yesterday’s lemon. I am quite proud of this one.

KaTwo is posing with it. My poor cats have to pose with everything, but they don’t get to play with these items because I am giving them all away in a big giveaway at the end of the month.

Here are my thankfuls- all book related this week.

  1. Went to my first book sale of the year with a friend.
  2. Found some books I didn’t even know existed.
  3. Going back to the book sale today for half price day- 50 cents for paperbacks and $1 for hardcover.
  4. Bookstores- I went to Barnes and Noble this week and made a list of 12 books to get from the library.
  5. The library and being able to get books from any library in the region delivered right to town.
  6. My friends Suzanne and Dave sent me some books for The Great One and for me too.
  7. Kindle- I prefer real books, but I get some good freebies on there.
  8. My kitties like to hang out with me when I read.

These last two are self-promotions-sorry. Most of you know about these and probably already own them, but just in case there are new readers.

9. Spooky’s story was included in Black Cats Tell All. click here.To order your own,

10. Some anecdotes about my cats are included in Makin’ Biscuits: Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them- to get your own copy- click here.



  1. Oh that Minion is PERFECT! You are so clever…..I just love it. You’re definitely going to have a fun pile of toys for your giveaway. BRAVO!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  2. Your Minion is adorable! I am surprised you can snap photos of your wonderful creations with your furkids and they don’t take off with them, my Smokey surely would! :-)) I am anxious to find the time to get back and look at all the things you’ve made so far for the A-Z, and I will. I love crochet and little projects are fun!

    Your TToT list was awesome, isn’t it amazing how many reasons we can find to be thankful for just one topic in our lives?! Then multiply that by how many different things we have and we could list hundred and hundreds! I did ten a day for the A-Z one year and it was a fun challenge.

    Books are the best, and finding them on sale or reading them free on Kindle is a blessing. I love libraries too, I worked at the one in our high school and also at the city library in our small town, and it was such a fun job, I got to see all the new books first!

    Self promotion is a good thing, it’s nice to see people taking a little pride in things they’ve done or accomplished, we are all much too good at focusing on the things we haven’t done or don’t do well. I will have to check out these books and your stories in them! You really could do a whole book on the many tales of all your kitties, I would buy it! XOXO

    1. Thank you. I am having fun with the crochet projects, actually they are all completed, but I still have photos to take.
      Glad you like my thankfuls :)Have a great week! XO

  3. Right off the bat the minion made me smile! And book sales….be still my heart. My family went to one last fall that was $5 per grocery bag. We spent $25 and I admit mostly for me. I am still working my way through the stacks and enjoying every minute of it.

  4. Books are something to be extremely grateful for! How nice that you got to go to a book sale with such great prices. Those are the best. I prefer real books, too. KaTwo is adorable!

  5. HI HI So you do play A to Z – I’ve been trying to find people, but I finally have the website from our Cathy so that will help big time! So you’re sharing your crocheted Minion GOOD ONE. I crochet too! I love crocheting and in fact I’m making a bed apron for my nephew & his future wife. Oh and that’s for their wedding shower! I have a bunch of stuff I made on my instagram if you wanna see it! Being disabled believe me you’re always looking for stuff you can be busy with… ya know what I mean.? Well, you minion is definitely cool.. maybe I’ll try making me one.. bet my grandson would love it! Thanks for the idea and have a great weekend! hugs

    1. Yes, this is my 4th yr at A-Z. I didn’t have a pattern for the minion, but I am sure there are some on ravelry. I hope you have a nice weekend! XO

  6. You really like to read don’t you awnty Ellen. KaTwo looks adorable. But all your kitties do. Mommy doesn’t read much, but when she does, like you, she purrfurs a real book, not those ‘lectronic things. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  7. I would like to hang out with the peep while she’s readin’ but alas, she has been slackin’ in the readin’ department as of late. *SIGHS* She has like THREE knittin’ things on the go and has been doin’ that, instead. Oh sure, hangin’ out with her while she’s knittin’ can be fun, too, as long as she doesn’t freak out too much when I try to help. Unfortunately, she has been freakin’. MOUSES!

  8. Thank you for the shout out, Ellen. You’re very welcome for the books. I hope that you and The Great One enjoy them. 🙂

    I think your book themed thankfuls are great. Books are wonderful!

    Your Minion is cute. I have a Minion bank and keychain. I’ve seen patterns for crocheting Minion hats, too. I may try that some day.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  9. I love your minion! And your models are always too cute for words. I was excited to see that your Thankfuls are all about books. That’s one of my favorite topics. I will definitely check out the books in your last two Thankfuls. Purrs!

  10. Inter library book shifting is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Mom uses that sometimes too. And your kittehs.. well… we think they are very willing to humor you on the whole modeling thing. 🙂

  11. I read so much on my Kindle that it feels weird when I hold a real book! I get a lot of books through Netgalley and I can’t resist free books!

  12. Totally get #7. As much as I like physical books and book stores, the Kindle is so much easier to read in bed! lol
    And, when there isn’t something I’m sure I want to pay for (or I’m researching genre) then theres the Try a Sample feature. I often stock up on a bunch of samples… and that’ll last a week.
    fun TToT

  13. I’m a book lover as well. I don’t know what I’m going to do when we move to smaller quarters. I often find out what I’d like to read and then request it at the library. I guess we can thank Benjamin Franklin for developing the concept. Have a good week and continued luck with the crocheting each day.

  14. What a cute minion!
    “I found some books I didn’t even know existed.” That would be me at so many book sales. Used book sales are fun and tend to eat up a lot of time, because I just want to keep looking.

  15. That minion came of fabulous! Love it! Your toys remain the most popular at our house no matter what else I give them. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

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