Ten Things of Thankful

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and Ten Things of Thankful.

Β Β  I made this on Photofunia to motivate myself to get back to decluttering this weekend. I was doing so well until July then I started bringing more items in then taking out. I blame the book sales, but also my IKEA trip and my birthday.

Here are my 10 Thankfuls

  1. Being able to call the vet in the morning and get an appointment that day.
  2. Our walks with Phoebe and seeing how much she enjoys exploring.
  3. Sweater weather.
  4. My great-niece is 1 yr. and 10 months old and knows her colors.
  5. Getting to spend time with my Mom, we went shopping and to lunch on Thursday and I brought her and my great-niece lunch on Tuesday and Friday.
  6. Thankful that there was no email when I was in college because I still have several letters from my great aunt who passed away at the end of my freshman year in college. It is nice to read them and still feel that love.
  7. Thankful that I got to go to college and get the dorm experience.
  8. Thankful my niece went to college and I got to help her move in and move out which gave me the parental view.
  9. Zucchini still coming in ( we have a 2nd planting so we will have it through September).
  10. Free Kindle books-Today only ( Saturday 9/2) you can get The Chattere Trilogy by Jeanne Foguth. It is a great Science Fiction collection for teens and adults. I wrote a review last year for Star Bridge, the first book in the series. To read my review, click here.

To go to Amazon for your free copy, click here.

Joanie sends thanks to all who complimented her acting in The Codd Mother. She is hoping to win an Acatemy Award.


  1. Your ten thankfuls get an A+. It is always nice to remind ourselves of all the good things in our lives. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  2. That is a lovely list of thankfuls!
    Our garden in patio pots is giving us produce, too…cherry tomatoes are what we are most thankful for, here.
    Maybe we could try zucchini in pots sometime in the future. They do tend to collect a lot of bugs that chew them all up…at least they chew the leaves.

    1. Thank you. We grow the zucchini in pots and it does great. We put the pots on stacked cinder blocks so they are too high for rabbits to get to.

  3. Funny that the above written comment contained the word bug. Mom just wanted to write that she’s decluttering today, too, and get rid of all cat mint plants – we ignore them and nobody else wanted them. Somebody else is however interested in our cat mint plants, small critters, and now Mom lost her nerves!

  4. Decluttering is tough if you are a collector of many fun things…..but sooner or later you need room for cats and humans! HAHAHA We love your thankful list – we all really have so much to be thankful for if we just stop for a minute from our busy lives and THINK about it!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Family are so precious; it’s a lovely list and the famiily thankfuls are like the jewels in the ring.

  6. Those are some mighty good things to be thankful for. We are also thankful for all of them too here. We definitely think you should get an academy award for that great acting Joanie. You all have a great week end.

  7. Nice list! I only got the dorm experience through a friend who basically wasted her degree. Oh, well. What can you do? I’m thankful for early retirement (!) and time to write.

    1. Thank you. I am an introvert so I didn’t enjoy the dorm experience, but I know what it is like.

  8. I’m thankful that I’m retired and can do what I want.

    I always enjoy your thankful posts.

    Have a fabulous long weekend. Scritches to all the kitties. ☺

  9. I always look forward to your Ten Things of Thankful. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who loves sweater weather! I am also so glad that Phoebe enjoys her walks so much. The pictures of her on her walks are so fun to see. Oh, and Joanie, you more than deserve an academy award! Have a beautiful day!

  10. I am hoping Joanie wins an Academy Award, too… she deserves it! #6… I am so thankful to have the letters from my Mom. I still read them frequently and they give me comfort. I can almost still hear her voice… πŸ™‚ College… I had the best time in college. I am sure my Mom wished that I had spent a bit more time studying!

    1. Joanie thanks you. I am glad you have your letters from your Mom. It is sad that everything is electronic now.

  11. All good things to be thankful for! I didn’t get to experience the college dorm room because we had local universities and colleges in my hometown. But I did get to move my younger daughter into her college dorm room, and it was exciting and emotional from a parental perspective.

  12. My sistur, Zoe, figured out that no one could leave purrs and meows on our latest post, because our spam-bot zapper was wurking overtime and said everyone was a bot. We couldn’t even get in. So we watched, and we crept, and we pounced, and we ate it. Anyone can purr to us now after checking a little box. ?
    Raja and Zoe

  13. Great list! I, too, was making progress on decluttering, but I came to a standstill at the beginning of summer. I hope to get back to it.

  14. This was a great list of thankfuls, all of them made me smile! I am sure Phoebe loves her walks, cats are so curious and will spend hours watching out the window for any signs of activity. Sweater weather is my favorite time of the year, it will be another month or so ’til it hits here, but we are loving cooler mornings and evenings already.

    It sounds like you’ve been spending some great time with family and getting out a bit too. College is a much bigger experience than just getting an education, lots of memories made, and lots of learning about life along the way! I agree with you about email. My mother’s handwritten letters were so precious to me, and now we all have computers and phones crammed with emails that we will probably never read again. It’s still nice to send a written note now and then! πŸ™‚

    I bet you’ve tried all kinds of zucchini recipes this year, there are so many good things that can be done with it! A second planting is a great idea!

    Our local vet is always available and easy to get in to see too, and I so appreciate that! We even met up with him one Saturday night when Toby was having difficulties with his asthma and I was worried. He couldn’t have been nicer!

    Free Kindle books are always fun, Kindle is the best invention ever… always a book at hand if we end up waiting anywhere! Enjoy the long weekend and have a great week ahead! XOXO

    1. Thank you for commenting on each thankful. I am glad Toby was OK, asthma is especially tough with cats because they can’t tell us what is happening.I hope you have a nice weekend too! XO

  15. So many wonderful things to be thankful for πŸ™‚ I love e-mail but the physical paper letters are very precious! I love your answer for fill-in #4!

  16. I LOVE your thankful things and your lovely art!
    My mommy says she will be thankful when Kozmo and Jo Jo and Cinnamon go home. She says that my antics chasing and fighting with my siblings is wearing…I do not quite get that as I and the others are not on her…
    I will NOT be happy. I am enjoying them.

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Maybe you need a calming collar, they smell pretty and most pet stores have them. XO

  17. Interacting with children and babies and seeing them learn so quickly is such fun. That is great that you still have letters from your great aunt.
    I didn’t have sisters, so living in a college dorm was quite a new experience for me, but one I am glad I had.
    When we had a big garden and lots of zucchini I canned Mock Pineapple one year using the zucchini. The real pineapples is much better, but this still worked.

  18. I can’t wait for sweater weather here. Was in the triple digits last week! πŸ™ I loved my dorm experience too. I was a resident advisor for two years and met my husband in the dorms (I’m always quick to say he was NOT one of my residents – hehe).

  19. Decluttering is a noble goal. I hope you can be successful. Sweater weather is nice, feeling all cozy and warm in a sweater you love. Nothing more comforting.

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