Grumpy Phoebe

Hi everyone! I am in a mood.DSCF2449

Here is my poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day featuring the letter M. Mine is a haiku titled MAD.

I am Mad at Mom

She told Grammie no more treats

until Halloween!!!!!

Can you believe that? She said we need to ration these to last until then- PHOOEY!!!! I haven’t seen Grammie since Sunday and now she is going to be busy with ” The Great One” so I don’t get to see her until Saturday. I love her so very much too!


Plus I caught Snowball and Prancie having a meeting with suck-up Brody.

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Mom wrote about him this month too for The Daily Mews: Click here

Today’s question for P.S. Annie’s 19-Somethin’ Challenge is, what celebrity death upset you the most? Mom says she remembers Elvis died when she was 8, but she wasn’t really upset about it.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow, Mom came up with the first 2 and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second 2.

1. I can’t wait for the new season of ___________________________ on television.
2. In my home, ____________________needs to be repaired.
I thought I lost ________, but ______.
4.Once, I found _______.


  1. Awww I’m sorry that you have to wait for more treats. Maybe the time will pass quickly.

    I was pretty upset about Elvis dying. It was 2 days before my 12th birthday. That August, though seemingly couldn’t get any worse, did. About 9 days after my birthday, they found my uncle and aunt murdered. It was horrible.

    I don’t know that I even knew who Elvis was when I was 8 years old. I don’t remember how I “discovered” him, but I’m glad that I did. Somewhere along the way, I learned he was my cousin, too, and that made it even better…though maybe a bit creepy since I kissed his lips off the poster that I had of him. haha

      1. Thank you. It was awful. He and this wife had an 18 month old baby, and he also had my other two cousins with his first wife. It was just a bad, bad time for our family.

        No, we don’t have contact with his daughter. I don’t know that they even know we exist. When you’re in the limelight like that, you have all sorts of “cousins” coming out of the wood works. I don’t have proof positive, documented paperwork, just what my Aunt Mae told me. Preliminary research that I’ve made has it going either way. One paper trail has me and Elvis sharing a 3rd great-grandmother; another shows no connection at all Whether it is ultimately true or not, it is still fun thinking about it. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed day!

        1. That is very interesting and I am sure it makes for a great conversation starter. Hope you have a blessed day too.

  2. I remember when Elvis died. I was 15 and just had gotten my first car. I had to drive my brother home for something and he yelled out the window the whole time we drove , “Elvis is dead.” I kept telling him to “Shut up.” He kept right on being a brother.

  3. I remember about Elvis…but I really remember when Glen Gould died…at age 52 or 53..I think…of a stroke. He was a furry furmouse Canadian pianist. His style was unmistakable, and even though he is long gone I still recognize him if I hear recordings. My girlfriend who was a piano teacher was even more shocked…she had met him in person.

    Sorry the treats are going into ration mode…something about somefur(s) getting to portly?? Hope you get to love on your grammie really soon.

    Here are our fill ins a tad early but tomorrow and the next day the petcretary is working…

    1. I can’t wait for the new season of I don’t know…we don’t watch much TV around here…just news and sports.
    2. In my home, almost evfurrything needs to be repaired. That’s what happens in a old house, it keeps breaking or falling apart, and on and on….
    3.I thought I lost my fitbit today at the gym, but I found it right mby my feet wnhen I bent ovfur to pur=t my street shoes in the locker. It had come off by the gym bag rubbing on it. Phew, those things are almost too expensive to replace!
    4.Once, I found a 10k gold necklace!! I watched the paper for a while to see if anyone would post a lost ad, but after many months I just decided to fix the clasp and make it mine:) When I was about 12, my brother and I found two twenty dollar bills lying in the street…wow!! No one came forward to say they had lost $$ so our parents said we could keep it. Another time I found a wallet in a shopping cart. So I was bold and searched it and found the address of the lady who lost it, and my young sons and I drove ovfur there and returned it. She was elderly and glad to get it back. I found another one years later…with a driver’s license in it…and a court order for some ticket…so I took that one to the police dept…they were furry interested in that wallet and its contents, MOL!!

    1. I am now familiar with Glen Gould, I will have to look him up. You have found a lot of items over they years. Glad you didn’t lose your fitbit. Your house sounds like ours in need of repairs, but I love an old house and would not want a new one.

  4. Oh, Phoebe, I can see how you’d be fuming mad about having to make those treats last until Halloween. That’s like, well, being on a diet. The horror! And then Snowball and Prancie had a secret meeting with Brody?!? What a week! (Still, though, I have faith that you and Brody will be friends one day!)

    I wasn’t alive when Elvis passed, but my parents were and have mentioned it. I don’t think either of them was all that affected by it, although I understand how it must have been quite a shock to many.

    Well, we’ll be working on our Fill-Ins for tomorrow, and we’ll see you all then! Purrs!

  5. WHAT!!!???!!!! NO TREATS until Halloween!!!!! I am SHOCKED and ASTOUNDED your mom would treat you so badly, Phoebe! I can’t believe it – Miss Ellen is such a sweetheart. Don’t worry – during one of my midnight visits to Penny I will bring you some treats. You don’t deserve to be treated so miserably!!! If you feel the need to run away, you are always welcome here — as long as Penny comes with you!!

    1. You are so sweet Toby. I am sure my Mom will change her mind before then. We would love to visit you, but don’t have a ride πŸ™ Penny sends hugs and kisses.

  6. OMC……that is a forever time to be without treats. NOT fair! My mom’s loves that your mom saved Brody and now he has a loving home. My mom does TNR and we foster too. It is hard to let them go to their new homes but she says necessary. We can’t keep them all.
    Scout Charles

    1. It is too long, she will give in. Your mom is great to foster, my mom would never give them up and end up a hoarder.

  7. Poor Pheobs! But you know, it’s hard to keep our girlish figures so maybe this could be a good thing. We enjoyed the story of Daryl/Brody. We had forgotten some of it, actually. It’s so wonderful to see he and you got a happy ending.

  8. My Leo understands the treat struggle! The poor guy can’t stand it when we run out and can’t get to the store, but Halloween? That’s so far! Maybe I’ll try some homemade pumpkin treats this year.

  9. Phoebe….tell your mommy that I with she could babysit me too! I couldn’t do better!

    When our mom’s ration our treats, I hate to say it but there is always a good reason. We need to watch our figures!

    1. Mommy and I don’t watch much on TV…but we will watch DWTS.
    2. The linoleum needs to be taken up and replaced in our tiny bathroom.
    3. Mom thought she had lost a cherished toy that belonged to my human bro, but mommy found it and gave it to his wife.
    4. a whole quarter! That was a LOT for a young girl.

    1. My Mom would even let you have treats πŸ™‚ DWTS is a good show . We need our linoleum in the bathroom replaced too, preferably with ceramic tile. Glad you mom found your brother’s toy. XO


  11. No more treetss til Katmass??? This iss unfinabull mee sweet Buttercup gurl!!! Do you want mee to “MEE-YOW” loudlee inn purrotest to yur Mumma??? No wunder yur uppset mee Purrincess!
    Let mee rite a poe-em to you rite now!! It iss a ‘blank verse’ poe-em:

    “There iss a sweet gurl
    who has mee heart in her paw.
    Her name iss Purrincess Phoebe
    an shee will fur efurr bee mine.”

    Sendin ALL mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~
    Yur Poe-etick Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Halloween, not Christmas- that would be awful. I love the poem, you are such a great poet. I love you my sweet boy and you are all mine. XO

      1. Let mee try fur you mee Purrincess:
        “Deer Lady Ellen mee wood like to bee-seech you on behalf of Purrincess Phoebe fur sum more treetss….wee do not mind if they are ra-shunned butt pleeze give mee sweet buttercup a few purr day….see iss a luvley an darling gurl an shee deeservess dailee treetss. With respect yur Purrince-Inn-Law, Siddhartha Henry”

        Let mee know how fingss go mee sweet buttercup! An mee iss yurss fur efurr…..
        ***paw kissesss*** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. This is Phoebe’s Mom, you are a sweet boy I already changed my mind when I read all the comments yesterday. I am lucky I didn’t get reported to the spca πŸ™‚
          Phoebe sends you pawkisses.

  12. Oh Phoebe, we don’t blame you for being in a funk. That just isn’t right, not more treats until Halloween. Yikes..
    We hope maybe Grannie will sneak some to you.
    You all have a great day.

  13. brody…we N joyed yur storee two day over at de MEWS…..anda lap cat huh dood ???!!! AWESUM !!!!!! { we all new it all long tho dinna we ☺☺ nice lesson for yur mom ta lurn payshuntz ~~~~ } de haiku rocks two day; we will bee postin one R self but R’s makes noe senze ~~~~~~ β™₯β™₯β™₯☺☺☺

  14. MOL.. Halloween isn’t so far away, Phoebe, but I can understand the feeling without treats… Granny remembers the day she heard the news of Elvis’ passing on the radio like it was yesterday. She was in shock…she still is…MOL πŸ˜€ Will hop over to the DM now. Pawkisses for a Happy Day πŸ™‚ <3

    1. Halloween is a long way off for treats. Thanks for going to The Daily Mews πŸ™‚ XO and paw kisses.

  15. OMC Phoebe, no more treats? Dat’s just pawful. Sneak away and come on over, we will share our treats with ya’. Altho’ ya’ gotta watch out fur Raena, cuz she tries to steal everythin’. Y since she didn’t get to go with mommy to da doctor yesfurday she knocked off a whole jar of treats and ate da whole thing all by herself. Me will share while we got ’em tho’, so c’mon over.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. She must have had an upset tummy after that. Thank you for the offer of some treats, but I can’t go that far away. XO

  16. Phoebe, making your current treats last for six weeks sounds very cruel to us. Would you like us to secretly mail you some of ours? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. Uhoh…….no more treats until Halloween? No wonder you’re a bit mad!!! I have to tell you, I love the photo of Brody in a meeting……I’m thinking he looks FABULOUS now that he’s got his “forever” home and I’m happy all of you (well – most of you) are being NICE to him now…..hahahaha Thanks for playing along on poetry day with us!

    Love, Sammy

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