Our First Chewy Review!!!

Happy Friday everyone! Instead of reviewing a book this week, we are proud to write our first review for Chewy.com. My kitties are always excited to see a box and this was no different. 004 005Lucy figured it must be for her.Β  007Joanie figured if Lucy was getting the box, she was getting the goodies inside. And were there ever goodies enough for all 15 kitties. We chose the Nutro Natural Choice Perfect Portions Salmon and TunaΒ  because they are grain free. I also thought the small size was a great choice for Snowball and Lucy. I feed everyone in the morning and evening, I also give out small portions at noon and 10 PM. The small portions are usually just treats or a little dry food, but Lucy and Snowball get some extra wet food. Lucy, because she is old and getting frail, Snowball because she only has a couple of teeth left. 010 011Lucy got right to work and didn’t come up for air until she was almost done. Then Joanie bullied her out of the rest. Joanie always vomits when she has wet food, but she stole some of this and later, she stole some more and she did not get sick.

018Snowball did not want the pawparazzi to photograph her, but she gave in when she got a whiff of the food. She cleaned her bowl. 019

017Phoebe loved it and so did Sammy….015Actually, 14 out of 15 cats loved it. KaTwo will not touch wet food. 14 out of 15 is pretty darn good though. We highly recommend this food. My only complaint was that it contains Carrageenan, which can cause tummy troubles. I don’t usually purchase fish flavors for my cats, but I think once in a while is OK. Here is the link to purchase your own : http://www.chewy.com/cat/nutro-natural-choice-perfect/dp/115246 . The chicken flavor does not list carrageenan in the ingredients.

Don’t forget to comment for a chance to win this kicker fish:017Phoebe will announce the winner on Sunday.

Special thanks to Chewy for letting us be part of your blogger review program it is an honor.


  1. We just got invited to be part of the Chewy family and are happy we will have this opportunity. Mom would love to find something that Fiona will eat with any consistency. We love how how the cat on Snowball’s placement looks just like her. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Congratulations- I am glad you are part of Chewy now too πŸ™‚ You are very observant to notice Snowball”s placemat. I am not sure if it is her lack of teeth or what, but she is a messy eater. I hope you do find something for Fiona to eat.

  2. Your post just inspired me to go check our doorstep and lo and behold, there was our Chewy box too! They sure had a lot of great offerings this month. Great review, and welcome to Chewy’s blogger program πŸ™‚

  3. I’m surprised that you appreciate the small size of the packages. I had to buy special food due to my cats’ diarrhea, and I got a bit frustrated that I couldn’t buy bigger cans. Given the number of your cats, I would have betted that you bought only XXXXL sizes. πŸ˜€

    Very cute pictures!

    1. Yes, you would think that and I would want big cans if everyone liked the same food, but it is rare that they all like a food on a regular basis so I don’t mind the small ones. I hope your kitties are feeling better.

  4. Thanks for the good review and honest one..that is what I really like about our community….everyone is honest about a review. That kicker oo looks like fun.

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I like everyone’s honest reviews too, we all care about our kitties and want the best for them.

  5. Good job with the first review for Chewy! We love Chewy although we’ve never ordered food from there – we did, however, get a FABULOUS heated outdoor kitty house for our neighborhood visiting cats to use in the winter from Chewy and it’s wonderful. I’d say that food was a WIN for you all……

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. That was sweet of you to get a heated kitty house for your visiting neighbors πŸ™‚ Our neighbor had one of those for Spooky when he lived with another neighbor, but once he moved here, he had to give up his freedom. XO

  6. guys…ewe rited up a grate ree view and…….. TUNA & SALMON !!!!!!!!! now yur talkin a feest πŸ™‚ β™₯

    heerz two a righteye flounder kinda week oh end ! β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. I bet you would love this food πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great weekend. I am still laughing about the post you had where you tried to cut with paper.

  7. 14 out of 15 is fantastic!! Carmine and Lita are very limited in what they can eat since they are on prescription diets, but it’s great that this food comes in chicken as well as fish. I’m glad so many of your babies enjoyed the food! πŸ™‚

    1. Prescription diets are expensive, but as long as they help. I think my cats would like the chicken even better, I need to get some. πŸ™‚

  8. If only that ‘C’ ingredient wasn’t in there….Meowmy refuses ti use it at all, given the issues that Minko has.
    But it would be yummy if only…
    Glad almost all of your kitties chowed down, even polished the dishes as a favor so you wouldn’t have to, MOL!!

    Great review!

    That fish kicker looks extra pawsome!!

    1. I was thinking of Minko when I checked the ingredients, I read about it causing tummy troubles on your blog. The chicken one does not list it, I checked the ingredients online. Make sure you comment again tomorrow for another chance in the giveaway.

  9. Me-you that food soundss purrty yummy fur 14 of youss’ to like it!! Hurrah fur Joanie not throwin it up also! That iss a bow-nus!
    Purrincess Phoebe you look so fine eatin yur nomss…..
    **heart goess pittypattur**
    An thee fishy kicky toy looks berry cool…LadyMum says mee NEEDSS a new kicky toy because SHEE iss NOT a kicky toy, mew mew mew….
    ***paw kisses*** an ~~~head rubs~~~
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      1. Kitties do like to bunny kick, I wonder why it isn’t called kitty kicking πŸ™‚

    1. That is kind o funny that you think your Mom is a kicky toy- I hope you don’t hurt her. XO

  10. 14 out of 15 purrviews for Nutro Natural Choice Perfect – that’s fantastic! Especially when Joanie did not throw it up! I had a hard time finding Mew Mew something she did not throw up -will have to try some too for her.

    And thanks so much for stopping by our bloggie too. One of these days when I have time, will be doing a bit of blog remodelling… purrz.

    Katie Kat.

    1. No need to remodel , your blog looks good. Thanks for coming to see us too. πŸ™‚

  11. We haven’t tried that food yet. We only get fish products once in a blue moon. We think we have a sample Mom Paula got from BlogPaws to try out.

    So glad you were able to work with Chewy.com. They are great.

    1. You 2 are lucky, it looks like you got lots of good things to try from Blog Paws.

  12. Mee-you Purrinces Phoebe mee sorta gets carried away an mee doess try to bite LadyMum on her ankullss!! Shee not mind mee beein a bit ruff but when mee bunnie kicks her shee yelps A LOTT!!!!
    Mee has Aunty Nylablue’ss kicky stick frum Mollie an Alfie butt a kitty boy can nevurr have too many kicky toys πŸ˜‰
    Mew mew mew…
    ***paw kissess*** an ***nose kissess*** an ~~head rubs~~
    Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      1. Mew mew mew mee DOESS look cute doin bunnie kicks butt LadyMum’ss ankullss not look so good when mee iss dun Purrincess Phoebe!
        Shee says mee must leern to chanelle mee energee onto mee toys;)
        ***paw kisses*** an **nose kisses** an *purrss**
        Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. I want to see a photo of you bunny kicking a toy my cute little fella. XO Love, Phoebes paw and nose kisses too.

          1. LadyMum says shee will try to get a foto of mee bunnie kickin mee ‘kicky stick’….pleeze bee payshunt sweet Purrincess…mee not all ways comply-ant with thee cammyra πŸ˜‰
            ***paw kissess***
            an ~~~head rubs~~~ an **nose kissess**
            Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Pawsum weview. Weez hate dat most cat foods contain da carrageenan. Weez just not unnewstand how come good weputable companies dat tout high quality food and chawge a purremiun fur it don’t stop usin’ da stuffs. But weez glad so many kitties got to enjoy da yumminess of it all. And wiffout gettin’ da sicks.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I agree, I don’t know why they keep adding this to food when it causes so many troubles.

  14. Welcome to the Chewy Blogger program! We have been purchasing all of Tsunami and Magellan’s food from Chewy for years and they are great!

    Our cats are looking forward to trying the Nutro poultry flavors (while Tsunami is a full-fledged member of the clean plate club and never has problems finishing his cans, Magellan usually pokes around so the smaller portion is perfect for him!

    We look forward to sharing their experience soon! πŸ™‚

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