Caturday Saturday

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. 

I used Lunapic’s Blueswirls effect for my art. The puzzle is below.


I also want to show you the wooden eggs The Great One and Typhoid Mary decorated when they were here. I think they are prettier than a Fabergé egg.

Typhoid Mary painted hers, added some washee tape and a ribbon
The great one painted hers with a glossy white and green then painted a flower on and added glitter.




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  1. Wow, I really love the blue effect in your art, Ellen! And The Great One and Typhoid Mary sure painted some pretty art on those eggs! Happy Caturday, XO!

  2. That is a lovely art effect. The girls made a very good job of the eggs.

  3. Faberge…eat your heart out! Those two are so lucky to have you egg them on, Ms Ellen. What a mentor your are. And you are ours, too, in so many ways. xxxx

  4. Wow! The eggs are beautiful and how nice the girls have picked up your talent for crafts. I love the blue lunapic effect.

  5. The girls are very fortunate to have you as their own. And an excellent mentor you are. One, I like the blue effect very VERY much. It reminds me of old old illustrations in books. Then, the girls’s eggs are fabulous! They did a great job. I think they have a lot of talent. I hope that the Clinic was closed and they weren’t disturbed by patients’s complaints!

  6. Ellen I 200% agree TGO and TM are quickly becoming expert Artist and OMCs are they lucky duckies to have a Great Aunt Ellen in their lives
    Hugs Cecilia

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