Friendly Fill-Ins Week 406

Hi everyone. Before we get started, we want to give cond0lences to CK’s Pop. I am sure she is in Heaven with TW.

To leave condolences for Pop on FB, click here. 

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. If someone offered me a free _______________, I would accept it.

2. If someone offered me a free __________________, I would refuse it.
3. I have _________ memorized.
4. _________ has really changed since I was younger.
My answers:
1. If someone offered me a free cat anything , I would accept it.  I have accepted a lot of cat products in exchange for reviews. That seems to happen less now that Tik Tok is the big thing.
2. If someone offered me a free bunny, I would refuse it. Rabbits are cute, but a lot of work. Many years ago, I had pet rabbits. They need some time to run around, but they like to chew. One chewed our phone cord and my Dad’s oxygen tube.
3. I have St. Michael’s prayer memorized. Growing up, I learned the basics- Hail Mary, Our Father, but not St. Michael’s prayer. I pray to him daily, he is my favorite Saint, so I have his prayer memorized.
4. Car safety has really changed since I was younger. I don’t recall needing a car seat or booster seat. Now, kids need to have a booster until they are 4 ft 9 inches tall. And car seats and booster seats expire- did you know that? They last 7 years, so the car seat I had for The Great One is going to expire before The Boy can use it.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from March 2019, Angel Millie was participating in our Catburry Bunny Auditions. We will be starting with this year’s auditions this Sunday.


  1. Mew mew mew ‘angel’ Millie was so cute inn Bunny earss!!
    BellaSita iss gonna due THE Fill-Innss:

    1. If someone offered me a free trip to Western Australia I would accept it.
    2. If someone offered me a free couch or bed I would refuse it.
    3. I have Jewish Shabbat prayer memorized.
    4. Morals & values has really changed since I was younger.

    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. I enjoyed your choices ,and boy- are you right about number 4! I don’t even know the Country anymore

    2. Thank you for these great answers. So true about #4- so sad too. Western Australia is a long way away. 🙂 I bet you would see some cool animals. XO

    1. I meant to say also that we were sad to learn of the loss of CK and we send purrs to her Pop and to all who loved her. XO

  2. Your Catburry Bunny Editions are always so cute/funny!

    Angle Millie was a fun kitty!

    1. If someone offered me a free trip to Europe, esp Holland I would accept it.

    2. If someone offered me a free trip to Antartica, I would refuse it.
    3. I have many hymns; both the words and even the harmony parts; memorized.
    4. The world sure has really changed since I was younger. What was taboo in the past is now considered OK, etc…

  3. Oh, Milly, you cutie pie. Reminds mama of a birthday card with a rabbit on the front and the caption was “Oh you, the ‘ears look good!”

  4. Thanks for the fill-ins…….I let my Mom do them this week – a little treat for her (haha). Love that photo of Angel Millie – she wore her rabbit ears VERY well!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Dad says he likes #4 answer. It’s amazing to think back to the 1400s when he was young and some cars didn’t even have seat belts, they didn’t use a car seat, and he got to ride in the back, untethered, of the family station wagon which was the size of a barge.

  6. Angel Millie is doing a good rabbit imitation. I had a pet rabbit when I was young but it lived outside in a very large cage. I played with it all the time and I like to chew on the collars of my dresses.

  7. Angel Millie looks so cute! I’m glad she is here for us to enjoy this morning.

    1. If someone offered me a free yard do-over, I would accept it.
    2. If someone offered me a free home in CA. I would refuse it.
    3. I have a lot of music memorized. I have a good sense of ‘pitch’ and I play an instrument.
    4. To copy Bella Dharma, above me here..morals and values have changed. The shift is unsettling.

    1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. What instrument do you play? A yard do-over would be nice. 🙂 XO

  8. These were excellent fill-ins as always. Gosh I feel like I could write a page for each answer.

  9. Happy Friyay sweeties, here’s the P.A.’s fill-ins as we couldn’t see the link (MOL!!)

    1. If someone offered me a free holiday to a nice 5-star hotel in a safe and tropical climate, I would accept it.

    2. If someone offered me a free holiday in London, I would refuse it.

    3. I have _________ memorized. I’ve got lots of stuff memorised, whether that’s a good thing or not, I don’t know. It kind of fills the little grey cells to capacity! LOL

    4. Everything has really changed since I was younger. I’m talking about where I live and the local vicinity. And some of it not in a good way. I’m all for change if it’s positive, but I’m not in favour of change for change’s sake. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

    1. Thank you for putting your fill-ins here. I think I forgot the link. Sorry about that. xO

  10. Great fill ins. A free cat anything is a good answer. I used to get them too for a review, but haven’t in awhile. Have a great weekend!

  11. I was so sad to see about CK. I always thought having a rabbit would be cute, but I never did. Sounds like that might’ve been smart.

  12. We used to get fee cat things a lot too. We’re very sad about CK. She was an icon in the blogging world.

    No bunnies here either but we always loved the Cadbury auditions and Ange Millie did a great job.

  13. Another sad loss this week and we also believe that they’re together again, Ellen💞
    Love that picture of Angel Millie, she made such a cute bunny😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Furriday for all of you🐾😽💞

  14. Those were good answers and a very sweet flashback. We’re sure sad that CK had to depart.

  15. Always so sad when our babies go to the rainbow bridge.

    1. If someone offered me a free trip to Italy, I would accept it.
    2. If someone offered me a free government handout, I would refuse it.
    3. I have McDonald’s Big Mac Jingle memorized. “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun.”
    4. Forms of communication has really changed since I was younger.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

    1. Oh, wow! I have the Lord’s prayer and some scripture memorized but Sandee’s answer to number three brings back memories of a promotional Big Mac shirt I had as a child in the seventies. lol Millie is missed, for sure, and I’m sorry another kitty passed over the rainbow bridge. Hugs, my dear.

    2. Thank you for these great answers. I had forgotten the Mcd’s song. 🙂 I hope someone offers you a free trip to Italy. XO

  16. I too was so sorry about CK she and TW are united.
    I like your flash back.
    I’m not familar with St. Michael’s prayer …will google it.
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. I am very sad that CK has got her wings, but now she is reunited with TW. That is a cute pic of Angel Millie in his bunny ears.

  18. I didn’t know Pop but my heart always breaks when another kitty has to leave their family. I am so sorry.
    Angel Millie♥
    I followed your lead on #3, Ellen. Truthfully though I think religious prayers are about the only thing that has stayed in my brain.
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. If someone offered me a free food box subscription of my choice, I would accept it.
    2. If someone offered me a free cruise with a luxury cruise line, I would refuse it.
    3. I have many of the common Catholic prayers memorized.
    4. My personality has really changed since I was younger.
    Wishing the Meowing Crew a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I would refuse a cruise too. We went on one for our honeymoon almost 32 yrs ago and that was enough for me. XO

  19. My mom had a car seat for us — the kind that hooked over the front seat and became a projectile in an accident! Things really have changed.

    Angel Millie made a great Catburry Bunny. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

    1. Yes, after 7 years. I am old too. Sadly, CK only had one parent as her mom went to Heaven last September. XO

      1. That’s so wild. Even my granddaughter (who’s currently pregnant and up on stuff like that) didn’t know about that (she just bought one for when she brings home the new baby in a couple of weeks).

          1. My mom is a great grammie to 3 ( ages 8, 5 and 15 months) and she loves every moment with them. She used to babysit 3 days a week, but now 2 are in school so she only does it once or twice a week.

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