Friendly’s Fill-Ins Week 312


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. __________________________ was a pleasant surprise,
2. ___________________________ was a not so pleasant surprise.
3. I can’t help but _________ when _________.
4. I wish people would stop asking me _________.
My answers:
1.  Penny showing up in our yard looking for a home 10 years ago was a pleasant surprise.
2. Feeling something cold and wet on my elbow the other morning was a not so pleasant surprise.  Apparently, someone probably Trouble hacked up a furball on the arm of the couch.
3. I can’t help but want to rescue any cat when I see he or she needs a home.
4. I wish people would stop asking me if I want a bag at the checkout.  I can see if I have one thing, but sometimes I have a lot of things and the clerk still asks- of course I want a bag, preferably plastic ( which I reuse).
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

My flashback is Angel Polar Bear from May 2015

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  1. Polar Bear was so handsome!

    1. Having Mother’s Day off was a pleasant surprise, because I was supposed to have worked that weekend.
    2. Finding out that our insurance was not going to pay for the full rental of my loaner car, recently was a not so pleasant surprise.
    3. I can’t help but grin when I see the antics my pups do when they play together.
    4. I wish people would stop asking me if I want to pick up more hours at my work…sheesh, why do they think I cut my hours to two days a week last year..I love what I do, but I can’t do it as often as when I was 11 years younger!

    1. Thank you. I am glad you had Mother’s Day off. I am sorry your insurance isn’t going to cover more. XO

  2. What a sweet flashback photo of your dear Angel Polar Bear. Dad says it reminds him of an old gal he and his family used to cater to, Samantha. Oh, and dad also says to apologize for doing 2 posts in a row that weren’t about ME…

  3. That’s a lovely photo of Polar Bear! It is pretty darn silly that the grocery clerk asks you if you want a bag….I wonder what the clerk would do if you said “NO”……LOL Would they carry your stuff out to the car for you one by one???????????????? Tee Hee

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  4. Of course you want a bag! They are starting to train us for when they go bagless. They are, aren’t they? Didn;t they start saying that early in the year I re-use the bags as well, and if they stop providing them, going for food will become so onerous we’ll all try to order on line.

    1. I have reusable bags, but I like the plastic for when I scoop litter. 🙂 xO

  5. Where I live you have to PAY for bags at stores (I think take out food you don’t but everywhere else you do) most of the time you get paper for 10 cents and the thicker plastic bags for 25 cents … so they have to ask you because you pay for them. Do you pay where you live? Always remember though, it’s their job to ask if they don’t they probably get in trouble. Speaking of Trouble …. hairball on the couch … no not a nice surprise! I’m happy that you like to help cats because then you have more to blog about and it makes me happy every day!! I always share the Friday fill ins with hubby …. it’s fun!!

    1. Awww…thank you. I am glad you and Cory enjoy the fill-ins. We have to pay 10 cents for paper bags. A lot of towns and stores have banned the plastic. Have a nice weekend. XO

  6. Love your fill-ins and I know how you feel about saving every kitty. Good for you. I couldn’t think of anything for #4. Still can’t.

    We have to pay for grocery bags here, but it’s California where you pay for everything and they tax to you death.

    Angel Polar Bear is most adorable.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  7. I liked the fill-ins I hate being asked if i want a bag too I usually say no thanks I will use the one that’s in my hand lol 🛍️

    Aww! @ Angel Polar Bear, I had a cat called Kris years ago who looked just like him

    Have a bagtastic weekend 👍

  8. Most excellent picture of Polar Bear with that dark background. Little pink ears and nose♥
    The bag question is annoying. Penny showing up was a sweet gift.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. Rain was a pleasant surprise,
    2. hail was a not so pleasant surprise.
    3. I can’t help but lose patience with people who don’t spay and neuter cats.
    4. I wish people would stop asking me why I am still wearing a mask.
    Thank you, Ellen. I hope you and the Meowing Crew have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you for these great answers- especially #3- that bugs me a lot too. And same here with a mask, my hubby, mom and I still do and my hubby and I have been boostered twice. XO

  9. They don’t ask about bags here, i have to refuse them if i only have one or two small items.

    Cats do that, but at least it wasn’t your foot at 1am while heading for the restroom!

  10. Darling Polar Bear! and here are my answers:
    1. Todays sunny day was a pleasant surprise,
    2. Yesterdays rainy day was a not so pleasant surprise.
    3. I can’t help but smile and laugh when our Lucy Cat tries to speak English.
    4. I wish people would stop asking me ? I have no idea how to answer this!
    My answers:

  11. Nothing better than a tortie arriving at your door! You’re lucky to still have plastic bags. This stupid state banned them a couple years ago, even though most people reuse them. I’ll never forget the time I was asked at PetSmart if I wanted a bag and I had around 30 cans of Fancy Feast.

  12. Our mom wishes that she would quit being asked “Did you find everything you need?” at the grocery checkout when everyone knows there are like 6 things on the shelves.

  13. They’re not allowed to give bags—paper or plastic—in NJ anymore. Peeps hate that since they have to tie their garbage in a plastic bag to throw it down the chute. Someone around here found a little old half blind cat roaming the street. TW wishes she could take him/her cos we feel so sorry for it. Hope whoever dumped it gets dumped on by karma.

  14. Supurr fillins! One supermarket here is charging 85p for a resuable paper grocery bags, its insane! Thanks for hosting and happy weekend!

    P.S. Amber would love to do a special birthday review for mew, just let us know the date!

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