Thankful Thursday


We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful for the 3 different colored lilacs we have.


And Elvira is thankful for her wand toy. She won’t get off of her little bed though when I am in the room.

We are joining the poetry day named after Teddy’s angel brother Sammy ‘s Poetry Day. Here is the photo prompt provided. I must admit the photo creeped me out, but I came up with something.

These wigs have Rapunzel beat

they are longer than a street. 
We don’t like to gloat, 
but if you wear one you won’t need a coat. 
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. __________________________ was a pleasant surprise,
2. ___________________________ was a not so pleasant surprise.
3. I can’t help but _________ when _________.
4. I wish people would stop asking me _________.


  1. Those lilacs are so pretty my favorite color! Elvira looks so cute and good job with the poem for the creepy picture! 🙂 <3

  2. Those are beautiful lilacs for sure! Elvira looks so cute on her bed for! Ha, your poem made me laugh. XO

  3. One day, hopefully soon Elvira will be spellbound with that toy and forget about her shyness!

    That is a cute poem, and yes, I bet that hair is way warmer that I would tolerate on a hot day…and way to heavy to pile it on top of your head!
    If they braid it, they could play jump rope…LOL!

  4. The lilacs are very pretty. Good job with the poem, but I agree that hair that long is creepy.

  5. Those lilacs are gorgeous! Looks like Elvira likes that bed more than the wand toy…..Your poem for those two ladies with ridiculously long hair is “right on” ! I can’t even imagine dealing with all of that. I don’t have much hair but at least it’s EASY to take care of! Thanks for joining in the poetic fun.

    Hugs, Pam

  6. I wish I had lilacs still. Its been a very long time. Elvira’s beddie looks so cute, and so does she.

  7. Lilacs are so beautiful! Yours are lovely. I’d really like to add some to our garden if we can find a dwarf version. xo

  8. Your lilacs really are very pretty. It’s nice to see Elvira playing with her wand too. Fun little poem too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Spectacular lilacs, imagine their fragrance is wonderful … creepy photo but well done poem, and sweet Elvira will hopefully warm up soon.

  10. Wonderful colors of Lilacs and sweet Elvira playing with her wand too ~ you are sooo cute! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Love the thankful things and the poem. Yikes on all that hair.

    I’m all ready for the Friendly Fill-ins. Thank you for co-hosting.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties and healing hugs to Emmy. ♥

  12. 3 different colors of lilacs – wowza! I wish they grew here, I miss them so much. Elvira you are such a cutie, enjoy that wand sweetie.

  13. Great poem for a peculiar photo…..Your lilacs are gorgeous- I bet their fragrance is wonderful and and Elvira is adorable!

  14. Your lilacs are beautiful! I miss ours at The Tiny Ten, and the peonies. One day Elvira will surprise herself and you when she can’t say no to the wand! A most excellent poem… what did they do to wash their hair? Had to be heavy when it was wet. It is kinda creepy 🙂

    1. Thank you. I wondered about that too with hair washing. It is a creepy photo. 🙂 XO

  15. You did very well with the Poetry prompt! What you came up with is perfect. I had iris blossoms this year that were a luscious shade of deep purple. 💜

  16. We love your lilacs abnd the fact that Elvira likes to play even if she is still shy. Small steps still count.

  17. Aunty Ellen that iss a good an funny littel poe-em!!!!
    Wee love it!
    Yore Lilacss are so purrty…..wee can smell them from here 😉
    An Elvira lookss so cute inn her bed…..
    Wee are THANXFULL youss’ are a part of our livess <3 <3
    ***purrss*** BellaDahrma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

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