1. I get to help my human with the decorating this week too! Well, mainly I supervise, and then my human has to stop every now and then to praise me for what a good job I’m doing supervising. That’s my job.

  2. Joanie is a wonderful helper too. Yes indeed.

    Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday, Joanie. My best to your wonderful peeps. β™₯

  3. Yur such a good kittygurl Joanie! When LadyMum put uppy thee tabull top tree; mee sorta ‘ree-arranged’ it on itss’ side on thee floor. So after 87 triess LadyMum put thee tree inn thee pantree, mew mew mew…..
    **nose rubsss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  4. I think she’s definitely assessing which one’s look like they’ll be the easiest to knock down and which ones will look good as cat toys.

  5. And what a fabulous helper she is! I bet she’ll have the house all decorated for the holiday in no time!

    PS You always have such cute image for your bloggie header! I love it!

  6. Finally, someone with as many Christmas decorations as I have! My cat, Peanut Butter, tries to help me, too, but she gets distracted easily. Pretty soon, we’re wrestling each other for the light-up Christmas star. I want to put it on top of the tree, she wants to eat the wiring.

  7. Joanie, my mom is fast falling for you. XXX You are adorable. Glad I’m not jealous.

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