1. Daisy Mae and I talked it over and we both have come to the mutual conclusion that paws down it is a tie between Rusty and Rudy on who wore it best because they both wore their outfit so well.
    Crystal and Daisy Mae

  2. Both boys look equally adorable to me! I have a funny feeling they are going to get away with some mischief, whether in or out of elf outfits! XO

  3. I honestly think this one is a draw. Being twins doesn’t help to make a distinction between them. They should both be very proud of themsELVES!

  4. These kitties are too funny…and here comes Santa again across our message to keep us in the spirit. HOW DID YOU DO THESE THINGS? Here he comes AGAIN. And a third time….wow.

  5. They both look so cute it’s impossible to pick one elf over the other!!!! Neither of them look particularly happy to be dressed up but they do look adorable.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy (who is thankful costumes aren’t made for king-size cats!)

  6. Rudy gets my vote this morning because he has his paws crossed so nonchalant. He would never get into trouble you can tell.

  7. They are both adorable. I think Rudy wore it best because I like his crossed paws. When Santa crosses my screen, I hope he drops off presents. I’ll give him my list. MOL

  8. It’s a tie today. They both rocked it.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xo โ™ฅ

  9. Oh, I suspect they get into all the mischief they want even without the elf costumes ๐Ÿ˜น
    Hope you have a great Wordless Wednesday!

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