1. You gave us a giggle seeing you checking out your perch to see if it was level. You are one smart kitty you are. Hugs and nose kisses

  2. Phoebe, I can see you have proof that your cat tree’s not level – how smart you are to let your human know!

  3. Mew mew mew bet Pappaw was sirprized that you new yur tree was NOT level…wee katss are ssticklurss fur deetailss rite mee sweet Phoebe gurl??
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. I sure hoe you get your perch leveled out for you. We have one that isn’t quite level either.
    Raja and Zoe from Playing In Catnip

  5. Good job checking out the quality of your cat furniture installation, Phoebe! I hope that your dad fixes that for you. Level naps are much better (at least that’s what my cats tell me).

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