Wordless Wednesday

Joanie is checking out a new toy I got for The Great One to play with when she is here. It is called “Little Patient” and she has a little johnny on and her tummy unzips so you can “operate ” on her.


As you can see, The Great One put them back in a little out of order.  🙂

Comedy Plus’ Wordless Wednesday

Wild Wednesday by Curious as a Cathy

Be There 2Day Wordless Wednesday



    1. It is supposed to some with one, but I bought this used on ebay so it didn’t. The new ones are $55 which I thought was a bit much. XO

  1. I hope the patient doesn’t suffer ill effects from having it’s organs put back in the wrong order. It is good of Joanie to watch over them though.

  2. Joanie, I LOVE this! Love it. That heart , those intestines, I wonder if the blue thing is the stomach?

    1. The stomach is green and attached to the light blue intestines. There is a purple that kind of looks blue, that is the liver. 🙂 XO

  3. How fun. I would have loved this as a kid. She’ll get it right at some point.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

    1. Yes it does. 🙂 I need to buy Operation because mine didn’t buzz anymore so I got rid of it. XO

  4. Charlee: “In order, out of order …”
    Chaplin: “As long as all the pieces are in there, it’s all good, right?”
    Lulu: “I’m glad you two aren’t my vet!”

    1. I thought of that too. I had that, but the nose no longer buzzed, I need a new one. 🙂


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