Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.  Emmy and I are thankful we still have several copies of her book available so we can donate some to the local library. I read that each kid enrolled in the summer reading program gets a book bag and a free book so I offered some copies of I Am Not A Skunk.


I am thankful that I got to meet a friend for coffee. We met once during COVID, but each sat in our own cars so it was nice to sit in the coffee shop. I am thankful they were out of all my favorite kinds of donuts so I wasn’t tempted.

We are joining  poetry day named after Teddy’s angel brother Sammy ‘s Poetry Day. Here is the photo prompt provided:

I am proud to own the world’s smallest car,

I don’t plan to go very far.

I can drive around town all day 
but you won’t catch me on a highway.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two. The linky stays open until Wednesday night.
1. If I could trade places with someone for a day, I would trade with ________________________.
2. I would like to own a __________________ some day.
3. I can’t stand _________ this time of the year.
4. _________ is my favorite thing about this time of the year.
Gee, I wonder what I will come up with for #1? I bet you can all guess.


  1. Emmy looks adorable with her book! What a purrfect book for the childrens’ summer reading program! A great book for kids and a charming read for adults, too! XO

  2. That is kind of you to donate the books. Fun poem about the car. At least there wouldn’t be any problem parking!

  3. Very cool of you indeed on donating those books. I’m sure many are glad they can now visit in person. Have an excellent weekend!

  4. My Mom agrees with your poem 100%……cute little car but it won’t go far!!!!! Nice idea to get the book in the hands of kids at the library. They will love it!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Yes, stay off those big busy highways … not good at all! So happy you share your wonderful books through donations, that’s the best thing ever!

  6. Boy, I know what you mean about donuts. I have my favorite kind too. (the custard filled and covered in chocolate glaze). That is so generous to donate to the library like that. I let James have mine, and the possibility of donation to the library in their town is very strong in the next year so. .

    1. My mom and hubby like those too. I like plain, blueberry cake and strawberry frosted. Thank you. 🙂 XO

  7. An awesome thing to do. donate some copies Emmy’s books to the library. How fun it would be to get a book bag with a copy of Emmy’s book. I have such special memories of being at the library in the summer when I was a kid. Emmy looks darling next to her book! Nice that you met a friend for coffee… we are still looking for a good donut, with SPRINKLES! I like cake donuts! It would be fun to drive the teeny car all around town!

  8. How fun that you had coffee with your friend. It’s the simple things that are so wonderful. Not having your favorite donut was a good thing too. I get that.

    Love your poem and I wouldn’t be on the highway with that car either.

    I’m all ready for the Friendly fill-ins.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  9. Hooray for getting out and meeting friends, that’s a fun feeling. That was a cute poem too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Looking adoorabell there emmy! Miss Ellen what a kewl idea to doe-nate a book an book bag!! An yore poe-em iss so cute!! Yore so guud at poe-etry!!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an <3 LadyMew

  11. Nice to be able to have coffee with a friend again. Mom is excited to be able to do the same with her good friend next week.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Oh how wonderful to donate your sweet book and love your sweet photo with the book ~ Xo ~ Always great to meet a friend for coffee ~

    Live in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Loved your poem and I love the cover for I am not a skunk! So glad you guys could donate a copy to the kids for summer reading programme. Great idea!

    Hope you will have a wonderful weekend.

    Elza Reads

    1. Thank you. 🙂 We only gave 10, but I hope the kids that get them enjoy them. XO

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