1. Joanie…your home is the place that everyone gathers to play.

  2. And she is too. So cute. Made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  3. Your family is growing Joanie! I received my prizes yesterday, they are pawsome, thank you so much!

  4. Ah, that brings back memories to Mom when the grands were babies and were so in love with the Teletubbies. It was the craziest show Mom ever saw, but those little ones loved them:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. Joanie better watch out. We think they are looking to take-over. We think she looks worried. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  6. Umm Miss Ellen are there 5 Tellytubbiess with Joanie??? Shee iss goin bee xhausted carin fore so many of them!
    Joanie yore so sweet an cute…butt 5 Tellytubbiess iss alot….guud greef you need a biggur house! 😉
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

    1. I think there are more than 5 as we have duplicates. I am the keeper of all the tubbies, my mom,niece and I all had some plus my great nieces did too. XO

      1. Mew mew mew “Keepurr of THE Tellytubbiess” ,,,that iss so cute Miss Ellen.
        You all wayss bring a smile to LadyMew’ss face when shee see Joanie with her stuffiess an such! 😉

        1. Aww..thank you. We have a lot of stuffies here because I can’t part with anything with eyes. XO

          1. LadyMew iss xactlee THE same Miss Ellen!! Seereusslee. Just beefore Covid came LadyMew tooked reecyclin to garbage room an sittin on a ledge was a Brown Bear with a heart-shaped red pillow that sayss “I Love You”.
            Shee tried to walk away butt cuud not…shee brott stuffie bear home an showed me THE Bear. Shee tried out a few namess an when shee said U-GEEN (Eugene) mee blinked twice! An so U-Geen joined Thorndike, Charlie, Wilfrid an Henry Bearss on her dresser….
            U-Geen was goin to bee a giftie fore THE littel girl who lived inn buildin…butt shee was taken bye Child Purrteckshun an wee nevurr saw her again. So wee keep U-Geen to reemind us of littel Eevie <3 <3

          2. That was so sweet of your mum to rescue Eugene. I am sorry the little girl isn’t there for him, but I know you and your mum will take good care of him. XO

  7. Teletubbies…what a blast from the past. I remember my kids watching this show. I didn’t get it then but they sure did enjoy the show. lol

  8. UGene Bear will stay with us furever…
    If little Eevie comess back to vissit wee will give her UGene then….LadyMew sayss shee iss inn Foster Care an will not go back to pawentss….iss sad.
    Eevie all wayss used to wave at mee an say “Kitty kitty!”
    An just beefore shee gotted taken to Care shee came rite up to mee condo an said “Bella Kitty”….this little girl had sum leernin problem butt shee did her best an shee was leernin to talk little bye little.
    When shee leeved wee saw her go an shee waved at LadyMew an mee an said “Byebye Bella”…
    LadyMew bursted innto teerss aftur they drove away. Mee was furry sad too… 🙁

  9. I am sure Eevie is happier where she is & MUCH SAFER….there are serious reasons she was removed from Father’s care. In fact Father & Mother were in Court last week. Child Care want them to relinquish rights to Eevie so she can never be hurt by the Parents again…
    When I look at Eugene I remember the little girl with love & fondness. I wish her ONLY the best! 😉

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