Wee Wee Wednesday #ChewyInfluencer

Hi everyone! I know it is Wordless Wednesday, but I have another review for you. Influencers can choose two items per month to review. I usually only choose one item but when I spotted the Wee Wee pads I asked if they were for dog reviews only and they were not.

*Disclaimer- We received Wee-Wee Housebreaking Pads for free from Chewy in exchange for a fair review. All opinions are my own.

KaTwo always photographs well, but she is actually quite chunky. Sometimes, she ends up peeing over the edge of the box so I always set it on a puppy pad.

I had to do this with Lucy too so over the years, I have tried many brands of pads. I am very pleased with these, they don’t leak through like some brands do because they are made of 5 layers. They are on sale this month, $6.99 for a package of 12. And don’t forget they have free shipping on orders over $49. To order some, click here.

Comedy Plus’ Wordless Wednesday

#WW Curious as a Cathy

Create with Joy Wordless Wednesday


  1. Pipo is a standup piddler…and not only over the side, but he ‘shoots it’ and its a big mess. We now use a top entry box, and the problem is solved…well, at least the mess is contained. I never thought to put wee-wee pads down to catch the pee.

  2. Sammy began having this problem late in his life but this is such a wonderful “answer” to that problem! Glad it worked for your KaTwo!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. ka two….we iz CRACKIN UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ thiz iz one oh de BEST fotoz we haz seen oh a laffin cat in a loooooooooooooooong time !!!! 984 pawz up

  4. I know mommy still has some from when I peed over the edge. She has me using a hooded now BUT the pads come in handy for PTU liners and so on. You know, for when we go somewhere. KnowwhatImean?

  5. This is a great idea for those kitties that are a bit messy outside their litter boxes. I giggled at your first capture.

  6. I’m blessed. Our girls don’t seem to have any issues hitting the box. But the fur issue is another story. Maybe I should try that grooming tool. Be well, my dears!

  7. I bought a HUGE box of pee pads years ago, ’cause Chuck was always thinking ‘outside of the box’. Taking down those pads that I’d pinned to the wall was one of the saddest things ever. The stash of remaining pads will come in handy someday, I have no doubts!

  8. Whatever works to keep the mess at a minimum. I’m glad you found something that works for you.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to all the babies. β™₯

  9. While I never pee in the cat carrier…cuz pwincesses never soil their carriages…sometimes my older brofurs have accidents. So these pee pads would work very well instead of the umpteen-bazillion rolls of paper toweling Mom puts inside the box.

  10. Great review! We put pads in the cat carriers just in case, but we haven’t really needed them. They do come in handy, though.

  11. KaTwo, guess there’s no privacy no more but we’re sure other kitties will be helped by knowing they’re not alone. We don’t do this but now our Mommy knows what to do if we ever did.

  12. That’s a great way to use them. Mom would use them in our crates when we were puppies. Sometimes you can get a great price on pads by buying human ones in bulk.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. MOL We’re reviewin’ those too this month. That’s funny. We didn’t see a package of 12 tho’. But we do like ’em as well. They’re nice and big and ketch what’s neeed. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. These are a little small which is probably why there are 12. That is funny that you chose them too πŸ™‚ XO

  14. We do the same thing – Sam is very messy. I need to get some more too, so we are going to give these a try!

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