Wednesday’s ROAR

Happy Wednesday everyone. I was going to do a Wordless Wednesday post until I saw something that needed a ROAR. I am sure many of you are familiar with Kiril, the cat Daddy over at The Opinionated Pussycat. He also used to organize The Carnival of Cats for The Cat Blogosphere. I knew he had some health problems, but I never knew the extent of them. Despite being on a limited income and having health problems, he adopted another kitty recently that he found on his way to work.

His sister set up a Go Fund Me page for him and I plan to donate next week .  In case you are looking for a cause to donate to at this special time of year, here is the link :

Reading his story makes me especially thankful for my health.

Time to go make some pies for Thanksgiving and some oatmeal white chocolate cranberry bars ( for energy on Black Friday).

Phoebe will see you tomorrow.

001I caught her having a meeting-  probably plotting how to get to the turkey.


  1. That’s a great ROAR for sure…… for having a secret meeting to plot the stealing of the turkey – isn’t that part of the Thanksgiving tradition???? HAHAHA I know when Mom makes turkey I spend a great deal of time wishing I could fly up to the counter!

    Love, Sammy

  2. That’s a purrfect roar in this lovely post. Purrs and prayers to Kiril and his kitties.

    Have fun making those pies! I made a pecan pie last night and will be going for a pumpkin one tonight. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, prayers are always good. Pecan pie sounds great. I made a pumpkin cheesecake with a pecan crust. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. guys….way kewl ewe mentioned elvira, sneakers & friday’s dad in your roar two day !!! high paws & head bonx ~~~~ ♥

    N phoebe….ewe shuld start plottin sum thin else…thinkin bout burd like that will make ewe haz de werst kinda head o ache…… ever

    🙂 🙂

    heerz two a pie filled, BURD FREE, happee blessed day ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you, I hope Kiril gets some help. We will be having chocolate cream pie and pumpkin cheesecake ( it is more like a pie though).

  4. Pawsum shout out. We bet yous right. Ifin there’s turkey tom lurkey in da house da kitties gotta have sum. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    PeeEss: There was no big announcement. Me posted in da worldwide wildcats and at da campfire when me became da Chaplain, a kupple weeks ago. Me asked ifin any of da scouts had anyfin’ in purrticular they wuld like from me as their Chaplain, and will continue to take requests and suggestions eever via post, comment or email. Me is postin’ a scripture and purrayer in da quiet room on Sundays per da requests so far.

    1. I am still trying to get help from Mailpoet with my blog, but I know it is something to do with a plug-in, but I don’t know which one. Sorry.

  5. Elvira, Sneakers and Friday’s human has a good heart and he’s a true cat lover. Life is not easy for him, but he still manages to be upbeat. I am sending lots of purrs his way.

    P.S. I am SO happy – your feed came back to my Feedly!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving! I am glad the blog is back on Feedly- sorry you got so many all at once though 🙂

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