We Have Spiders!!!!!

Hi everyone! Today we are skipping the book blog hop because Mom hasn’t had time to read much. I want to tell you about our spiders.

100_4989 Here are some of their webs, I helped Mom make them.

After Halloween, Mom bought a spider kit on clearance at Michael’s. Have you ever heard of The Legend of the Christmas Spider? If not, click here to read about it.


Her kit came with the black pipe cleaners already cut and 2 sizes of pompoms. You just twist 4 pipe cleaners together, then glue a small pompom onto a big one then glue that onto the pipe cleaners. A spider needs a web though so Mom bought some silver pipe cleaners and had Dad cut them in half for her.


She made a plus sign out of 2 pipe cleaners and an x with 2 more then wound some gold yarn around them. Then she twisted the yarn around each piece going in a circle two times. 100_5028 She copied the story onto Christmas paper and will give these out as party favors on Christmas Eve so everyone can have a spider in their Christmas tree.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww…Mondays and Create with Joy’s Inspire Me Monday.

Inspire Me Monday

PS: I love my Grammie very much, I can’t wait to see her soon.



  1. Eeeek, for a minute I thought you meant real live spiders. M was going to tell you to call Will Kill! he he But, your mom is so creative and talented with making things, how could we ever have doubted her. Those spiders are actually cute, land the web is great. Great job mom!

  2. We also thought, at first, that you meant real spiders.

    Mummy hates real spiders,
    she thinks they’re rather scary –
    especially the ones
    that are large and black and hairy.

    (How do you like Our poem?)

    But the ones your Mom made are furry purrty. They will look furry nice decorating a Chrissymouse tree.

  3. It’s a miracle that Mom clicked on your post in her feedly as she is very afraid of spiders. She didn’t look to close at the pictures (and no, she doesn’t want to learn more about Christmas spiders,hehehehehehehe), but she says that your Mom is very handy and arty!

    We again like spiders , maybe because we always get a treat when we eat one, hehe.

  4. Ordinarily, Mom doesn’t like spiders. She is askared of them. Your Mom’s spiders are happy, festive and bright. Did we say “cute”? We must read the story.

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my word….thank goodness they live way up there in NY ’cause mom and I would be squealing like little girls if they were here
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. I’m admittedly usually pretty squeamish when it comes to spiders, but I don’t mind these one bit! And, believe it or not, I had heard of the Christmas spider legend but had never actually read it. I just read it now, though, thanks to you, and I love the idea behind it. And I also love that you created spiders to be put on trees. And they look great!

  7. Mee-you sweet Phoebe an Lady Ellen what a luvley folky story!! Ladymum an mee not know much about Ukrane-eeanss an their culture! Thee Spider web iss like our Aboriginal Dreem katcherss….berry kewl!!!
    An iss OK no book club today because LadyMum iss still reedin “Phantomss” by ‘her man” Jo Nesbo, mew mew mew….
    All mee LUV an **paw kissesss*** an **tummy tickullsss**
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Pee S: Thee parcel arrived today! Mee open it on Decemburr 24th if that iss ok with mee mee Purrincess…..
      Fank you so-o much…..
      ***paw kissesss*** yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      1. We are glad it arrived. Yes, Open on the 24th. Your Mum’s birthday card is in there too. XO and paw kisses

        1. Purrfect Phoebe an many fanksss!!! ladyMum will have a few Birthday cards an that iss luvley…what with no Pawentss or her Sisfur carin an her Brofur far away an the other Brofur just started mee-yowin with her again……nice cards will cheer her uppy!!!!
          ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~ yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. My mind instantly raced to an old David Bowie tune…”Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly…And the spiders from Mars…” Living spiders are too icky for me, but these Christmas Spiders look very cute!

  9. Now we’ve got spiders. And we don’t know why anypawdy would actually want them?!!! OMC They are not nice!!! Mommy says so. MOL We’ll go check out da story, but me can tell ya’ it ain’t gonna change mommys mind dat’s fur sure. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  10. A few years ago I purchased a spider on a web Christmas ornament. I thought it was unusual – I’d never heard of the legend until today! Thanks for filling me in. Your spiders are wonderful!

  11. I have never heard that legend before. The cobwebs are very pretty. My mum doesn’t like spiders at all, but says your are quite cute.

  12. You sweet girl! Look at your soft sweet furs with that glittery web and soon to be a spider on them. Grammie will be to see you soon darling girl.

  13. This is the first I’ve heard of the Christmas spider. It’s interesting and you did a great job making your spider favors.

  14. That is a really neat spider story! Your Mama always finds such interesting tales to share. We love your spiders and webs and how nice that people will get to add them to their trees.We hope everyone is well and that everyone is looking forward to Christmas πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  15. Your mommy is so talented. The spiders are cute and the webs are amazing. We’ve not heard about the Christmas spider and will pop over to read about it. What fun favors and tree ornaments these will make.

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