Toy Tuesday

Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to have a little contest today. My Mom and I babysit on Thursday and Friday for my great-niece ( her great grand-daughter). We have been having a little trouble figuring out baby toys from cat and dog toys. The other day, one was in the dog’s toy basket and I picked it out. My Mom said, “that is Nora’s , give it to her” so I did and the dog was more than happy to play with it. Turns out it was a baby toy, one of the cats had knocked it off the counter into the dog’s toy basket.

Another day, I asked my niece why the baby was playing with a cat toy. She said she even double checked the tag to be sure it was a baby toy.

I have 3 photos below, the first person to identify all 3 toys correctly will win some crocheted catnip toys ( for cats). Just list the number and if you think it is a dog, cat or baby toy. Good Luck! It is trickier than it looks.

DSCF08171 DSCF08182 DSCF08193


  1. I just know the first one is for sure a kitty toy! I got confused with two and three too. I’d say two is the baby and three is the dog – I think a dog could too easily chew apart the giraffe and swallow the head and legs.

  2. Here are my guesses: 1. cat; 2. baby; 3. dog.

    Okay – What did I win? What? I have to wait until tomorrow to find out if I won? Bummer!

  3. This is so funny because I was just noticing the other day how you can’t tell one from the other – in the pet store I saw things that babies and little kids would LOVE, and in the grocery store baby section I saw toys that cats and dogs would adore. I guess FUN is FUN no matter what species you are!!! I guess that #1 is a cat toy, #2 is a baby toy and #3 is a dog toy – – – I’ve seen dogs with that pacifier thing in their mouths and think it’s just hilarious!

    Hugs, Pam (and Sam)

  4. Okay…here goes…
    1) Cat
    2) Baby Human
    3) Dog
    Those are difficult. I have seen variations of them for cats, dogs, and “baby humans”. It seemed to depend on size and materials used.
    Thanks for the fun! Hugs!

    1. It is a toughie, you got the 2nd one correct. Thank you for trying. That is great your Mom crochets, the pattern for the turkey leg is on my blog , I bet you would like that.

  5. phoebe….we iz goin with
    1} wee babee
    2} dawg
    3} cat

    knot pawsitive but we thinkz three iza petstages chew toy for teeth & gumz !!


    1. Good try, you got one correct πŸ™‚ You had the right idea that all 3 are something though.

  6. They are ALL cat toys in Purrseidon’s opinion…. Mr. M and Saphera would choose the baby as their ‘toy’, then not want the parents to take the baby away.

  7. 1 = cat
    2 = dog
    3 = baby
    Altho’ awnty Ellen every child dat’s ever come into our home likes to play with da cat toys. They specially like da da round ring with da ball. We’s certainly not furst with our guess, so have fun.

    Luv ya’


  8. Well, the first one is a jingle ball…definitely a cat toy. And the third one is a binky…definitely for a baby. But we bet #2 is a baby toy and #3 is a dog toy…because dogs are silly like that.

    1. Sorry my purrince, you only got the 3rd one correct. Good try though and the giraffe does squeak, but it is for a baby.XOXOXOX

  9. Hmmm. 1.Baby. 2. Baby. 3.Baby. On account we think it might be a trick question! πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  10. We know Mom Sophie already won, and we would have got it wrong ’cause we thought: cat, baby, dog! MOL! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Sorry you were late to guess, but I will do it again soon- there are many more confusing toys.

        1. They aure are. That baby is going to be here on Sunday, maybe I will “borrow” a toy from her.XO

          1. From what my Mom says this baby is very good and only cries when hungry or needs a diaper change. XO

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