Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! I am joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and Sammy’s Poetry Day.

You know how mom is trying to declutter? Well, she says most of the clutter in the living room is our stuff. What do you think?

Mom is thankful that the grocery store clerk called her Miss instead of Ma’am. Apparently that doesn’t happen often anymore.

Here is my poem to go with this photo:

Every child needs a pet
more important than a clarinet
to learn to care for another
just like a father or mother
I highly recommend a cat
better than a bat or a rat

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. The flu shot ______________________.

2. I think everyone should take ____________________ daily.

3. I (almost) always                     , because                        .

4. I (almost) never                         because                                 



  1. You really are getting some good poems written. I knew you have it in you! I must say, I do not recommend pet bats. However, rats are extremely smart! But, indeed, cats are more cuddly. HUGS!

  2. Well, your den looks like ours…kitty (and doggy) stull evfurrywhere!
    So we are going to be the ones who decide if anything needs to go. As if!

    That is a sweet poem, and yup evfurryone should have a chance to have their own pet.

    Dalton tried to have a pet fur himself last night…he rustled out a mole from the leaves along the fence line…Yikes!! MOL!

    1. We are not going to get rid of anything. Dalton can come visit us this summer, we have lots of moles and voles. XO

  3. We enlarged your picture to have a closer looke. If we measured each items size, we’re sure the human furniture (incl. tv, tv table) takes more space than yours. As for toys and other things – and that’s what humans typically call clutter – we see a snowman and other stuff at the edge of this picture.

    Ultimately, your humans have furniture to hide their toys (or whatever they call it), but yours is on the floor – so clearly, they’re cheating.

  4. HA! What your Mom is calling your clutter is of course all the NECESSARY stuff we need to have fun, relax, exercise – so I say it’s all NECESSARY! You all did a GREAT job with a poem to go with the photo this week – I’m sure Angel Sammy will think you “hit it out of the park” with this one!!! Happy Thursday!

    Love, Teddy

  5. Don’t feel like The Lone Ranger, all the clutter in our house belongs to the cats. There isn’t much room for Mom to have anything.
    We do like that poem a lot. You all have a great day.

    1. It is like that all over this house too 🙂 We hope you had a great day too. XO

  6. Considering how many of you there are, the cat to stuff ratio is fine. No clutter there 🙂

    And I’d happy, too, if someone called me Miss instead of Ma’am. I don’t even remember the last time someone did that!

  7. Clutter is stuff you are not using, or stuff that is not used often enough to be left out.

    Lovely poem, and unless either the parent or child is extremely allergic, i agree all kids need pets.

  8. Yep, I think that is Kitty Klutter but it doesn’t look like clutter, it looks like fun! Love your poem… I recommend a cat, too! I already have answers for the Fill-in, I think!

  9. That was a great poem. Hey, our clutter is getting help from Sister Seal who loves to scatter the toys about. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Prancie, you’re not alone. The silly mom here is always saying how a lot of the clutter at our house involves piles of kitty toys. How rude! And, we love your poem! It is so true. Purrs!

  11. Although I think kids should learn to play an instrument or to read music, learning to care for pets is very important! Clutter…what clutter?

  12. guyz…..we due knot see any clutter…but we due see an awesum poem…grate job thiz week !!! 🙂 ♥♥

  13. Your living room looks like our dining room and foyer, which is covered with our “stuff.” Mom says there is really no way to declutter those room unless she gets rid of the people furniture. We are happy that we are priority #1 around here. Nice poem as well. Mom and Dad both had pets growing up. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  14. Most of the stuff in the living room is yours ? Wow ! That is some HDTV you kitties have !

  15. Great poem. Our livin’ room too is full of mostly our stuffs. Altho’ the things that belong to mommy, are much bigger than our stuffs. Doesn’t that mean somethin’? MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  16. Awww what a sweet photo of the child with the puppy. So sweet. 🙂 Your poem is great, too. Personally, I think that bats are cute. Scary, but cute. I wouldn’t want one as a pet, though.

    I think it is nice that the clerk called you “Miss”. I have been “ma’am” to a zillion people over the last 6 weeks. I thought it was very respectful, but at the same time, it made me feel about a hundred years old. 🙂

    Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you, glad you liked the poem. Ma’am is depressing after a while. I hope you have a blessed day too.

  17. Mom is busy packing and has about five boxes of stuff labeled dog toys, dog clothes, dog costumes, assorted dog products, and collars/leashes. She seems to think that is a lot but we disagree. BOL! Your poem is wonderful and we DO agree with you!

  18. Do you know our living room contains little human stuff and has mostly our stuff? We took it over! And we think you should take yours over too. We liked your poem, too.

  19. Dexter wrote you a little poem, ” Although a humble cat, I’m better than a rat, I might hunt down kitchen treats, cuz the doc cut back my eats, but I’m a happy fellow, mostly orange and pretty mellow. So find a cat to keep and see how well you sleep (except at 2 am when I’m all recharged again).

  20. Dats was a furry fun to reads poem… yes we recommend a cat too!
    Clutters… what clutter? Maybe if you rearrange things in a circle… that might work.
    -Angel who likes putting things in a circle.
    Thanks fur stopping by Thursday! The Mom am gots her hands ful! MOL.

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