Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Rosie is thankful that there were no young visitors this week. Although she doesn’t look very happy in the photo.

I am thankful that my hubby and I both got good blood work results and our eye exams went well. His cataracts are only considered a one and apparently, they don’t recommend removal until it is a three.

I am also thankful for Typhoid Mary who is turning 6 tomorrow.  She gives everything she does 150 % effort. She is always smiling and happy, well, almost always except when I let her have too much sugar.  And her imagination is incredible. I love to watch her create with Legos and even with just plain old cardboard. I can’t believe she is turning 6, time goes by so fast.

I am skipping the poem once again. I saw a comic online somewhere that said my brain has too many tabs open and that pretty much explains mine right now- no more tabs available to do a poem.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.


1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at ______________________.
2. ___________________ is a hidden gem in my part of the country.
3. _________ went downhill after _________.
4. _________ is the most worn item in my wardrobe.


  1. A sigh of relief, eh, Rosie! Yay for good blood work results and good eye exams! And congrats and Happy Birthday 🎉 to Typhoid Mary! XO

  2. Lookin cute there Rosie! Aunty Ellen an Unkell wee glad all iss well with both of youss’. Typhoid Mary is turnin’ 6??? But she was just a baby a few yearss ago Aunty!!! MOL about two many TABSS OPEN!! BellaSita saw THAT comick two an sayss that to mee alot!! 😉
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  3. Well, Typhoid Mary owed an awful lot to her aunty, who encourages creativity and brain exercise and laughing and positive outlooks on our weird world, but of course, she was born with a very lucky personality and her aunty fed it very good munchies!!! Lucky little lady and six is a GREAT age, full of wonderl,

  4. Me and dad are glad your eyes and bloodwork are doing well. Creative kids are awesome, but yes- how time flies!

  5. Good news for the both of you. I know what your husband thinks about the Cataract because I have them also but they’re nowhere near being removable. I think they want us to take them to the Grave with us. Congratulations that Typhoid Mary is six.

  6. Congrats on the good health news! Rosie, it is always good to be thankful. Time does just zoom right past us. Happy Birthday to TM!

  7. Typhoid Mary 6 already! My, how time flies. I am glad your blood work and eye exams went well for both of you. My brain always has too many tabs open.

  8. hi gorgeouz rosie… yay for dad onlee havin one cat rox in hiz eye…..tho
    itz still gotta bee kinda funkee….anda happee birth day two tie foid…me iz thinkin
    her iz gonna bee an architect ‼️🎂🎂🍦🍰🍭💖💖

  9. TM is 6 wow How old is TGO? Both girls inherited you creative eye.
    I remember when both were born!! Happy Bday to her. Tomorrow is my brother in law’s bday too he will be 76.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. TGO will be 9 on Nov 1st- time flies. Thank you for the compliment. Happy b’day to your brother-in-law. XO

  10. Rose ~ so glad all went well on health check up ~ glad Dad doesn’t have to have cataract surgery ~ sending lots of healing hugs to all ~ be well.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. So glad to hear that your Dad and Mom’s bloodwork were good, Rosie🙏We can’t believe either that Typhoid Mary is almost six years old. Time really doesn’t wait for anyone as it seems. Here come Double Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday for the Birthday girl and Extra Pawkisses for a wonderful day to all of you🐾😽💞

  12. Good blood and eyes are always great! Lately, my blood has things that are either too high or too low, but not TOO many of those things. And while I am slowly losing my far-sightedness, I still passed my vision test for a new drivers license. Good for another 8 years. But I bought driving and reading glasses anyway.

    Oh to have the energy of a 6-year old!

    1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at darn near everything.
    2. Weather is a hidden gem in my part of the country.
    3. I went downhill after 70.
    4. Camo pants with a black shirt is the most worn item in my wardrobe.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I would hiss at a lot of things too. 🙂 XO

  13. Glad you can relax Rosie. Also glad your Mom and Dad had good results with the tests.

  14. Happy birthday to typhoid Mary and we hope she always has that creativity in her life. Congrats on the good medical reports. Our Mom starts her cataract surgeries next Monday. She waited a long time and now it is a must.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  15. Hooray for good check-ups and please wish Typhoid Mary many happy returns of the day from me.

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