Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful for school vacation. As you know, I had the girls on Monday and then on Wednesday my mom and I went to lunch with my niece and all 3 kids.

I am also thankful Rudy is not blocked. He spent Wednesday at the vet. He was a smart boy and on Tuesday he kept showing me that he couldn’t pee. I have never had a cat with that problem, but from all the blogs I read, I knew it could become deadly fast. Thankfully, it was not a blockage, it is idiopathic cystitis. He has pain meds and a calming med. Not sure what is stressing him though.



We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.  And here is the very strange photo prompt provided:

Go ahead and take a pic you little brat!
You are more annoying than a gnat.
Someday you will lose a bet,
and have to do something you regret.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. ___________________ is a movie I can quote by heart.
2. _______________is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.
3. I look forward to the return of _________.

4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as _________.


  1. So good to have a fun time with family, a d I’m so glad Rudy isn’t blocked! Sending purrs that he will heal rapidly. That is a weird picture and your poem is funny!

    1. I am glad my niece and kids are only 30 minutes away. Although, I wish they were even closer. Thank you. XO

  2. I am glad Rudy doesn’t have a blockage and hope he soon feels better. That is a great poem for the photo.

  3. Glad that poor Rudy doesn’t have a blockage BUT I suspect he’s still a bit miserable. Hopefully he’ll feel better quickly now. I’m sure your Mama loves having the little ones over for fun but I wonder how YOU all feel about that???!!!! LOL You sure did a GREAT job with the poem. That photo was absolutely hilarious wasn’t it.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  4. Glad you saw the warning signs early for Rudy. Certainly wouldn’t want anything to happen to him over night. Hope he’s feeling better by today and using the litter box easier.

  5. Poor Rudy, and I am glad he doesn’t have blockage. A long time ago, I had a cat that died from blockage, and the vet said it was from the too much ash in dry food, and occurs mostly in male kitties. I like your cute poem.

  6. I was really worried reading about Rudy’s not peeing. Thank heavens they could tell it wasn’t;t a blockage! That was uppermost in my mind. I know you had fun with the kids and your Mom., niece, the girls and The Boy.

  7. I’ll check later since I can’t see my comments, and see if that one went through. I may not have given it enough time before I clicked to another…

  8. Chaplin: “Oh, yes, we know how bad it is when a kitty can’t pee! We are so glad it’s not a blockage!”
    Charlee: “We send lots of purrs for him to feel better and to be less stressed. Stop watching the news, Rudy!”
    Java Bean: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags!”

  9. Gus has idiopathic cystitis and just had surgery for it. No stones or bacteria. They don’t know what causes it. Gus doesn’t really have stress here. Hopefully you are luckier than I was. Gus had 3 episodes in 6 months which is what motivated the surgery. Hugs to Rudy!

      1. No crystals, no bacteria. Keep us informed of how this goes for Rudy. From my perspective the surgery is a big deal and I’m not sure if I should have waited to see if he continues to get episodes. His vet recommended without hesitation and that’s all I had to go on. Except for having to wear the cone, Gus seems back to normal. Sasha let him groom her until he bonked her with his cone! Then she was out of there! 🙂

          1. You are lucky. They want Gus on urinary track food. It’s both $$ and I have other cats. Feeding one one thing and not having someone take a bite is impractical. Still trying to figure it out.

  10. We are so happy that Rudy is doing good, that’s always a scary thing. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Rudy ~ so glad you are ‘on the mend’ sweet kittie ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Glad Rudy let you know all wasn’t right. Hope he is feeling better.
    Fun you had lunch with your family… special times when family gets together. I always loved having lunch out. Your poem made me laugh out loud!!!

  13. Mom had a terrific laugh at your poem. Thank you! She’s had a migraine today and needed a little levity. Very happy that Rudy’s condition isn’t SUPER serious. Hope he’s better soon. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  14. Good news about Rudy. One of our boys has the same thing and he is off dry food as an extra precaution. Sending him purrayers and POTP.

  15. Glad Rudy doesn’t have a blockage. Poor guy, hopes he’s feeling better soon. That was a fun poem!

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